30896 publications

  1. Transcriptional Regulation
  2. Transcriptional Regulation by Neuronal Activity
  3. Transcriptional and Epigenetic Mechanisms Regulating Normal and Aberrant Blood Cell Development
  4. Transcriptional and Translational Regulation of Stem Cells
  5. Transcriptome Analysis
  6. Transcriptome Data Analysis
  7. Transcriptomics and Gene Regulation
  8. Transcriptomics in Health and Disease
  9. Transcriptomics in Health and Disease
  10. Transcultural Aesthetics in the Plays of Gao Xingjian
  11. Transcultural Areas
  12. Transcultural Connections: Australia and China
  13. Transcultural Diplomacy and International Law in Heritage Conservation
  14. Transcultural Encounters in Knowledge Production and Consumption
  15. Transcultural Europe
  16. Transcultural Experiments
  17. Transcultural History
  18. Transcultural Interaction and Linguistic Diversity in Higher Education
  19. Transcultural Medicine
  20. Transcultural Nationalism in Hispano-Filipino Literature
  21. Transcultural Negotiations of Gender
  22. Transcultural Performance
  23. Transcultural Turbulences
  24. Transcutane Sauerstoffmessung
  25. Transdermal Fentanyl
  26. Transdisciplinarity
  27. Transdisciplinarity for Small-Scale Fisheries Governance
  28. Transdisciplinarity in Financial Communication
  29. Transdisciplinarity in Mathematics Education
  30. Transdisciplinarity: Joint Problem Solving among Science, Technology, and Society
  31. Transdisciplinary Approach to Language Study: The Complexity Theory Perspective
  32. Transdisciplinary Challenges in Landscape Ecology and Restoration Ecology
  33. Transdisciplinary Digital Art. Sound, Vision and the New Screen
  34. Transdisciplinary Environmental Research
  35. Transdisciplinary Higher Education
  36. Transdisciplinary Knowledge Production in Architecture and Urbanism
  37. Transdisciplinary Multispectral Modeling and Cooperation for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage
  38. Transdisciplinary Multispectral Modeling and Cooperation for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage
  39. Transdisciplinary Multispectral Modeling and Cooperation for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage
  40. Transdisciplinary Perioperative Care in Colorectal Surgery
  41. Transdisciplinary Perspectives on Complex Systems
  42. Transdisciplinary Perspectives on Public Health in Europe
  43. Transdisciplinary Professional Learning and Practice
  44. Transdisciplinary Systems Engineering
  45. Transdisciplinary Teaching in Inclusive Schools
  46. Transdisciplinary Theory, Practice and Education
  47. Transdisciplinary Urbanism and Culture
  48. Transdiscourse 1
  49. Transdisziplinarität in Forschung und Praxis
  50. Transdisziplinarität in der Bildungsforschung
  51. Transdisziplinär und transformativ forschen
  52. Transdisziplinär und transformativ forschen, Band 2
  53. Transdisziplinäre Begegnungen zwischen postdigitaler Kunst und Kultureller Bildung
  54. Transdisziplinäre Jugendforschung
  55. Transdisziplinäre Landschaftsforschung
  56. Transducers and Arrays for Underwater Sound
  57. Transducers and Arrays for Underwater Sound
  58. Transducers for Microprocessor Systems
  59. Transducers ’01 Eurosensors XV
  60. Transduction Mechanisms of Drug Stimuli
  61. Transduction in Biological Systems
  62. Transductions and Context-Free Languages
  63. Transduktorschaltungen
  64. Transendoscopic Ultrasound for Neurosurgery
  65. Transesophageal Echocardiography
  66. Transesophageal Echocardiography
  67. Transesophageal Echocardiography
  68. Transesophageal Echocardiography for Congenital Heart Disease
  69. Transesophageal Echocardiography for Pediatric and Congenital Heart Disease
  70. Transesophageal Echocardiography in Clinical Practice
  71. Transesophageal Echocardiography in Pediatric Congenital Cardiac Surgery and Catheter Intervention
  72. Transfer Learning for Multiagent Reinforcement Learning Systems
  73. Transfer Operators, Endomorphisms, and Measurable Partitions
  74. Transfer Phenomena in Magnetohydrodynamic and Electroconducting Flows
  75. Transfer Prices and Management Accounting
  76. Transfer Pricing
  77. Transfer Pricing Audits in China
  78. Transfer Pricing and Corporate Taxation
  79. Transfer Pricing and Valuation in Corporate Taxation: Federal Legislation vs. Administrative Practice
  80. Transfer Pricing in China
  81. Transfer Pricing in China
  82. Transfer Pricing in Manufacturing
  83. Transfer Pricing in One Lesson
  84. Transfer Pricing in SMEs
  85. Transfer Processes in Cohesive Sediment Systems
  86. Transfer Spending, Taxes, and the American Welfare State
  87. Transfer in Reinforcement Learning Domains
  88. Transfer in Schulentwicklungsprojekten
  89. Transfer of Business and Acquired Employee Rights
  90. Transfer of Cell Constituents into Eukaryotic Cells
  91. Transfer of Learning
  92. Transfer of Learning in Organizations
  93. Transfer of Polarized Light in Planetary Atmospheres
  94. Transfer of Substance in Vortex and Wave Flows in One-Component and Multi-component Environment
  95. Transfer sozialer Innovationen
  96. Transfer von Erfahrungen
  97. Transfer von Innovation und Wissen
  98. Transfer von Lehrerfortbildungsinhalten in die Praxis
  99. Transfer von Unternehmenskultur
  100. Transfer, Diffusion and Adoption of Next-Generation Digital Technologies
  101. Transfer, Diffusion and Adoption of Next-Generation Digital Technologies
