1 Introduction

Let \(S^3\) be the unit sphere in \(\mathbf{R}^4=\mathbf{C}^2\). The Clifford torus in \(S^3\) given by

$$\begin{aligned} M_\theta :=\biggl \{(z,w)\in C^2\,;\, |z|^2=\cos ^2 \theta ,\quad |w|^2=\sin ^2 \theta \biggr \}, \quad 0 < \theta < \pi /2, \end{aligned}$$

is a flat embedded torus of constant mean curvature. We denote by \(\iota _\theta :M_\theta \rightarrow S^3\) the canonical inclusion, and by \(ds^2_\theta \) is the induced metric on \(M_\theta \). In the previous paper [1, Theorem 0.2], we stated the following assertion:


Let \(f :(M_\theta ,ds^2_\theta ) \rightarrow S^3\) be an isometric immersion whose mean curvature function does not change sign on \(M_\theta \), then \(f\) is congruent to \(\iota _\theta \).

Unfortunately, there was a gap in the proof of Proposition 4.7, which was a key assertion to prove the theorem. In fact, in [1, Claim 5 (Page 133)], we stated that the subset \(\mathcal{L }\) is closed in the subarc \(C|_{[A,B]}\) of \(C\). However, this is not true if \(s_\infty \) does not coincide with \(s_{X_\infty }^{}\). In fact, \(s=s_\infty \) might not be the first point where \(\varphi _s(S'_2)\) meets the union of the arcs \([AP)\cup [BP)\), where \([AP)\) and \([BP)\) are subarcs of \(\gamma _1\) defined in [1, Page 132]. For example, if we consider the case as in Fig. 1 , the set \(\mathcal{L }\) is not closed, since the shell is tangent to \((PB]\) before attaching to \([AP)\). The purpose of this paper is to correct the proof of Proposition 4.7.

Fig. 1
figure 1

A typical case where the previous argument fails

2 A key proposition

The following assertion will play a crucial role in the new proof of Proposition 4.7. (The definition of positive shell and negative shell is given in [1, Page 118].)

Proposition 1.1

Let \(\sigma :[0,a]\rightarrow S^2\) be a positive shell (respectively negative shell) whose geodesic curvature \(\kappa (t)\, (0\le t\le a)\) satisfies \(\kappa (t)>\kappa _0\) (respectively \(\kappa (t)<-\kappa _0\)), where \(\kappa _0\) is a positive constant. Let \(\Gamma \) be the circle of geodesic curvature \(\kappa _0 \,(respectively -\kappa _0)\) which is tangent to \(\sigma (t)\) at \(t=b\, (0\le b \le a)\). Then \(\sigma ([0,a])\setminus \{\sigma (b)\}\) lies in the interior \(\Delta _{\Gamma }\) of the circle \(\Gamma \) (the definition of \(\Delta _{\Gamma }\) is given in [1, Page 118]).

To prove this, we show the following lemma, which is a special case of the proposition.

Lemma 1.2

Let \(\sigma :[0,a]\rightarrow S^2\) be a positive shell whose geodesic curvature \(\kappa (t)\, (0\le t\le a)\) satisfies \(\kappa (t)>\kappa _0\), where \(\kappa _0\) is a positive constant. Let \(\Gamma \) be the circle of geodesic curvature \(\kappa _0\) which is tangent to \(\sigma (t)\) at \(t=0\) or \(t=a\). Then \(\sigma ((0,a))\) lies in the interior \(\Delta _{\Gamma }\) of the circle \(\Gamma \).


We consider the case \(t=0\). (The case \(t=a\) is proved similarly.) Suppose that the image \(\sigma ((0,a))\) does not lie in \(\Delta _{\Gamma }\). The condition \(\kappa (t)>\kappa _0\) yields that \(\sigma (t)\) lies in \(\Delta _{\Gamma }\) for sufficiently small \(t>0\). Since \(\sigma \) is a positive shell, \(\sigma (a-t)\) also lies in \(\Delta _{\Gamma }\) for sufficiently small \(t>0\). Thus, there exist two points \(s_1,s_2\in (0,a)\) satisfying the following three properties (see Fig. 2, left):

  • \(0<s_1\le s_2<a\),

  • \(\sigma (s_1)\) and \(\sigma (s_2)\) lie on \(\Gamma \),

  • \(\sigma ((0,s_1))\) and \(\sigma ((s_2,a))\) are contained in the domain \(\Delta _{\Gamma }\).

