5073 publications

  1. Vasopressin and Oxytocin
  2. Vasovagal Syncope
  3. Vaterschaft aus der Sicht von Vätern
  4. Vaterschaft im Spannungsfeld von Erwerbs- und Familienleben
  5. Vaterschaft in Regenbogenfamilien
  6. Vatican II and Phenomenology
  7. Vatican II on Church-State Relations
  8. Vaticanum II und Tridentinum
  9. Vavilov-Cherenkov and Synchrotron Radiation
  10. Vector Analysis
  11. Vector Analysis Versus Vector Calculus
  12. Vector Analysis for Computer Graphics
  13. Vector Analysis for Computer Graphics
  14. Vector Biology, Ecology and Control
  15. Vector Bundles and Differential Equations
  16. Vector Bundles and Their Applications
  17. Vector Bundles on Complex Projective Spaces
  18. Vector Bundles on Complex Projective Spaces
  19. Vector Bundles on Curves — New Directions
  20. Vector Calculus
  21. Vector Calculus in Regional Development Analysis
  22. Vector Control of Induction Machines
  23. Vector Control of Three-Phase AC Machines
  24. Vector Control of Three-Phase AC Machines
  25. Vector Fields and Other Vector Bundle Morphisms — A Singularity Approach
  26. Vector Fields on Manifolds
  27. Vector Generalized Linear and Additive Models
  28. Vector Lattices and Integral Operators
  29. Vector Lyapunov Functions and Stability Analysis of Nonlinear Systems
  30. Vector Measures, Integration and Related Topics
  31. Vector Network Analyzer (VNA) Measurements and Uncertainty Assessment
  32. Vector Optimization
  33. Vector Optimization
  34. Vector Optimization
  35. Vector Optimization and Monotone Operators via Convex Duality
  36. Vector Optimization with Infimum and Supremum
  37. Vector Quantization and Signal Compression
  38. Vector Semantics
  39. Vector Space Measures and Applications I
  40. Vector Space Measures and Applications II
  41. Vector Variational Inequalities and Vector Equilibria
  42. Vector Variational Inequalities and Vector Optimization
  43. Vector and Parallel Processing – VECPAR’98
  44. Vector and Parallel Processing — VECPAR 2000
  45. Vector and Parallel Processing — VECPAR'96
  46. Vector fields on Singular Varieties
  47. Vector-Valued Functions and their Applications
  48. Vector-Valued Partial Differential Equations and Applications
  49. Vector-valued Laplace Transforms and Cauchy Problems
  50. Vector-valued Laplace Transforms and Cauchy Problems
  51. Vectored Propulsion, Supermaneuverability and Robot Aircraft
  52. Vectorization of Computer Programs with Applications to Computational Fluid Dynamics
  53. Vectorology for Optogenetics and Chemogenetics
  54. Vectors
  55. Vectors and Functions of Several Variables
  56. Vectors as Tools for the Study of Normal and Abnormal Growth and Differentiation
  57. Vectorworks 2021
  58. Vectorworks® Architektur · CAAD und Visualisierung
  59. Vedantic Approaches to God
  60. Vedute e problemi attuali in relatività generale
  61. Veel gestelde vragen over COPD
  62. Veel gestelde vragen over hoofdpijn-migraine
  63. Veerkracht voor vrouwelijke artsen
  64. Veg(etari)an Arguments in Culture, History, and Practice
  65. Vegetable Crop Diseases
  66. Vegetable Crop Pests
  67. Vegetable Fats and Oils
  68. Vegetable Fiber Composites and their Technological Applications
  69. Vegetable Oil based Bio-lubricants and Transformer Fluids
  70. Vegetable Oil-Based Composites
  71. Vegetables
  72. Vegetables I
  73. Vegetables II
  74. Vegetables and Vegetable Products
  75. Vegetables for Nutrition and Entrepreneurship
  76. Vegetables in the Tropics
  77. Vegetables, Whole Grains, and Their Derivatives in Cancer Prevention
  78. Vegetarianism and Science Fiction
  79. Vegetation Degradation in Central Asia under the Impact of Human Activities
  80. Vegetation Dynamics
  81. Vegetation Dynamics
  82. Vegetation Dynamics & Global Change
  83. Vegetation Dynamics in Temperate Lowland Primeval Forests
  84. Vegetation Dynamics of Mongolia
  85. Vegetation Dynamics on the Mountains and Plateaus of the American Southwest
  86. Vegetation Ecology of Socotra
  87. Vegetation Fires and Pollution in Asia
  88. Vegetation History and Cultural Landscapes
  89. Vegetation Structure and Function at Multiple Spatial, Temporal and Conceptual Scales
  90. Vegetation Survey and Classification of Subtropical Forests of Southern Africa
  91. Vegetation and Climate
  92. Vegetation and Landscape Dynamics of the Iberian Pyrenees During the Last 3000 Years
  93. Vegetation and Production Ecology of an Alaskan Arctic Tundra
  94. Vegetation and climate interactions in semi-arid regions
