4650 publications

  1. Urban Runoff Pollution
  2. Urban Science and Engineering
  3. Urban Sediment Removal
  4. Urban Segregation and Governance in the Americas
  5. Urban Services in Developing Countries
  6. Urban Services to Ecosystems
  7. Urban Shrinkage, Industrial Renewal and Automotive Plants
  8. Urban Slums and Circular Economy Synergies in the Global South
  9. Urban Social Listening
  10. Urban Social Movements
  11. Urban Socio-Economic Segregation and Income Inequality
  12. Urban Sociology, Capitalism and Modernity
  13. Urban Sociology, Capitalism and Modernity
  14. Urban Soils
  15. Urban Space and Late Twentieth-Century New York Literature
  16. Urban Space and National Identity in Early Twentieth Century São Paulo, Brazil
  17. Urban Space in Contemporary Egyptian Literature
  18. Urban Spaces and Gender in Asia
  19. Urban Spaces in Contemporary Latin American Literature
  20. Urban Stormwater and Flood Management
  21. Urban Street Design Guide
  22. Urban Street Stormwater Guide
  23. Urban Structure in Hot Arid Environments
  24. Urban Studies and Entrepreneurship
  25. Urban Surveying and Mapping
  26. Urban Sustainability
  27. Urban Sustainability Transitions
  28. Urban Sustainability in the US
  29. Urban Sustainability through Smart Growth
  30. Urban Sustainability: Policy and Praxis
  31. Urban Sustainable Development in East Asia
  32. Urban Textures ∣ Yves Lion
  33. Urban Tourism in the Global South
  34. Urban Traffic Networks
  35. Urban Transformational Landscapes in the City-Hinterlands of Asia
  36. Urban Transformations
  37. Urban Transformations in Rio de Janeiro
  38. Urban Transport Appraisal
  39. Urban Transport Development
  40. Urban Transportation Planning in the United States
  41. Urban Transportation Planning in the United States
  42. Urban Transportation Planning in the United States
  43. Urban Transportation and the Environment
  44. Urban Uprisings
  45. Urban Utopias
  46. Urban Vice Regulation Compared
  47. Urban Village Redevelopment in Beijing, China
  48. Urban Village Renovation
  49. Urban Villages in the New China
  50. Urban Visions
  51. Urban Vulnerability and Climate Change in Africa
  52. Urban Wastelands
  53. Urban Water Demand Management
  54. Urban Water Infrastructure
  55. Urban Water Management for Future Cities
  56. Urban Water Management: Science Technology and Service Delivery
  57. Urban Water Supply and Governance in India
  58. Urban Water Trajectories
  59. Urban Wildlife conservation
  60. Urban Wind Environment
  61. Urban Wolof across Borders
  62. Urban World History
  63. Urban Youth Unemployment, Marginalization and Politics in MENA
  64. Urban and Community Forestry in the Northeast
  65. Urban and Environmental Planning in the UK
  66. Urban and Regional Cooperation and Development
  67. Urban and Regional Governance in China
  68. Urban and Regional Planning Education
  69. Urban and Regional Planning and Development
  70. Urban and Regional Planning in Turkey
  71. Urban and Transit Planning
  72. Urban and Transit Planning
  73. Urban and Transit Planning
  74. Urban low-income housing and development
  75. Urban residential location models
  76. Urban!
  77. Urban-Rural Interactions
  78. Urban-Rural Transformation Geography
  79. Urbane Böden
  80. Urbane Events
  81. Urbane Globalisierung
  82. Urbane Innovation
  83. Urbane Mobilität als Schlüssel für eine neue Gesellschaft
  84. Urbane Mobilität im Umbruch
  85. Urbane Resilienz gegenüber Stromausfällen in deutschen Großstädten
  86. Urbane Sicherheit
  87. Urbane Sicherheit und Partizipation
  88. Urbane Spielräume
  89. Urbane Umweltbildung im Kontext einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung
  90. Urbane Ungleichheit, Informalität und Prekarität in Tunesien
  91. Urbane Ungleichheiten
  92. Urbane Zukünfte im Science-Fiction-Film
  93. Urbane soziale Brennpunkte, Exklusion und soziale Hilfe
  94. Urbaner Bodenschutz
  95. Urbanes Alltagsleben
