30909 publications

  1. The Future of Management Control is Fair
  2. The Future of Management Education
  3. The Future of Management Education
  4. The Future of Management in an AI World
  5. The Future of Manufacturing: The Italian Roadmap
  6. The Future of Marketing
  7. The Future of Metaphysical Religion in America
  8. The Future of Metaverse in the Virtual Era and Physical World
  9. The Future of Mobile Communications
  10. The Future of Motherhood in Western Societies
  11. The Future of Mountain Agriculture
  12. The Future of Muon Physics
  13. The Future of Museums
  14. The Future of Music
  15. The Future of Nursing 2020-2030: Global Applications to Advance Health Equity
  16. The Future of Orthopaedic Sports Medicine
  17. The Future of Outsourcing
  18. The Future of Parliament
  19. The Future of Pension Plans in the EU Internal Market
  20. The Future of Personal Information Management
  21. The Future of Piagetian Theory
  22. The Future of Political Islam
  23. The Future of Political Violence
  24. The Future of Predictive Safety Evaluation
  25. The Future of Predictive Safety Evaluation
  26. The Future of Prevention and Treatment of Breast Cancer
  27. The Future of Pricing
  28. The Future of Private Equity
  29. The Future of Product Development
  30. The Future of Public Housing
  31. The Future of Radioactive Waste Governance
  32. The Future of Resilient Finance
  33. The Future of Responsible Management Education
  34. The Future of Retail Banking
  35. The Future of Rice Demand: Quality Beyond Productivity
  36. The Future of Risk Management, Volume I
  37. The Future of Risk Management, Volume II
  38. The Future of Scholarly Writing
  39. The Future of Service Post-COVID-19 Pandemic, Volume 1
  40. The Future of Service Post-COVID-19 Pandemic, Volume 2
  41. The Future of Shopping
  42. The Future of Small Telescopes in the New Millennium
  43. The Future of Smart Production for SMEs
  44. The Future of Social Psychology
  45. The Future of Social Work
  46. The Future of Social Work
  47. The Future of Software Engineering
  48. The Future of Software Quality Assurance
  49. The Future of Strategic Deterrence
  50. The Future of Sustainability
  51. The Future of Technology Education
  52. The Future of Telecommunications Industries
  53. The Future of Television in the Global South
  54. The Future of Thermal Comfort in an Energy- Constrained World
  55. The Future of Think Tanks and Policy Advice Around the World
  56. The Future of Think Tanks and Policy Advice in the United States
  57. The Future of Tourism
  58. The Future of Trade Defence Instruments
  59. The Future of Transdisciplinary Design
  60. The Future of Transport Between Digitalization and Decarbonization
  61. The Future of Transportation and Communication
  62. The Future of US Global Power
  63. The Future of Ubiquitous Learning
  64. The Future of Union Organising
  65. The Future of United States, China, and Taiwan Relations
  66. The Future of University Education
  67. The Future of Vocational Education and Training in a Changing World
  68. The Future of Work
  69. The Future of Work
  70. The Future of Work in Information Society
  71. The Future of Work in the United States
  72. The Future of Workplace Fear
  73. The Future of Writing
  74. The Future of our Democracies
  75. The Future of the ASEAN Economic Integration
  76. The Future of the Atlantic Alliance
  77. The Future of the Automotive Industry
  78. The Future of the Bamiyan Buddha Statues
  79. The Future of the Brain Sciences
  80. The Future of the Commercial Contract in Scholarship and Law Reform
  81. The Future of the Defence Firm: New Challenges, New Directions
  82. The Future of the Global Financial System: Downfall or Harmony
  83. The Future of the Greek Economy
  84. The Future of the Gulf Region
  85. The Future of the Law of the Sea
  86. The Future of the Law of the Sea
  87. The Future of the Microcomputer in Schools
  88. The Future of the Multinational Enterprise
  89. The Future of the Multinational Enterprise
  90. The Future of the Non-Proliferation Treaty
  91. The Future of the Oocyte
  92. The Future of the Philosophy of Religion
  93. The Future of the Post-Massified University at the Crossroads
  94. The Future of the Post-industrial Society
  95. The Future of the Postal Sector in a Digital World
  96. The Future of the Red-legged Partridge
  97. The Future of the South African Political Economy Post-COVID 19
  98. The Future of the Suburban City