Applying [1, Lemma 4.5] to the arc \(\sigma ([0,s_1])\), we can conclude that \(\sigma (s_1)\) lies in the past part of \(\Gamma \) with respect to the node \(P:=\sigma (0)=\sigma (a)\). Since \(\sigma \) is a simple closed arc, \(\sigma (s_2)\) must also lie in the past part of \(\Gamma \) with respect to \(P\). On the other hand, applying [1, Lemma 4.5] to another arc \(\sigma ([s_2, a])\), we can conclude that \(\sigma (s_2)\) must lie in the future part of \(\Gamma \) with respect to \(P\), which is a contradiction. \(\square \)

Fig. 2
figure 2

Three impossible arrangements of \(\sigma \)

We now prove Proposition 1.1 as follows: Reversing the orientation of the curve \(\sigma \) if necessary, we may assume that \(\sigma \) is a positive shell. Since Lemma 1.2 proves the case of \(b=0\) or \(b=a\), we may assume that \(0< b < a\). Suppose also that the image \(\sigma ([0,a])\setminus \{\sigma (b)\}\) does not lie in \(\Delta _{\Gamma }\). The center and right of Fig.  2 are typical such cases. Suppose that both \(\sigma ([0,b))\) and \(\sigma ((b,a])\) do not lie in \(\Delta _\Gamma \). Then, there exist two points \(s_1,s_2\in [0,a]\) satisfying the following three properties:

  • \(0\le s_1<b<s_2\le a\),

  • \(\sigma (s_1)\) and \(\sigma (s_2)\) lie on \(\Gamma \),

  • \(\sigma ((s_1,b))\) and \(\sigma ((b,s_2))\) are contained in the domain \(\Delta _{\Gamma }\).

We can make a contradiction applying [1, Lemma 4.5] for two arcs \(\sigma ([s_1,b])\) and \(\sigma ([b,s_2])\), respectively, like as in the proof of Lemma 1.2. Thus, either \(\sigma ([0,b))\) or \(\sigma ((b,a])\) lies in \(\Delta _\Gamma \). In particular, \(P\) lies in \(\Delta _\Gamma \). We now consider the case that \(\sigma ([0,b))\) lies in \(\Delta _\Gamma \). (The case \(\sigma ((b,a])\subset \Delta _\Gamma \) also makes a contradiction using the same argument.) Then, there exists a point \(s\in (b,a)\) such that \(\sigma (s)\) lies on \(\Gamma \) and \(\sigma ((b,s))\) lies in \(\Delta _\Gamma \) (see Fig. 3, left). Let \(\Gamma '\) be the circle of geodesic curvature \(\kappa _0\) which is tangent to \(\sigma (t)\) at \(t=0\). \(\Gamma '\) intersects \(\Gamma \) with two points. Let \(Q\) be one of two such intersection points, which lies in the past part of \(\Gamma \) with respect to \(\sigma (b)\). By Lemma 1.2, \(\sigma ((0,a))\) lies in \(\Delta _{\Gamma '}\) (cf. Fig. 3, right). In particular, \(\sigma (b)\) and \(\sigma (s)\) lie on \(\Gamma \cap \Delta _{\Gamma '}\). Then, we can conclude that \(\sigma (b)\) and \(\sigma (s)\) lie in the future part of \(\Gamma \) with respect to \(Q\). On the other hand, applying [1, Lemma 4.5] to the arc \(\sigma ([b,s])\), we can conclude that \(\sigma (s)\) lies in the past part of \(\Gamma \) with respect to \(\sigma (b)\). Hence \(\sigma (s)\) must lie in the subarc \(\alpha \) of \(\Gamma \) bounded by \(Q\) and \(\sigma (b)\) (see Fig. 3, right). However, this implies that \(\sigma ((b,s))\) must meet the arc \(\sigma ([0,b])\), which contradicts the fact that \(\sigma \) is a simple closed arc. This proves the proposition.

