12774 publications

  1. Biofuels Production – Sustainability and Advances in Microbial Bioresources
  2. Biofuels and Biodiesel
  3. Biofuels and Bioenergy (BICE2016)
  4. Biofuels and Food Security
  5. Biofuels and Sustainability
  6. Biofuels for Road Transport
  7. Biofuels from Algae
  8. Biofuels in Brazil
  9. Biofuels in Circular Economy
  10. Biofuels, Air Pollution, and Health
  11. Biofuels, Solar and Wind as Renewable Energy Systems
  12. Biofuels: Greenhouse Gas Mitigation and Global Warming
  13. Biofunctional Membranes
  14. Biofunctionalization of Polymers and their Applications
  15. Biofunktionalität der Lebensmittelinhaltsstoffe
  16. Biogas
  17. Biogas Combustion Engines for Green Energy Generation
  18. Biogas Energy
  19. Biogas Production
  20. Biogas Science and Technology
  21. Biogas Systems in China
  22. Biogas Technology
  23. Biogas Technology in Southeast Asia
  24. Biogas Technology, Transfer and Diffusion
  25. Biogas – ein Taschenbuch für die Erzeugerpraxis
  26. Biogas — Methangärung organischer Abfallstoffe
  27. Biogasanlagen im Handels- und Steuerrecht
  28. Biogene Arzneistoffe
  29. Biogenesis Evolution Homeostasis
  30. Biogenesis of Fatty Acids, Lipids and Membranes
  31. Biogenesis of Fatty Acids, Lipids and Membranes
  32. Biogenesis of Hydrocarbons
  33. Biogenesis of Hydrocarbons
  34. Biogenic Amine Receptors
  35. Biogenic Nano-Particles and their Use in Agro-ecosystems
  36. Biogenic Nanomaterials for Environmental Sustainability: Principles, Practices, and Opportunities
  37. Biogenic Sedimentary Rocks in a Cold, Cenozoic Ocean
  38. Biogenic Wastes-Enabled Nanomaterial Synthesis
  39. Biogenic—Abiogenic Interactions in Natural and Anthropogenic Systems
  40. Biogenic—Abiogenic Interactions in Natural and Anthropogenic Systems 2022
  41. Biogeochemical Approaches to Paleodietary Analysis
  42. Biogeochemical Cycle of Mercury in Reservoir Systems in Wujiang River Basin, Southwest China
  43. Biogeochemical Cycles in Globalization and Sustainable Development
  44. Biogeochemical Cycling and Sediment Ecology
  45. Biogeochemical Investigations at Watershed, Landscape, and Regional Scales
  46. Biogeochemical Investigations of Terrestrial, Freshwater, and Wetland Ecosystems across the Globe
  47. Biogeochemical Monitoring in Small Catchments
  48. Biogeochemical Processes of Biogenic Elements in China Marginal Seas
  49. Biogeochemical Technologies for Managing Pollution in Polar Ecosystems
  50. Biogeochemical Transformations in the Baltic Sea
  51. Biogeochemistry and the Environment
  52. Biogeochemistry of Ancient and Modern Environments
  53. Biogeochemistry of Ancient and Modern Environments
  54. Biogeochemistry of Forested Catchments in a Changing Environment
  55. Biogeochemistry of Global Change
  56. Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements in Arid Environments
  57. Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements in Coal and Coal Combustion Byproducts
  58. Biogeochemistry of a Forested Ecosystem
  59. Biogeochemistry of a Forested Ecosystem
  60. Biogeochemistry of a Forested Ecosystem
  61. Biogeochemistry of a Subalpine Ecosystem
  62. Biogeochemistry of the Atmosphere, Ice and Water of the White Sea
  63. Biogeochemistry of the Critical Zone
  64. Biogeodynamics of Pollutants in Soils and Sediments
  65. Biogeogens and Human Health
  66. Biogeographic Patterns of South American Anurans
  67. Biogeography and Ecology in Antarctica
  68. Biogeography and Ecology in Australia
  69. Biogeography and Ecology in Madagascar
  70. Biogeography and Ecology in New Zealand
  71. Biogeography and Ecology in South America
  72. Biogeography and Ecology in Tasmania
  73. Biogeography and Ecology in the Canary Islands
  74. Biogeography and Ecology of Bulgaria
  75. Biogeography and Ecology of New Guinea
  76. Biogeography and Ecology of Southern Africa
  77. Biogeography and Ecology of Turkmenistan
  78. Biogeography and Ecology of the Pityusic Islands
  79. Biogeography and Taxonomy of Honeybees
  80. Biogeography of Freshwater Algae
  81. Biogeography of Mycorrhizal Symbiosis
  82. Biogeography of the Quaternary Molluscs of the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean
  83. Biogeography, Time, and Place: Distributions, Barriers, and Islands
  84. Biogeography-Based Optimization: Algorithms and Applications
  85. Biografie und Lebenswelt
  86. Biografie – Bilder – Adressierungen
  87. Biografie, Schule und Geschlecht
  88. Biografiearbeit
  89. Biografiearbeit
  90. Biografiearbeit
  91. Biografieforschung als Praxis der Triangulation
  92. Biografisch-Systemische Verhaltenstherapie
  93. Biografische Verläufe von Frauen in der Prostitution
  94. Biografische Wandlungen ehemals organisierter Rechtsextremer
  95. Biografisches und Kreatives Schreiben gegen Prüfungsangst
