Building Blazor Components

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  • Blazor
  • Component

About this video

Peter Himschoot
First online
20 December 2019
Online ISBN
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© Peter Himschoot 2019

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Video Transcript

Let’s have a look at all the things we’ve seen in this video. We started off by building a Blazor component. And then we had a look at how a parent component can talk to a child component using parameters. We looked at how the child can talk back to the parent using events and EventCallback, so we don’t have to call StateHasChanged every time. We also saw that we can build a component using a single Blazor file, but we can also split it up into the Markup, also known as a View, and a pure code file, also known as a ViewModel.

We looked at how a parent component can refer to a child component so it can directly invoke minutes on that child component. A component gets born, undergoes changes throughout its lifetime, and then dies. We looked at the component life cycle method, such as OnIntialized, on parameter set. And we looked at how a component dies and we can then do some extra things in the Dispose method. You can also build your own library containing Blazor components, also known as a component library. This makes it easy to share your components among different projects.

And then we looked at some more advanced topics, such as cascading properties. With cascading properties, a parent component can deliver certain properties to children, no matter how deeply they have been nested. We also looked at template components, which can be easily compared to generic classes in C sharp because they’re not complete yet and you complete them by telling them the different kind of types you want to use in your template and component. And finally, we looked at the Blazor Compilation Model.

Hi, I am Peter Himschoot. And I hope you have enjoyed this video. And if you want to learn more about Blazor, you can always read my book called Blazor Revealed. Thank you.