30896 publications

  1. Transforming Teacher Quality in the Global South
  2. Transforming Teachers’ Work Globally
  3. Transforming Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
  4. Transforming Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
  5. Transforming Teaching: Wellbeing and Professional Practice
  6. Transforming Technologies to Manage Our Information
  7. Transforming Through Processes
  8. Transforming Turnaround Schools in China
  9. Transforming U.S. Climate Change Policies
  10. Transforming Unequal Gender Relations in India and Beyond
  11. Transforming University Biochemistry Teaching Using Collaborative Learning and Technology
  12. Transforming Unjust Structures The Capability Approach
  13. Transforming Urban Education
  14. Transforming Urban Food Systems in Secondary Cities in Africa
  15. Transforming Urban Green Space Governance in China Under Ecological Civilization: An Institutional Analysis
  16. Transforming Water Management in South Africa
  17. Transforming the Curriculum Through the Arts
  18. Transforming the Developmental Welfare State in East Asia
  19. Transforming the Gendered Organisation of Labour and Leisure
  20. Transforming the Golden-Age Nation State
  21. Transforming the Heart of Practice
  22. Transforming the Hong Kong Legal Machine
  23. Transforming the IT Services Lifecycle with AI Technologies
  24. Transforming the Patient Experience
  25. Transforming the School-to-Prison Pipeline
  26. Transforms and Fast Algorithms for Signal Analysis and Representations
  27. Transfusion Management of the Obstetrical Patient
  28. Transfusion Medicine
  29. Transfusion Medicine
  30. Transfusion Medicine: Fact and Fiction
  31. Transfusion Medicine: Quo Vadis? What Has Been Achieved, What Is to Be Expected
  32. Transfusion Practice in Clinical Neurosciences
  33. Transfusion in the Intensive Care Unit
  34. Transfusionsassoziierte Pharmakotherapie
  35. Transfusionsbedingte Zytomegalievirusinfektionen
  36. Transfusionsmedizin
  37. Transfusionsmedizin
  38. Transfusionsmedizin
  39. Transfusionsmedizin für Technische Assistenten
  40. Transfusionsmedizin für Technische Assistenten
  41. Transfusionsmedizin und Immunhämatologie
  42. Transfusionsmedizinische Therapiekonzepte zur Blutkomponentensubstitution
  43. Transfusionspraxis
  44. Transfusionspraxis
  45. Transgender China
  46. Transgender India
  47. Transgender Medicine
  48. Transgender People and Criminal Justice
  49. Transgender People and Education
  50. Transgender Refugees and the Imagined South Africa
  51. Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Health and Aging
  52. Transgender and Intersex: Theoretical, Practical, and Artistic Perspectives
  53. Transgender on Screen
  54. Transgene Nutzpflanzen
  55. Transgene Pflanzen
  56. Transgene Pflanzen
  57. Transgene Tiere
  58. Transgenerational Marketing
  59. Transgenesis
  60. Transgenesis Techniques
  61. Transgenesis Techniques
  62. Transgenesis Techniques
  63. Transgenesis and Secondary Metabolism
  64. Transgenesis and Secondary Metabolism
  65. Transgenesis and the Management of Vector-Borne Disease
  66. Transgenic Animals as Model Systems for Human Diseases
  67. Transgenic Ascidians
  68. Transgenic Cotton
  69. Transgenic Cotton
  70. Transgenic Crop Plants
  71. Transgenic Crop Plants
  72. Transgenic Crops I
  73. Transgenic Crops II
  74. Transgenic Crops III
  75. Transgenic Crops IV
  76. Transgenic Crops V
  77. Transgenic Crops VI
  78. Transgenic Crops of the World
  79. Transgenic Maize
  80. Transgenic Medicinal Plants
  81. Transgenic Mice and Mutants in MHC Research
  82. Transgenic Microalgae as Green Cell Factories
  83. Transgenic Models in Endocrinology
  84. Transgenic Models in Pharmacology
  85. Transgenic Models of Human Viral and Immunological Disease
  86. Transgenic Mouse
  87. Transgenic Mouse
  88. Transgenic Mouse Methods and Protocols
  89. Transgenic Organisms
  90. Transgenic Organisms and Biosafety
  91. Transgenic Plants
  92. Transgenic Plants
  93. Transgenic Plants: Methods and Protocols
  94. Transgenic Trees
  95. Transgenic Wheat, Barley and Oats
  96. Transgenic Xenopus
  97. Transgenic and Knockout Models of Neuropsychiatric Disorders
  98. Transgenic and Mutant Tools to Model Brain Disorders
  99. Transgenics in Dispute
  100. Transgenics in Endocrinology
  101. Transglutaminase
  102. Transglutaminases
  103. Transgovernance
  104. Transgressing Death in Japanese Popular Culture
  105. Transgression and Deviance in the Ancient World
  106. Transgression und Devianz in der antiken Welt
  107. Transgressive Citizenship and the Struggle for Social Justice
  108. Transgressive Fiction
  109. Transgressive Humor of American Women Writers
  110. Transgressive Imaginations
  111. Transhumanism - Engineering the Human Condition
