Correction to: Theoretical and Applied Climatology

The original version of this article unfortunately contained mistakes. The original version of this article contains a typographical error in Data. Figures 10, 14, 17 and 19 were incorrect. The corrected figures are given below.

Fig. 10
figure 1

Average Tmin and Tmax for the historic period (1961–1990), for the BSC grid dataset, the CRU and NCEP datasets

Fig. 14
figure 2

PRUDENCE HIRHAM mean Tmin, Tmax, and cumulative PCP for the BSC for the control period (HC1), each climate emission scenario during 2071–2100 (HB and HS1) and modelled climate emission scenario with the DM (HB and HS1). The bottom maps show the differences between the reference HB1 and HS1 and the results obtained with the DM (HB1dm and HS1dm)

Fig. 17
figure 3

Seasonal mean cumulative PCP for the historic period (1971–1990) and downscaled scenarios (B2 and A2) for 2071–2100; see Fig. 6 for season symbols

Fig. 19
figure 4

BSC mean and maximum dry spell duration (top) and heat wave duration (bottom) for the historic period (1971–1990) and both scenarios (B2 and A2) for 2071–2100. The dry spell represents the length of consecutive number of days within 1 month with PCP bellow 1 mm/day. The heat wave duration represents the number of consecutive days within one month with temperature above 30°C

The authors apologize for any inconvenience caused.

The original article has been corrected.