  95. Vegetation between land and sea
  96. Vegetation der Erde
  97. Vegetation dynamics in grasslans, healthlands and mediterranean ligneous formations
  98. Vegetation history
  99. Vegetation mapping
  100. Vegetation of Central Asia and Environs
  101. Vegetation of inland waters
  102. Vegetation of the Arabian Peninsula
  103. Vegetation of the Canary Islands
  104. Vegetation of the Earth and Ecological Systems of the Geo-biosphere
  105. Vegetation of the Earth and Ecological Systems of the Geobiosphere
  106. Vegetation of the Tropical Pacific Islands
  107. Vegetation science applications for rangeland analysis and management
  108. Vegetation und Klima
  109. Vegetation, Water, Humans and the Climate
  110. Vegetation-Climate Interaction
  111. Vegetationsgeschichtliche Untersuchungen in den westlichen Schweizer Alpen: Bern-Wallis
  112. Vegetationsgeschichtliche und stratigraphische Untersuchungen an Schieferkohlen des nördlichen Alpenvorlandes
  113. Vegetationsstudien im Hohen Atlas und dessen Vorland
  114. Vegetation—Climate Interaction
  115. Vegetative Konstitutionstherapie
  116. Vegetative Physiologie
  117. Vegetative Physiologie
  118. Vegetative Physiologie
  119. Vegetative Physiologie
  120. Vegetative Powers
  121. Vehicle Dynamics
  122. Vehicle Dynamics
  123. Vehicle Dynamics
  124. Vehicle Dynamics
  125. Vehicle Dynamics
  126. Vehicle Dynamics and Control
  127. Vehicle Dynamics and Control
  128. Vehicle Dynamics of Modern Passenger Cars
  129. Vehicle Dynamics: Theory and Application
  130. Vehicle Electrification
  131. Vehicle Interior Sound Quality
  132. Vehicle Power Management
  133. Vehicle Propulsion Systems
  134. Vehicle Propulsion Systems
  135. Vehicle Propulsion Systems
  136. Vehicle Routing under Consideration of Driving and Working Hours
  137. Vehicle Steer-by-Wire System and Chassis Integration
  138. Vehicle Suspension System Technology and Design
  139. Vehicle Suspension System Technology and Design
  140. Vehicle Suspension Systems and Electromagnetic Dampers
  141. Vehicle Vibrations
  142. Vehicle and Automotive Engineering
  143. Vehicle and Automotive Engineering 2
  144. Vehicle and Automotive Engineering 3
  145. Vehicle and Automotive Engineering 4
  146. Vehicle-Manipulator Systems
  147. Vehicle-to-Grid
  148. Vehicles of Tomorrow 2019
  149. Vehicle–Track Coupled Dynamics
  150. Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks for Smart Cities
  151. Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks for Smart Cities
  152. Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks for Smart Cities
  153. Vehicular Air Pollution and Urban Sustainability
  154. Vehicular Cyber Physical Systems
  155. Vehicular Engine Design
  156. Vehicular Engine Design
  157. Vehicular Networking for Road Safety
  158. Vehicular ad hoc Networks
  159. Vehicular-2-X Communication
  160. Veilig opgroeien
  161. Veiligheid in de GGZ
  162. Veins
  163. Vektor- und Tensorrechnung für die Physik
  164. Vektoralgebra
  165. Vektoranalysis
  166. Vektoranalysis
  167. Vektoranalysis
  168. Vektoranalysis
  169. Vektoranalysis
  170. Vektoranalysis
  171. Vektoranalysis
  172. Vektoranalysis
  173. Vektoranalysis
  174. Vektorautokorrelationen stochastischer Prozesse und die Spezifikation von ARMA-Modellen
  175. Vektorbündel
  176. Vektoren in der analytischen Geometrie
  177. Vektoren und Tensoren als universelle Sprache in Physik und Technik 1
  178. Vektoren und Tensoren als universelle Sprache in Physik und Technik 2
  179. Velocities in Reflection Seismology
  180. Velocity-Free Localization Methodology for Acoustic and Microseismic Sources
  181. Velvet Barrios
  182. Venedig ist überall
  183. Venedig und Lido als Klimakurort und Seebad vom Standpunkt des Arztes
  184. Venendruckmessung
  185. Venenerkrankungen
  186. Venenpuls- und Herzschallregistrierung als Grundlage für die Beurteilung der mechanischen Arbeitsleistung des Herzens nach eigenen Methoden
  187. Venerologie und Andrologie
  188. Venezuela – Dimensions of the Crisis
  189. Venezuela, ALBA, and the Limits of Postneoliberal Regionalism in Latin America and the Caribbean
  190. Venezuela: A Petro-State Using Renewable Energies
  191. Venography of the Inferior Vena Cava and Its Branches
  192. Venom Genomics and Proteomics
  193. Venom Genomics and Proteomics
  194. Venomous Animals and Their Toxins
  195. Venous Disease
  196. Venous Disorders
  197. Venous Disorders of the Legs
  198. Venous Embolization of the Liver
  199. Venous Thromboembolism
  200. Venous Valves