  96. Biographical Encyclopedia of Astronomers
  97. Biographical Encyclopedia of Astronomers
  98. Biographical History of Behavioral Neuroendocrinology
  99. Biographical Life Course Research
  100. Biographical Misrepresentations of British Women Writers
  101. Biographical Television Drama
  102. Biographical Theatre
  103. Biographie und Alter(n) auf dem Land
  104. Biographie und Diskurs
  105. Biographie und Psychologie
  106. Biographie und Technikgeschichte
  107. Biographie – Religiosität – Bildung
  108. Biographie, Profession und Migration
  109. Biographieforschung im Diskurs
  110. Biographieforschung und Kulturanalyse
  111. Biographien gestalten durch lebenslange Lernprozesse
  112. Biographien in Bewegung
  113. Biographien in Deutschland
  114. Biographien jenseits von Erwerbsarbeit
  115. Biographien jüdischer Palästina-Pioniere aus Deutschland
  116. Biographien verhaltensschwieriger Jugendlicher und ihrer Mütter
  117. Biographien von Pflanzensippen
  118. Biographieorientierte Aktivierung mit SimA®-P
  119. Biographies and Careers throughout Academic Life
  120. Biographies in the History of Physics
  121. Biographische Erziehungswissenschaft
  122. Biographische Fallarbeit
  123. Biographische Forschung
  124. Biographische Forschung
  125. Biographische Forschung
  126. Biographische Forschung
  127. Biographische Konstruktionen im multikulturellen Bildungsprozess
  128. Biographische Konstruktionen zur Ambivalenz von Hochschulzugang und Fluchthintergrund
  129. Biographische Orientierungen im Bildungsverlauf
  130. Biographische Profile ostdeutscher Lehrkräfte
  131. Biographische Risiken und neue professionelle Herausforderungen
  132. Biographische Sicherheit im Wandel?
  133. Biographische Skizzen zu Norbert Elias
  134. Biographische Unsicherheit
  135. Biographisches Lernen und Professionalitätsentwicklung
  136. Biographisches Wissen von Lehrerinnen und Lehrern
  137. Biographizität und Professionalität
  138. Biography
  139. Biography
  140. Biography and History in Film
  141. Biography of an Industrial Town
  142. Biohydrogen
  143. Biohydrogen - Advances and Processes
  144. Biohydrogen Production from Organic Wastes
  145. Biohydrogen Production: Sustainability of Current Technology and Future Perspective
  146. Bioimage Data Analysis Workflows
  147. Bioimage Data Analysis Workflows ‒ Advanced Components and Methods
  148. Bioimaging in Neurodegeneration
  149. Bioimaging in Tissue Engineering and Regeneration
  150. Bioimpedance in Biomedical Applications and Research
  151. Bioinformatic and Statistical Analysis of Microbiome Data
  152. Bioinformatics
  153. Bioinformatics
  154. Bioinformatics
  155. Bioinformatics
  156. Bioinformatics
  157. Bioinformatics
  158. Bioinformatics
  159. Bioinformatics
  160. Bioinformatics
  161. Bioinformatics
  162. Bioinformatics
  163. Bioinformatics
  164. Bioinformatics
  165. Bioinformatics - A Student's Companion
  166. Bioinformatics Methods and Protocols
  167. Bioinformatics Methods in Clinical Research
  168. Bioinformatics Research and Applications
  169. Bioinformatics Research and Applications
  170. Bioinformatics Research and Applications
  171. Bioinformatics Research and Applications
  172. Bioinformatics Research and Applications
  173. Bioinformatics Research and Applications
  174. Bioinformatics Research and Applications
  175. Bioinformatics Research and Applications
  176. Bioinformatics Research and Applications
  177. Bioinformatics Research and Applications
  178. Bioinformatics Research and Applications
  179. Bioinformatics Research and Applications
  180. Bioinformatics Research and Applications
  181. Bioinformatics Research and Applications
  182. Bioinformatics Research and Applications
  183. Bioinformatics Research and Applications
  184. Bioinformatics Research and Applications
  185. Bioinformatics Research and Development
  186. Bioinformatics Research and Development
  187. Bioinformatics Techniques for Drug Discovery
  188. Bioinformatics Technologies
  189. Bioinformatics Using Computational Intelligence Paradigms
  190. Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering
  191. Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering
  192. Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering
  193. Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering
  194. Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering
  195. Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering
  196. Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering
  197. Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering
  198. Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering
  199. Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering
  200. Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering