12774 publications

  1. Biological Magnetic Resonance
  2. Biological Management and Conservation
  3. Biological Management of Diseases of Crops
  4. Biological Management of Diseases of Crops
  5. Biological Markers of Alzheimer’s Disease
  6. Biological Materials of Marine Origin
  7. Biological Matrices and Tissue Reconstruction
  8. Biological Measures of Human Experience across the Lifespan
  9. Biological Mechanisms of Attachment
  10. Biological Mechanisms of Minimal Residual Disease and Systemic Cancer
  11. Biological Membrane Ion Channels
  12. Biological Membranes
  13. Biological Membranes
  14. Biological Membranes
  15. Biological Membranes: Structure, Biogenesis and Dynamics
  16. Biological Methylation and Drug Design
  17. Biological Micro- and Nanotribology
  18. Biological Microarrays
  19. Biological Mineralization and Demineralization
  20. Biological Models in Radiopharmaceutical Development
  21. Biological Models via Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Sets
  22. Biological Modulation of Solid Tumours by Interferons
  23. Biological Monitoring of Exposure and the Response at the Subcellular Level to Toxic Substances
  24. Biological Monitoring of Heavy Metal Pollution
  25. Biological Monitoring of Toxic Metals
  26. Biological Motion
  27. Biological Nanostructures and Applications of Nanostructures in Biology
  28. Biological Naturalism and the Mind-Body Problem
  29. Biological Networks and Pathway Analysis
  30. Biological Networks in Human Health and Disease
  31. Biological Neural Networks: Hierarchical Concept of Brain Function
  32. Biological Nitrogen Fixation
  33. Biological Nitrogen Fixation Associated with Rice Production
  34. Biological Nitrogen Fixation and Beneficial Plant-Microbe Interaction
  35. Biological Nitrogen Fixation for Sustainable Agriculture
  36. Biological Nitrogen Fixation for the 21st Century
  37. Biological Nitrogen Fixation, Sustainable Agriculture and the Environment
  38. Biological Nitrogen Fixation: Towards Poverty Alleviation through Sustainable Agriculture
  39. Biological Oceanography of the Baltic Sea
  40. Biological Odour Treatment
  41. Biological Order and Brain Organization
  42. Biological Oxidation
  43. Biological Oxidations
  44. Biological Physics
  45. Biological Processes Associated with Impact Events
  46. Biological Processes and Soil Fertility
  47. Biological Prototypes and Synthetic Systems
  48. Biological Psychiatry, Higher Nervous Activity
  49. Biological Radiation Effects
  50. Biological Reactive Intermediates
  51. Biological Reactive Intermediates III
  52. Biological Reactive Intermediates IV
  53. Biological Reactive Intermediates V
  54. Biological Reactive Intermediates VI
  55. Biological Reactive Intermediates—II
  56. Biological Regulation and Development
  57. Biological Regulation and Development
  58. Biological Regulation and Development
  59. Biological Regulation and Development
  60. Biological Remediation of Explosive Residues
  61. Biological Resource Management Connecting Science and Policy
  62. Biological Resources and Migration
  63. Biological Response Modifiers in Human Oncology and Immunology
  64. Biological Response Modifiers — Interferons, Double-Stranded RNA and 2′,5′-Oligoadenylates
  65. Biological Responses in Cancer
  66. Biological Responses in Cancer
  67. Biological Responses to Nanoscale Particles
  68. Biological Rhythms
  69. Biological Rhythms
  70. Biological Rhythms and Endocrine Function
  71. Biological Rhythms and Medicine
  72. Biological Robustness
  73. Biological Role of Inorganic Pyrophosphate
  74. Biological Role of Plant Lipids
  75. Biological Roles of Sialic Acid
  76. Biological Signal Transduction
  77. Biological Signals Classification and Analysis
  78. Biological Small Angle Scattering: Techniques, Strategies and Tips
  79. Biological Soil Crusts: An Organizing Principle in Drylands
  80. Biological Soil Crusts: Structure, Function, and Management
  81. Biological Systematics
  82. Biological Systems Under Extreme Conditions
  83. Biological Systems: Nonlinear Dynamics Approach
  84. Biological Timekeeping: Clocks, Rhythms and Behaviour
  85. Biological Toxins and Bioterrorism
  86. Biological Toxins and Bioterrorism
  87. Biological Transformation
  88. Biological Transformation of Wood by Microorganisms
  89. Biological Treatment Processes
  90. Biological Treatment Processes
  91. Biological Treatment of Waste and By-Products from Food Industry
  92. Biological Warfare Against Crops
  93. Biological Water
  94. Biological Weapons Defense
  95. Biological and Artificial Computation: From Neuroscience to Technology
  96. Biological and Artificial Intelligence Environments
  97. Biological and Bio-Inspired Fluid Dynamics
  98. Biological and Bio-inspired Nanomaterials