  112. Transhumanism and Society
  113. Transhumanism and the Body
  114. Transhumanism as a New Social Movement
  115. Transhumanism: Entering an Era of Bodyhacking and Radical Human Modification
  116. Transhumanism: The Proper Guide to a Posthuman Condition or a Dangerous Idea?
  117. Transidentität und drittes Geschlecht im Arbeitsumfeld
  118. Transient Aerohydroelasticity of Spherical Bodies
  119. Transient Analysis of Electric Power Circuits Handbook
  120. Transient Changes in Molecular Geometries and How to Model Them
  121. Transient Chaos
  122. Transient Characteristics, Modelling and Stability Analysis of Microgrid
  123. Transient Dynamics of Concentrated Particulate Suspensions Under Shear
  124. Transient Effects in Friction
  125. Transient Effects in Simulations of Hybrid Electric Drivetrains
  126. Transient Electro-Thermal Modeling on Power Semiconductor Devices
  127. Transient Electromagnetic Fields
  128. Transient Global Amnesia
  129. Transient Global Amnesia
  130. Transient Heat Transfer
  131. Transient Magnetic Fields
  132. Transient Mobility and Middle Class Identity
  133. Transient Processes in Cell Proliferation Kinetics
  134. Transient Receptor Potential (TRP) Channels
  135. Transient Receptor Potential Canonical Channels and Brain Diseases
  136. Transient Receptor Potential Channels
  137. Transient Sedimentation
  138. Transient Signals on Transmission Lines
  139. Transient Signals on Transmission Lines
  140. Transient Stability of Power Systems
  141. Transient Techniques in Electrochemistry
  142. Transient and Permanent Error Control for Networks-on-Chip
  143. Transiente Fehler in Mikroprozessoren
  144. Transiente Zweiphasen-Strömung
  145. Transients for Electrical Engineers
  146. Transionospheric Synthetic Aperture Imaging
  147. Transistor Circuits for Spacecraft Power System
  148. Transistor Physics
  149. Transistoren
  150. Transistoren bei großer Aussteuerung
  151. Transistormeßtechnik
  152. Transistors Applied
  153. Transistors in Pulse Circuits
  154. Transistorverstärker
  155. Transistorverstärker
  156. Transistorverstärker
  157. Transistorverstärker 3 Schaltungstechnik Teil 2
  158. Transit Migration
  159. Transit When Planets Cross the Sun
  160. Transit-Oriented Development
  161. Transition Curves for Highway Geometric Design
  162. Transition Leadership
  163. Transition Location Effect on Shock Wave Boundary Layer Interaction
  164. Transition Metal Arene π-Complexes in Organic Synthesis and Catalysis
  165. Transition Metal Carbyne Complexes
  166. Transition Metal Catalyzed Carbonylation Reactions
  167. Transition Metal Catalyzed Carbonylative Synthesis of Heterocycles
  168. Transition Metal Catalyzed Enantioselective Allylic Substitution in Organic Synthesis
  169. Transition Metal Catalyzed Oxidative Cross-Coupling Reactions
  170. Transition Metal Complexes Structures and Spectra
  171. Transition Metal Complexes as Drugs and Chemotherapeutic Agents
  172. Transition Metal Complexes of Neutral eta1-Carbon Ligands
  173. Transition Metal Complexes of Phosphorus, Arsenic and Antimony Ligands
  174. Transition Metal Organometallic Chemistry
  175. Transition Metal Sulphides
  176. Transition Metal and Rare Earth Compounds
  177. Transition Metal and Rare Earth Compounds
  178. Transition Metal and Rare Earth Compounds
  179. Transition Metall Coordination Chemistry
  180. Transition Metals and Organometallics as Catalysts for Olefin Polymerization
  181. Transition Metals in Biochemistry
  182. Transition Metals in Coordination Environments
  183. Transition Metals in Supramolecular Chemistry
  184. Transition Problems of Aelotropic Yield and Creep Rupture
  185. Transition States of Biochemical Processes
  186. Transition Strategies
  187. Transition Strategies for Sustainable Community Systems
  188. Transition Temperatures and Related Properties of Four-Ring Systems, Five-Ring Systems, and More than Five Rings
  189. Transition Temperatures and Related Properties of One-Ring Systems and Two-Ring Systems without Bridging Groups
  190. Transition Temperatures and Related Properties of Three-Ring Systems with One Bridging Group
  191. Transition Temperatures and Related Properties of Three-Ring Systems with Two Bridging Groups
  192. Transition Temperatures and Related Properties of Three-Ring Systems without Bridging Groups
  193. Transition Temperatures and Related Properties of Two-Ring Systems with Bridging Group
  194. Transition Towards 100% Renewable Energy
  195. Transition Towards Energy Efficient Machine Tools
  196. Transition and Beyond
  197. Transition and Change in Collectivist Family Life
  198. Transition and Lifelong Care in Congenital Urology
  199. Transition and Opportunity
  200. Transition and Transgression