30909 publications

  1. The Geroch-Held-Penrose Calculus
  2. The Gestalt Shift in Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes Stories
  3. The Ghost Cities of Australia
  4. The Giant Liver Fluke, Fascioloides magna: Past, Present and Future Research
  5. The Giants of Pre-Sophistic Greek Philosophy
  6. The Giants of Pre-Sophistic Greek Philosophy
  7. The Gibbons
  8. The Gibbs Phenomenon in Fourier Analysis, Splines and Wavelet Approximations
  9. The Giddens Reader
  10. The Gift of Education
  11. The Gifted Child in Peer Group Perspective
  12. The Gilded Age Construction of Modern American Homophobia
  13. The Gini Methodology
  14. The Ginseng Genome
  15. The Glaciation of High Asia
  16. The Glaciers of Equatorial East Africa
  17. The Glaciers of Iceland
  18. The Glamour System
  19. The Glass Transition
  20. The Glaucoma Book
  21. The Glaucomas
  22. The Glaucomas
  23. The Gliocentric Brain
  24. The Global Administrative Law of Science
  25. The Global Age
  26. The Global Assault on Teaching, Teachers, and their Unions Stories for Resistance
  27. The Global Business Leader
  28. The Global Business Revolution and the Cascade Effect
  29. The Global Carbon Cycle
  30. The Global Challenge of Militias and Paramilitary Violence
  31. The Global Circulation of Chinese Materia Medica, 1700–1949
  32. The Global Collaboration against Transnational Corruption
  33. The Global Competitiveness of the Asian Firm
  34. The Global Corporate Brand Book
  35. The Global Cosmopolitan Mindset
  36. The Global Crash
  37. The Global Crisis Makers
  38. The Global Crisis and Transformative Social Change
  39. The Global Crisis of 2008 and Keynes's General Theory
  40. The Global Cultural Capital
  41. The Global Currency Power of the US Dollar
  42. The Global Curse of the Federal Reserve
  43. The Global Curse of the Federal Reserve
  44. The Global Cyber-Vulnerability Report
  45. The Global Cybercrime Industry
  46. The Global Debt Crisis and Its Socioeconomic Implications
  47. The Global Diamond Industry
  48. The Global Digital Divides
  49. The Global Dimension of Economic Evolution
  50. The Global Division of Labour
  51. The Global Dynamics of Regenerative Medicine
  52. The Global Economic Crisis and Consequences for Development Strategy in Dubai
  53. The Global Economic Crisis and the Future of Migration: Issues and Prospects
  54. The Global Engineers
  55. The Global Environment
  56. The Global Environmental Effects During and Beyond COVID-19
  57. The Global Ethnopolis
  58. The Global Export of Capital from Great Britain, 1865–1914
  59. The Global Financial Crisis
  60. The Global Financial Crisis and the Indian Economy
  61. The Global Financial Crisis in Retrospect
  62. The Global Football League
  63. The Global Future of Higher Education and the Academic Profession
  64. The Global Gambling Industry
  65. The Global Geometry of Turbulence
  66. The Global Gold Market and the International Monetary System from the late 19th Century to the Present
  67. The Global Gym
  68. The Global Histories of Books
  69. The Global Imaginary of International School Communities
  70. The Global Impact of Social Innovation
  71. The Global Impact of Unconventional Shale Gas Development
  72. The Global Legitimacy Game
  73. The Global Lives of German Migrants
  74. The Global Macro Economy and Finance
  75. The Global Market for Investor Citizenship
  76. The Global Novel and Capitalism in Crisis
  77. The Global Old Age Care Industry
  78. The Global Paleomagnetic Database
  79. The Global Political Economy and Post-1989 Change
  80. The Global Political Economy of Communication
  81. The Global Political Economy of Sex: Desire, Violence, and Insecurity in Mediterranean Nation States
  82. The Global Political Economy of the Environment and Tourism
  83. The Global Political Economy of the Household in Asia
  84. The Global Politics of Forced Migration
  85. The Global Politics of Human Embryonic Stem Cell Science
  86. The Global Politics of Local Conservation
  87. The Global Politics of Science and Technology - Vol. 1
  88. The Global Politics of Science and Technology - Vol. 2
  89. The Global Politics of the Environment
  90. The Global Politics of the Environment
  91. The Global Prosecution of Core Crimes under International Law
  92. The Global Race for Foreign Direct Investment
  93. The Global Recession Risk
  94. The Global Recession and China’s Political Economy
  95. The Global Resurgence of Religion and the Transformation of International Relations
