Topical Collection on Expanding Role of Technology in Organ Transplant

ISSN: 2196-3029 (Online)

In this topical collection (7 articles)

  1. No Access

    Expanding Role of Technology in Organ Transplant (D Axelrod and J Scalea, Section Editors)

    Organ Transportation Innovations and Future Trends

    Samuel J. Gavzy, Joseph R. Scalea Pages 143-147
  2. Expanding Role of Technology in Organ Transplant (D Axelrod and J Scalea, Section Editors)

    Technology-Enabled Care and Artificial Intelligence in Kidney Transplantation

    Issac R. Schwantes, David A. Axelrod Pages 235-240
  3. No Access

    Expanding Role of Technology in Organ Transplant (D Axelrod and J Scalea, Section Editors)

    Taking the Temperature on Machine Perfusion

    Siavash Raigani, Heidi Yeh Pages 241-249
  4. No Access

    Expanding role of technology in organ transplant (D Axelrod and J Scalea, Section Editors)

    Xenotransplantation: The Contribution of CRISPR/Cas9 Gene Editing Technology

    Zoe A. Stewart Pages 268-275