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Table 3 Difference in the level of specific IgA antibody to influenza virus (ng/mouse) between vaccination route and age

From: Assessment of Age-Related Decline of Immunological Function and Possible Methods for Immunological Restoration in Elderly


3 months old

18 months

1) i.n. → i.n.

172 ± 42

54 + 50

2) i.v. → i.p.

2 + 2

2 ± 2

  1. 1) Mice were administered intranasally (i.n.) with A/PR/8/34 vaccine (10 mg) and boosted 3 weeks later i.n. with the same vaccine. Antibody was assessed 1 week after the boosting
  2. 2) Mice were administered intravenously (i.v.) with A/PR/8/34 vaccine (10 mg) and boosted 3 weeks later intraperitoneally (i.p.) with the same vaccine. Antibody was assessed 1 week after the boosting