  96. Urbanes Zusammenleben
  97. Urbanisation and Crime in Nigeria
  98. Urbanisation and Inequalities in a Post-Malthusian Context
  99. Urbanisation, unlimited
  100. Urbanisierung und Energieversorgung der Megastädte in China
  101. Urbanism Without Effort
  102. Urbanism in the Age of Climate Change
  103. Urbanism — for sale feld 72
  104. Urbanismus und Verkehr
  105. Urbanismus und Verkehr
  106. Urbanismus und Verkehr
  107. Urbanität
  108. Urbanität und Egonetzwerke in der Stadt
  109. Urbanization and Environmental Quality
  110. Urbanization and Its Impact in Contemporary China
  111. Urbanization and Locality
  112. Urbanization and Production of Space
  113. Urbanization and Regional Sustainability in South Asia
  114. Urbanization and Sustainability
  115. Urbanization and Urban Governance in China
  116. Urbanization and the Migrant in British Cinema
  117. Urbanization in Asia
  118. Urbanization in China
  119. Urbanization in Developing Countries
  120. Urbanization, Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services: Challenges and Opportunities
  121. Urbanization, Urbanism, and Urbanity in an African City
  122. Urbanization: Challenge and Opportunity for Soil Functions and Ecosystem Services
  123. Urbanomad
  124. Urbicide
  125. Urbild und Ursache in der Biologie
  126. Urdu Literary Culture
  127. Urea Cycle Diseases
  128. Urea Transporters
  129. Urea-SCR Technology for deNOx After Treatment of Diesel Exhausts
  130. Uremia Therapy
  131. Uremic Toxins
  132. Uremic Toxins and Organ Failure
  133. Ureteral Complications of Gynecological Surgery
  134. Ureteral Stone Management
  135. Ureteroscopy
  136. Ureteroscopy
  137. Urethral Reconstructive Surgery
  138. Urethral Reconstructive Surgery
  139. Urethritis non gonorrhoica des Mannes
  140. Urethrotomia interna bei der männlichen Harnröhrenstriktur
  141. Urgences cardio-vasculaires: place de la radiologie interventionnelle
  142. Urgency and Human Rights
  143. Urgeschichte der Selbstorganisation
  144. Urheber- und Erfinderrecht
  145. Urheber- und Erfinderrecht
  146. Urheber- und Verlagsrecht
  147. Urheber- und Verlagsrecht
  148. Urheber- und Verlagsrecht
  149. Urheber- und kartellrechtliche Grenzen für Publisher im E-Sport
  150. Urheberrecht und Urhebervertragsrecht
  151. Urheberrechtsverletzungen durch Verlinkungen im Internet
  152. Urheberrechtsverletzungen in der digitalen Netzökonomie
  153. Urhebervertragsrecht in der Reform
  154. Uric Acid
  155. Uric acid lithiasis
  156. Urin - Eine Entdeckungsreise durch Niere, Blase und Co
  157. Urinary Biomarkers
  158. Urinary Bladder Pathology
  159. Urinary Continence and Sexual Function After Robotic Radical Prostatectomy
  160. Urinary Cytology
  161. Urinary Cytology
  162. Urinary Diversion
  163. Urinary Diversion
  164. Urinary Dysfunction in Prostate Cancer
  165. Urinary Enzymes
  166. Urinary Fistula
  167. Urinary Stents
  168. Urinary Stone Disease
  169. Urinary System
  170. Urinary System
  171. Urinary Tract
  172. Urinary Tract Infection
  173. Urinary Tract Infection
  174. Urinary Tract Infections
  175. Urinary Tract Infections, Calculi and Tubular Disorders
  176. Urinary Tract Stone Disease
  177. Urinary and Fecal Incontinence
  178. Urine
  179. Urine Formed Elements
  180. Urine Proteomics in Kidney Disease Biomarker Discovery
  181. Urine Sediment
  182. Urine Tests
  183. Urinzytologie
  184. Urinzytologie
  185. Urinzytologie
  186. Urinzytologie und Sedimentanalyse
  187. Urknall im Labor
  188. Urknall und Evolution des Kosmos — Fortschritte in der Kosmologie
  189. Urknall, Sterne, Schwarze Löcher
  190. Urkunden des Politeuma der Juden von Herakleopolis (144/3–133/2 v. Chr.) (P. Polit. Iud.)
  191. Urkundenstraftaten
  192. Urkundenstraftaten
  193. Uro-Onkologie in der Praxis
  194. Uro-Sonographie
  195. Urodynamic Testing After Spinal Cord Injury
  196. Urodynamics
  197. Urodynamics
  198. Urodynamics
  199. Urodynamics
  200. Urodynamics