  99. Biological and Biomedical Applications of Isoelectric Focusing
  100. Biological and Clinical Landscape of Meningiomas
  101. Biological and Environmental Chemistry of DMSP and Related Sulfonium Compounds
  102. Biological and Hormonal Therapies of Cancer
  103. Biological and Medical Data Analysis
  104. Biological and Medical Data Analysis
  105. Biological and Medical Data Analysis
  106. Biological and Medical Research in Space
  107. Biological and Psychological Factors in Cardiovascular Disease
  108. Biological and Synthetic Polymer Networks
  109. Biological invaders in inland waters: Profiles, distribution, and threats
  110. Biological nitrogen fixation in forest ecosystems: foundations and applications
  111. Biological, Chemical, and Radiological Terrorism
  112. Biological, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Advances in Alzheimer's Disease
  113. Biological, Physical and Geochemical Features of Enclosed and Semi-enclosed Marine Systems
  114. Biological, Physical and Technical Basics of Cell Engineering
  115. Biologically Active Molecules
  116. Biologically Active Substances of Protozoa
  117. Biologically Based Methods for Cancer Risk Assessment
  118. Biologically Inspired Algorithms for Financial Modelling
  119. Biologically Inspired Approaches for Locomotion, Anomaly Detection and Reconfiguration for Walking Robots
  120. Biologically Inspired Approaches to Advanced Information Technology
  121. Biologically Inspired Approaches to Advanced Information Technology
  122. Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures (BICA) for Young Scientists
  123. Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures (BICA) for Young Scientists
  124. Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures 2012
  125. Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures 2018
  126. Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures 2019
  127. Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures 2021
  128. Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures 2023
  129. Biologically Inspired Control of Humanoid Robot Arms
  130. Biologically Inspired Cooperative Computing
  131. Biologically Inspired Design
  132. Biologically Inspired Design
  133. Biologically Inspired Physics
  134. Biologically Inspired Robot Behavior Engineering
  135. Biologically Inspired Signal Processing for Chemical Sensing
  136. Biologically Inspired Techniques in Many Criteria Decision Making
  137. Biologically Inspired Techniques in Many-Criteria Decision Making
  138. Biologically Modified Polymeric Biomaterial Surfaces
  139. Biologically Motivated Computer Vision
  140. Biologically Motivated Computer Vision
  141. Biologically Rationalized Computing Techniques For Image Processing Applications
  142. Biologically Responsive Biomaterials for Tissue Engineering
  143. Biologically-Inspired Collaborative Computing
  144. Biologically-Inspired Optimisation Methods
  145. Biologics for the Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis
  146. Biologics in General Medicine
  147. Biologics to Treat Substance Use Disorders
  148. Biologie
  149. Biologie
  150. Biologie
  151. Biologie
  152. Biologie
  153. Biologie
  154. Biologie
  155. Biologie
  156. Biologie Bakterieller Plasmide
  157. Biologie der Antibiotica
  158. Biologie der Fortpflanzung im Tierreiche
  159. Biologie der Früchte und Samen ‹Karpobiologie›
  160. Biologie der Hemipteren
  161. Biologie der Hymenopteren
  162. Biologie der Moose
  163. Biologie der Parasiten
  164. Biologie der Schmetterlinge
  165. Biologie der Sinne
  166. Biologie der Sinne
  167. Biologie der Sucht
  168. Biologie der Süsswasserinsekten
  169. Biologie der Süsswassertiere
  170. Biologie des Geistesblitzes - Speed up your mind!
  171. Biologie des Menschen
  172. Biologie für Einsteiger
  173. Biologie für Ingenieure
  174. Biologie für Ingenieure
  175. Biologie für Mediziner
  176. Biologie für Mediziner
  177. Biologie für Mediziner
  178. Biologie für Mediziner
  179. Biologie für Mediziner
  180. Biologie für Mediziner
  181. Biologie für Mediziner
  182. Biologie für Mediziner
  183. Biologie für Mediziner
  184. Biologie für Mediziner
  185. Biologie für Mediziner
  186. Biologie für Mediziner
  187. Biologie für Mediziner
  188. Biologie für Mediziner
  189. Biologie für Mediziner
  190. Biologie für Mediziner
  191. Biologie im Überblick
  192. Biologie und Mathematik
  193. Biologie und Medizin
  194. Biologie und Philosophie
  195. Biologie und Physiologie der Zelle
  196. Biologie und Wirkung der Fermente
  197. Biologie von Parasiten
  198. Biologiedidaktische Forschung: Erträge für die Praxis
  199. Biologiedidaktische Nature of Science-Forschung: Zukunftsweisende Praxis
  200. Biologiedidaktische Vorstellungsforschung: Zukunftsweisende Praxis