  102. Transfer, Diffusion and Adoption of Next-Generation Digital Technologies
  103. Transfer, Diffusion und Konvergenz von Politiken
  104. Transfer, Transitions and Transformations of Learning
  105. Transferability of Fracture Mechanical Characteristics
  106. Transferförderung in der betrieblichen Weiterbildungspraxis
  107. Transferinnovationen und Innovationstransfer zwischen Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft
  108. Transferring Asylum Norms to EU Neighbours
  109. Transferring Human Impedance Regulation Skills to Robots
  110. Transferring Information Literacy Practices
  111. Transfersysteme zur Hochleistungskommunikation
  112. Transferunternehmertum
  113. Transfictional Character and Transmedia Storyworlds in the British Nineteenth Century
  114. Transfinite Zahlen
  115. Transfinite Zahlen
  116. Transfiniteness
  117. Transfixation
  118. Transfontanellar Doppler Imaging in Neonates
  119. Transforaminal Endoscopy for Lumbar Spine
  120. Transforaminal Full-Endoscopic Lumbar Surgery Under the Local Anesthesia
  121. Transform Techniques in Chemistry
  122. Transformaties in de jeugdzorg
  123. Transformation - A Fundamental Idea of Mathematics Education
  124. Transformation Electromagnetics and Metamaterials
  125. Transformation Geometry
  126. Transformation Groups
  127. Transformation Groups
  128. Transformation Groups Poznań 1985
  129. Transformation Groups and Algebraic K-Theory
  130. Transformation Groups and Representation Theory
  131. Transformation Groups in Differential Geometry
  132. Transformation Literacy
  133. Transformation Processes of Metals in Urban Road Dust
  134. Transformation Products of Synthetic Chemicals in the Environment
  135. Transformation Real Estate
  136. Transformation Scorecard
  137. Transformation Thermotics and Extended Theories
  138. Transformation Towards Sustainability
  139. Transformation and Development
  140. Transformation and European Integration
  141. Transformation and Upgrading of Chinese Enterprises
  142. Transformation and Utilization of Carbon Dioxide
  143. Transformation and sustainability in agriculture
  144. Transformation der Arbeitsrechtsordnung in den neuen Bundesländern
  145. Transformation der Immobilienwirtschaft
  146. Transformation der Kernexekutive
  147. Transformation der Kulturpolitik
  148. Transformation der Seeschiffahrt
  149. Transformation der Sicherheitspolitik
  150. Transformation der Tafeln in Deutschland
  151. Transformation der Verbändedemokratie
  152. Transformation der Wirtschaftsordnung in Polen und Spanien
  153. Transformation der Wohlfahrtsstaaten in Mittel- und Osteuropa
  154. Transformation der hydrostatischen Antriebstechnik zur E-Mobilität
  155. Transformation der ostdeutschen Presse
  156. Transformation der politisch-administrativen Strukturen in Ostdeutschland
  157. Transformation des Kombinats Lacke und Farben
  158. Transformation des Rentierstaats Iran
  159. Transformation des VEB LEW Hennigsdorf
  160. Transformation durch Kooperation?
  161. Transformation durch das mittlere Management
  162. Transformation from Wall Street to Wellbeing
  163. Transformation gesellschaftlicher Erfahrungsmuster in den Texten der Europäischen Avantgarde am Beispiel des itanleinischen Futurismus
  164. Transformation im Tourismus
  165. Transformation im Verkehr
  166. Transformation im ländlichen Raum
  167. Transformation in Clinical and Developmental Psychology
  168. Transformation in Higher Education
  169. Transformation in Ungarn und der DDR
  170. Transformation in der ostdeutschen Bildungslandschaft
  171. Transformation in der Ökonomie
  172. Transformation in the Writing
  173. Transformation mittel- und osteuropäischer Wissenschaftssysteme
  174. Transformation of Agri-Food Systems
  175. Transformation of Agricultural Sector in the Central and Eastern Europe after 1989
  176. Transformation of Business Organization Towards Sustainability
  177. Transformation of Carbon Dioxide to Formic Acid and Methanol
  178. Transformation of Civil Justice
  179. Transformation of Contemporary Film Genre
  180. Transformation of Education Policy
  181. Transformation of Higher Education in the Age of Society 5.0
  182. Transformation of Japanese Multinational Enterprises and Business
  183. Transformation of Knowledge and Educational Reform
  184. Transformation of Measure on Wiener Space
  185. Transformation of Organometallics into Common and Exotic Materials: Design and Activation
  186. Transformation of Platform Governance in China
  187. Transformation of Social Security: Pensions in Central-Eastern Europe
  188. Transformation of Sydney’s Industrial Historic Waterfront
  189. Transformation of Tax Audit in Innovative Economic Development
  190. Transformation of Transportation
  191. Transformation of the Employment Structure in the EU and USA, 1995–2007
  192. Transformation of the Fiscal and Taxation Systems
  193. Transformation of the natural environment in Western Sørkapp Land (Spitsbergen) since the 1980s
  194. Transformation operativer Daten zur Nutzung im Data Warehouse
  195. Transformation osteuropäischer Unternehmen
  196. Transformation radioaktiver Abfälle
  197. Transformation radioaktiver Abfälle
  198. Transformation religiöser Symbole und religiöser Kommunikation in der Diaspora
  199. Transformation sozialistischer Gesellschaften: Am Ende des Anfangs
  200. Transformation staatlicher Industriebetriebe in China