  99. The Future of the Teaching and Learning of Algebra The 12 th ICMI Study
  100. The Future of the Telecommunications Industry: Forecasting and Demand Analysis
  101. The Future of the UN Sustainable Development Goals
  102. The Future of the US-Republic of Korea Military Relationship
  103. The Future of the Universe
  104. The Future of the Workplace
  105. The Future of the World Economy
  106. The Future of the World's Forests
  107. The Future-Ready Leader
  108. The Fuzzification of Systems
  109. The G Protein-Coupled Receptors Handbook
  110. The G20: A New Geopolitical Order
  111. The GABA Receptors
  112. The GABA Receptors
  113. The GCC Economies
  114. The GENI Book
  115. The GEO Handbook on Biodiversity Observation Networks
  117. The GI War Against Japan
  118. The GLOBAL Optimization Algorithm
  119. The GMO Handbook
  120. The Gaitskellites
  121. The Galactic Interstellar Medium
  122. The Galapagos Marine Reserve
  123. The Galaxy
  124. The Galician Language in the Digital Age
  125. The Galileo Mission
  126. The Gamble of War
  127. The Gambler and the Scholars
  128. The Game Maker’s Apprentice
  129. The Game Maker’s Companion
  130. The Game of Language
  131. The Games of Land Dispossession
  132. The Gamification of Citizens' Participation in Policymaking
  133. The Gamification of Higher Education
  134. The Gamma Ray Sky with Compton GRO and SIGMA
  135. The Gang and Beyond
  136. The Ganga
  137. The Ganga River Basin: A Hydrometeorological Approach
  138. The Ganges
  139. The Ganges Water Diversion: Environmental Effects and Implications
  140. The Ganges Water Diversion: Environmental Effects and Implications
  141. The Gangliosidoses
  142. The Gangs of Bangladesh
  143. The Gap Between Rich and Poor Nations
  144. The Gap Symmetry and Fluctuations in High-Tc Superconductors
  145. The Garden City Utopia
  146. The Garment Economy
  147. The Garment Industry in Low-Income Countries
  148. The Gas Exchangers
  149. The Gas Industry in Latin Europe
  150. The Gas Sector in Latin Europe’s Industrial History
  151. The Gastro-Archeologist
  152. The Gastroesophageal Reflux in Infants and Children
  153. The Gastrointestinal System
  154. The Gaullist System in Asia
  155. The Gaussian Approximation Potential
  156. The Gaze of the West and Framings of the East
  157. The Gelfand Mathematical Seminars, 1990–1992
  158. The Gelfand Mathematical Seminars, 1993–1995
  159. The Gelfand Mathematical Seminars, 1996–1999
  160. The Gender Factory
  161. The Gender Gap in Psychotherapy
  162. The Gender Regime of Anti-Liberal Hungary
  163. The Gender of Informal Politics
  164. The Gender of Money in Middle English Literature
  165. The Gendered Landscape of Suicide
  166. The Gendered Politics of the Korean Protestant Right
  167. The Gendered Transaction of Whiteness
  168. The Gendering of Global Finance
  169. The Gene
  170. The Gene Ontology Handbook
  171. The Gene Revolution and Global Food Security
  172. The Genera of Lactic Acid Bacteria
  173. The General Economic Theory
  174. The General Model of Working Capital Management
  175. The General Principles of Law as Applied by International Tribunals to Disputes on Attribution and Exercise of State Jurisdiction
  176. The General Problem of the Motion of Coupled Rigid Bodies about a Fixed Point
  177. The General Social Survey, 1972–1986
  178. The General Sociology of Harrison C. White
  179. The General Theory of Alternating Current Machines
  180. The General Theory of Alternating Current Machines: Application to Practical Problems
  181. The General Theory of China’s Genealogy
  182. The General Theory of Dunhuang Studies
  183. The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money
  184. The General Theory of Homogenization
  185. The General Theory of Profit Equilibrium
  186. The General Theory of Relativity
  187. The General Theory of Sorption Dynamics and Chromatography
  188. The General and Restricted Problems of Three Bodies
  189. The Generalisation of the General Theory and other Essays
  190. The Generalized Fechner-Thurstone Direct Utility Function and Some of its Uses
  191. The Generalized Fourier Series Method
  192. The Generalized Multipole Technique for Light Scattering
  193. The Generation of High Magnetic Fields
  194. The Generation of High Magnetic Fields
  195. The Generative Power of Hope
  196. The Generic Chaining
  197. The Generic Development Language Deva
  198. The Genesis Mission
  199. The Genesis and Ethos of the Market
  200. The Genesis and Transformation of Social Consciousness