Fig. 3
figure 3

The case \(\sigma ((0,b))\subset \Delta _\Gamma \)

3 A modification of the definition of \(r\)-diamonds

In [1, Definition 4.8], we gave a definition of \(r\)-diamonds. However, we need to modify it for the new proof of Proposition 4.7. More precisely, the condition (v) of \(r\)-diamonds should be replaced by the following condition:

  • (v\(^{\prime }\)) Let \(C\) be the circle of radius \(r\) centered at \(O\), which is tangent to \(\gamma _1\) at \(A\) and \(B\). We denote by \([AP]\) (respectively \([BP]\)) the subarc of \(\gamma _1\) bounded by \(A\) (respectively \(B\)) and \(P\). We also use another notion \([AP)\) (respectively \([BP)\)) which contains the end point \(A\) (respectively \(B\)) but does not contain the other end point \(P\). Fix \(X\in [AP)\) and \(Y\in [BP)\). Then there exists a circle \(C_X\) (respectively \(C_Y\)) of radius \(\delta _\mu \) which is tangent to \([AP)\) at \(X\) (respectively \([BP)\) at \(Y\)) and \((XP]\) (respectively \((YP]\)) lies in \(\Delta _{C_X}\) (respectively \(\Delta _{C_Y}\)), where \(\Delta _{C_X}\) and \(\Delta _{C_Y}\) are the interior domains of the circles \(C_X\) and \(C_Y\), respectively.

From now on, we replace condition (v) with this new modification for the definition of \(r\)-diamonds. (All the other conditions (i)–(iv) remain as before. The previous condition (v) is the special case of the new condition (\( {v}^{\prime }\)) by putting \(X=A\) and \(Y=B\).) Thus, our \(r\)-diamonds satisfy the old definition of \(r\)-diamonds in [1], but the converse is not true. By this change, two points \(A,B\) can move not only on \(S_1\) but also whole on \(\gamma _1\) (see [1, (4.9)] for the definition of \(S_1\)).

In Claim 1-3 in [1, Section 4], we proved that there is a \(\delta _\mu ^*\)-diamond \(\diamondsuit _{OAPB}\). This proof can apply for our new definition of \(r\)-diamonds by a suitable modification as follows: Since the curvature radius of each point of the spherical curve \(\gamma _1\) is less than \(\delta _\mu \) (cf. [1, (4.7)]), the condition (\( {v}^{\prime }\)) holds for the \(4\)-gon \(OAPB\) as in [1, Fig. 17] for sufficiently small \(r>0\). By replacing \(S_1\) to \(\gamma _1\), the proofs of Claim 1-2 are valid even if \(A,B\not \in S_1\). We now pay attention to the sequence of \(r_n\)-diamonds \(\{\diamondsuit _{O_n A_n P B_n}\}_{n=1,2,\ldots }\) in the proof of Claim 3. For the sake of simplicity, we set \(A:=A_\infty \) and \(B:=B_\infty \). From now on, we show that \([A P]\) and \([B P]\) are both simple arcs: In fact, there exist \(c_1,c_2\in S^1:=\varvec{R}/\varvec{Z}\) such that \(\gamma _1(c_1)=P\) and \(\gamma _1(c_2)=A\). Since \(\diamondsuit _{O_n A_n P B_n}\) is a diamond, \([A_n P]\) is a simple arc. So if we suppose that \([A P]\) has a self-intersection, then there exists \(m\in (c_1,c_2)\) such that \(A=\gamma _1(m)\). Since all of the crossings on \(\gamma _1\) are transversal, either \(\gamma _1(m-\varepsilon )\) or \(\gamma _1(m+\varepsilon )\) does not lie in the interior domain \(\Delta _{C_{A_n}}\) for a sufficiently small \(\varepsilon >0\) and for sufficiently large \(n\). However, it contradicts the condition (\(\mathrm{v}'\)) of the diamond \(\diamondsuit _{O_n A_n P B_n}\), since \(\gamma _1(m)\) lies in \([A_n P)\) for sufficiently large \(n\). Similarly, \([B P]\) is also a simple arc.

