Topical Collection on Biological Adjuvants in Orthopedic Surgery

ISSN: 1935-9748 (Online)

In this topical collection (5 articles)

  1. No Access

    Biological Adjuvants in Orthopedic Surgery (J Dines and D Grande, Section Editors)

    The state of cartilage regeneration: current and future technologies

    Adam B. Yanke, Susan Chubinskaya Pages 1-8
  2. No Access

    Biological Adjuvants in Orthopedic Surgery (J Dines and D Grande, Section Editors)

    Biologics in Achilles tendon healing and repair: a review

    Evan Shapiro, Daniel Grande, Mark Drakos Pages 9-17
  3. No Access

    Biological Adjuvants in Orthopedic Surgery (J Dines and D Grande, Section Editors)

    Developments in intervertebral disc disease research: pathophysiology, mechanobiology, and therapeutics

    Kathryn T. Weber, Timothy D. Jacobsen Pages 18-31
  4. No Access

    Biological Adjuvants in Orthopedic Surgery (J Dines and D Grande, Section Editors)

    Platelet-rich plasma and other cellular strategies in orthopedic surgery

    Phillip N. Williams, George Moran Pages 32-39
  5. No Access

    Biological Adjuvants in Orthopedic Surgery (J Dines and D Grande, Section Editors)

    Biologic adjuvants and bone: current use in orthopedic surgery

    Benjamin Smith, Todd Goldstein Pages 193-199