  96. The Global Rise of Asian Transformation
  97. The Global Rise of China and Asia
  98. The Global Rule of Three
  99. The Global Sixties in Sound and Vision
  100. The Global Society and Its Enemies
  101. The Global Supply Chain
  102. The Global Theory of Minimal Surfaces in Flat Spaces
  103. The Global Thermohaline Paleocirculation
  104. The Global Trump
  105. The Global University
  106. The Global Victimization of Children
  107. The Global Water System in the Anthropocene
  108. The Global and Social Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic
  109. The Global and the Local
  110. The Global, Regional and Local Politics of Institutional Responses to COVID-19
  111. The GlobalArctic Handbook
  112. The Globalisation of Higher Education
  113. The Globalisation of Intercultural Education
  114. The Globalization Conundrum—Dark Clouds behind the Silver Lining
  115. The Globalization of Asian Cuisines
  116. The Globalization of China’s Health Industry
  117. The Globalization of Chinese Enterprises: Trends and Characteristics
  118. The Globalization of Chinese Propaganda
  119. The Globalization of Higher Education
  120. The Globalization of Liberalism
  121. The Globalization of Markets
  122. The Globalization of Multinational Enterprise Activity and Economic Development
  123. The Globalization of Politics
  124. The Globalization of Science Curricula
  125. The Globalization of Security
  126. The Globalization of Strangeness
  127. The Globalizations of Organized Labour
  128. The Globe Artichoke Genome
  129. The Globesity Challenge to General Surgery
  130. The Glorious Geology of Iceland's Golden Circle
  131. The Glubb Reports: Glubb Pasha and Britain’s Empire Project in the Middle East 1920–1956
  132. The Glutamate Receptors
  133. The Glutamate/GABA-Glutamine Cycle
  134. The Gnostic Paradigm
  135. The Goal of B.F. Skinner and Behavior Analysis
  136. The Goals of Sustainable Development
  137. The God Beyond Belief
  138. The God Debaters
  139. The God/Man/World Triangle
  140. The Gohberg Anniversary Collection
  141. The Gohberg Anniversary Collection
  142. The Gohberg Anniversary Collection
  143. The Going
  144. The Going-Concern-Principle in Non-Financial Disclosure
  145. The Gold Cartel
  146. The Gold Standard Anchored in Islamic Finance
  147. The Gold Standard Peripheries
  148. The Gold Standard and the International Monetary System, 1900–1939
  149. The Golden Age of Polish Philosophy
  150. The Golden Age of Russian Literature and Thought
  151. The Golden Age of Theoretical Ecology: 1923–1940
  152. The Golden Bough
  153. The Golden Bough
  154. The Golden Century of Oil 1950–2050
  155. The Golden Crossroads
  156. The Golden Dawn’s ‘Nationalist Solution’: Explaining the Rise of the Far Right in Greece
  157. The Golden Guide to Oncologic Pharmacy
  158. The Golden Mouse
  159. The Golden Rule in Sports
  160. The Golden and Ghoulish Age of the Gibbet in Britain
  161. The Golgi Apparatus
  162. The Golgi Apparatus
  163. The Golgi Apparatus
  164. The Golgi Apparatus
  165. The Golgi Apparatus and Centriole
  166. The Golgi Complex
  167. The Gongyang Commentary on The Spring and Autumn Annals
  168. The Good Entrepreneur
  169. The Good Fight
  170. The Good King
  171. The Good Life
  172. The Good Society
  173. The Good War
  174. The Good and the Economical
  175. The Google Model
  176. The Gospel of Beauty in the Progressive Era
  177. The Gospel of St John
  178. The Gothic Child
  179. The Gothic Imagination
  180. The Gothic and the Everyday
  181. The Gothic and the Rule of Law, 1764–1820
  182. The Gothic in Contemporary British Trauma Fiction
  183. The Gothic, Postcolonialism and Otherness
  184. The Gove Legacy: Education in Britain after the Coalition
  185. The Governance Structures of Chinese Firms
  186. The Governance Structures of Chinese Firms
  187. The Governance Structures of the Bretton Woods Financial Institutions
  188. The Governance of Active Welfare States in Europe
  189. The Governance of British Higher Education
  190. The Governance of Digital Policies
  191. The Governance of East Asian Corporations
  192. The Governance of Energy in China
  193. The Governance of European Public Goods
  194. The Governance of Insurance Undertakings
  195. The Governance of Policing and Security
  196. The Governance of Private Security
  197. The Governance of ROME
  198. The Governance of Smart Transportation Systems
  199. The Governance of Telecom Markets
  200. The Governance, Security and Development Nexus