We now suppose that the limit 4-gon \(O_\infty A P B\) is not a \(\rho \)-diamond (\(\rho :=\delta ^*_\mu \)).

Then, by the condition (\(\mathrm{v}'\)), there exists \(X\in [A P)\) or \(Y\in [B P)\) such that either \((XP]\) meets \(C_{X}\) or \((YP]\) meets \(C_{Y}\). Without loss of generality, we may consider the case \((XP]\) meets \(C_{X}\). If \(X\ne A\), then \(X\in (A_nP]\) holds for a sufficiently large \(n\). Then, the property (\( {v}^{\prime }\)) of the \(r_n\)-diamond \(\diamondsuit _{OA_nPB_n}\) yields that \(C_X\) does not meet \((XP]\), a contradiction.

So we may assume that \(X=A\). Now it is sufficient to make a contradiction under the assumption that \((A P]\) meets \(C_{A}\). Since \((A_n P]\) lies in the domain \(\Delta _{C_{A_n}}\), by taking limit \(n\rightarrow \infty \), there exists a point \(Q\) on \((AP]\) such that \(Q\) lies on the circle \(C_A\). Without loss of generality, we may assume that \(Q\) is the first such point, namely, \((AQ)\) does not meet \(C_A\). (see [1, Fig. 20, left and right]). We give an orientation of \(C_A\) so that it has positive geodesic curvature. Since \(C_A\) is of radius \(\delta _\mu \), the geodesic curvature of \(\gamma _1\) is greater than that of \(C_A\). Then [1, Lemma 4.5] implies that \(Q\) lies in the future part of \(C_A\) with respect to \(A\).

We first consider the case \(Q=P\). Consider the subarc of \(C_{A}\) defined by

$$\begin{aligned} \mathfrak{a }:=C_{A} \cap \overline{\Delta _{C_{B}}}. \end{aligned}$$

Then \(\mathfrak{a }\) lies in the past part of \(C_A\) with respect to \(A\). Since \(Q\) lies in the subarc \(\mathfrak{a }\), it contradicts the fact that \(Q\) lies in the future part of \(C_A\).

We next consider the case \(Q\ne P\). We denote by \(C_{A}^+\) (respectively \(C_{A}^-\)) the future part (respectively the past part) of \(C_{A}\) with respect to \(A\). Since \(Q\in C_{A}^+\), we can consider the subarc \(\mathfrak{b }\) of \(C_{A}^+\) bounded by \(Q\) and \(A\). Since \(\mathfrak{a }\subset C_{A}^-\), the two circular arcs \(\mathfrak{a }\) and \(\mathfrak{b }\) are disjoint. Since the geodesic curvature of \(\gamma _1(t)\) at \(Q\) is greater than \(k_0\), the subarc \([QP]\) of \(\gamma _1\) lies on the domain \(D\) bounded by \(\mathfrak{b }\) and \([AQ)\) (see [1, Fig. 20], right). Since \(P\) lies in \(\overline{D}\) and \([BP)\) never meets \([AP)\), there is a point \(R\) on \([BP)\cap \mathfrak{b }\). On the other hand, since \([BP) \subset \overline{\Delta _{C_{B}}}\), we have that

$$\begin{aligned} R\in \mathfrak{a }, \end{aligned}$$

which contradicts that \(\mathfrak{a }\) and \(\mathfrak{b }\) are disjoint.

Remark 2.1

In [1, Figure 9], we showed the two possibilities of the behavior of the curve \(\gamma _1\). However, the case as in Fig.  4 was missing in [1, Figure 9] as the third possibility. Fortunately, this is just the case of \(\Theta _C\) as in [1, Figure 11], the statement and the proof of [1, Corollary 3.11] themselves do not need any corrections.

Fig. 4
figure 4

A figure which should added in [1, Figure 9]

4 The proof of Proposition 4.7

For the correction of the proof of Proposition 4.7, we also need the following renewal of the arguments given in [1, Page 131 Line 15–Page 133 Line 21]: We set \(\rho :=\delta _\mu ^*\). Let \(\diamond _{OAPB}\) be the \(\rho \)-diamond as in Section 2, and \(C\) the circle of radius \(\rho \) centered at \(O\). By [1, Corollary 3.7], there exists a negative shell \(S_2\) on \(\gamma _2\). We place \(S_2\) so that it lies inside of the circle C of radius \(\rho \), and the node of \(S_2\) is tangent to the arc \([BP)\) at \(B\) (see Fig. 5, left). By Proposition 1.1, \(S_2\) actually lies inside of the circle \(C\). We slide the shell \(S_2\) along the arc \([BP)\). We denote by \(S_2(Y)\) this sliding shell whose node lies at \(Y\) for each \(Y\in [BP)\). When \(Y=B\), \(S_2(Y)\) coincides with \(S_2\).

Fig. 5
figure 5

The sliding operation of \(S_2\)

Consider the baroon-like closed domain \(\bar{\Omega }\) bounded by three arcs \([AP],\, [BP]\) and \(AB\), where \(AB\) is the major arc on \(C\) bounded by \(A,B\). By Proposition 1.1, the shell \(S_2\) lies in \(\bar{\Omega }\) (cf. Fig. 5, left). Let \(Z\) be the first point at which \(S_2(Y)\setminus \{Y\}\) meets the boundary of \(\bar{\Omega }\). If \(Z\) lies on the circle \(C\), then whole of \(S_2(Y)\setminus \{Z\}\) lies in \(\Delta _C\) by Proposition 1.1, which contradicts the fact that \(Z \ne Y\) and \(Y\in [BP)\). So \(Z\) lies in \([AP)\) or \([BP)\). If \(Z\) lies in \([AP)\), then \((Y,Z)\) gives an admissible bi-tangent (cf. [1, Definition 2.1.] and Fig. 5, right), which proves Proposition 4.7. So it is sufficient to make a contradiction if \(Z\) lies in \([PB)\).

We first consider the case \(Z \in (YP]\). By Proposition 1.1, there exists a circle \(\Gamma \) of radius \(\rho \) which is tangent to \([BP)\) at \(Y\) such that \(S_2(Y)\setminus \{Y\}\) lies in \(\Delta _{\Gamma }\). In particular, \(Z\in \Delta _{\Gamma }\). Since \((YP]\) lies in the interior \(\Delta _{C_Y}\) of the circle \(C_Y\) by the condition (\( {v}^{\prime }\)) of diamonds, we can conclude that \(\Delta _{C_Y}\cap \Delta _{\Gamma }\) is an empty set. Thus \(Z\not \in \Delta _{C_Y}\). However, this contradicts the fact that \((YP]\) lies in \(\Delta _{C_Y}\).

We next consider the other case \(Z \in [BY)\). By Proposition 1.1, there exists a circle \(\Gamma '\) of radius \(\rho \) which is tangent to \([BP)\) at \(Z\) such that \(S_2(Y)\setminus \{Z\}\) lies in the domain \(\Delta _{\Gamma '}\). In particular, \(Y\in \Delta _{\Gamma '}\). Since \((ZP]\) is contained in \(\Delta _{C_Z}\) by the condition (\( {v}^{\prime }\)) of diamonds, \(\Delta _{C_Z}\cap \Delta _{\Gamma '}\) is an empty set. Thus \(Y\not \in \Delta _{C_Z}\), which contradicts the fact that \((ZP]\) lies in \(\Delta _{C_Z}\).

All of the other arguments in [1] are correct without any modifications.