24938 publications

  1. Smart Education and e-Learning—Smart University
  2. Smart Education in China and Central & Eastern European Countries
  3. Smart Electromechanical Systems
  4. Smart Electromechanical Systems
  5. Smart Electromechanical Systems
  6. Smart Electromechanical Systems
  7. Smart Electromechanical Systems
  8. Smart Electromechanical Systems: The Central Nervous System
  9. Smart Energy
  10. Smart Energy
  11. Smart Energy Control Systems for Sustainable Buildings
  12. Smart Energy Empowerment in Smart and Resilient Cities
  13. Smart Energy Grid Design for Island Countries
  14. Smart Energy Management
  15. Smart Energy Research. At the Crossroads of Engineering, Economics, and Computer Science
  16. Smart Energy Technologies in Everyday Life
  17. Smart Energy and Advancement in Power Technologies
  18. Smart Energy and Advancement in Power Technologies
  19. Smart Energy for Smart Transport
  20. Smart Energy in the Smart City
  21. Smart Engineering
  22. Smart Engineering Management
  23. Smart Environment for Smart Cities
  24. Smart Factory Navigator
  25. Smart Futures, Challenges of Urbanisation, and Social Sustainability
  26. Smart Geography
  27. Smart Glasses
  28. Smart Global Megacities
  29. Smart Global Megacities
  30. Smart Governance for Cities: Perspectives and Experiences
  31. Smart Graphics
  32. Smart Graphics
  33. Smart Graphics
  34. Smart Graphics
  35. Smart Graphics
  36. Smart Graphics
  37. Smart Graphics
  38. Smart Graphics
  39. Smart Graphics
  40. Smart Graphics
  41. Smart Graphics
  42. Smart Green Innovations in Industry 4.0
  43. Smart Green Innovations in Industry 4.0 for Climate Change Risk Management
  44. Smart Grid 3.0
  45. Smart Grid Applications and Developments
  46. Smart Grid Control
  47. Smart Grid Economics
  48. Smart Grid Economics and Management
  49. Smart Grid Inspired Future Technologies
  50. Smart Grid Inspired Future Technologies
  51. Smart Grid Resilience
  52. Smart Grid Security
  53. Smart Grid Security
  54. Smart Grid Security
  55. Smart Grid and Innovative Frontiers in Telecommunications
  56. Smart Grid and Innovative Frontiers in Telecommunications
  57. Smart Grid and Innovative Frontiers in Telecommunications
  58. Smart Grid and Internet of Things
  59. Smart Grid and Internet of Things
  60. Smart Grid and Internet of Things
  61. Smart Grid and Internet of Things
  62. Smart Grid and Internet of Things
  63. Smart Grid and Internet of Things
  64. Smart Grids
  65. Smart Grids
  66. Smart Grids and Their Communication Systems
  67. Smart Grids from a Global Perspective
  68. Smart Grids – Fundamentals and Technologies in Electricity Networks
  69. Smart Grids: Security and Privacy Issues
  70. Smart Grids—Renewable Energy, Power Electronics, Signal Processing and Communication Systems Applications
  71. Smart Growth Entrepreneurs
  72. Smart Growth and Sustainable Development
  73. Smart HRM
  74. Smart Health
  75. Smart Health
  76. Smart Health
  77. Smart Health
  78. Smart Health
  79. Smart Health
  80. Smart Health
  81. Smart Health
  82. Smart Health Systems
  83. Smart Health rechtsverträglich gestaltet
  84. Smart Healthcare Analytics in IoT Enabled Environment
  85. Smart Healthcare Analytics: State of the Art
  86. Smart Healthcare Engineering Management and Risk Analytics
  87. Smart Helicopter Rotors
  88. Smart Home Automation with Linux
  89. Smart Home Automation with Linux and Raspberry Pi
  90. Smart Homes
  91. Smart Homes and Health Telematics
  92. Smart Homes and Health Telematics
  93. Smart Homes and Health Telematics, Designing a Better Future: Urban Assisted Living
  94. Smart Homes and Their Users
  95. Smart Human Resource Management
  96. Smart Hydrogel Functional Materials
  97. Smart Hydrogel Modelling
  98. Smart Industry & Smart Education
  99. Smart Information Systems
  100. Smart Information and Knowledge Management
  101. Smart Infrastructure and Applications
  102. Smart Innovation in Agriculture
  103. Smart Innovations in Communication and Computational Sciences
  104. Smart Innovations in Communication and Computational Sciences
  105. Smart Innovations in Communication and Computational Sciences
  106. Smart Innovations in Communication and Computational Sciences
  107. Smart Innovations in Engineering and Technology
  108. Smart Instead of Small in International Relations Theory
  109. Smart Intelligent Aircraft Structures (SARISTU)
  110. Smart Intelligent Computing and Applications
  111. Smart Intelligent Computing and Applications
  112. Smart Intelligent Computing and Applications
  113. Smart Intelligent Computing and Applications
  114. Smart Intelligent Computing and Applications, Volume 1
  115. Smart Intelligent Computing and Applications, Volume 2
  116. Smart IoT for Research and Industry
  117. Smart Learning Ecosystems as Engines of the Green and Digital Transition
  118. Smart Learning Environments
  119. Smart Learning Environments in the Post Pandemic Era
  120. Smart Learning Objects for Smart Education in Computer Science
  121. Smart Learning Solutions for Sustainable Societies
  122. Smart Learning for A Sustainable Society
  123. Smart Learning in Smart Cities
  124. Smart Learning with Educational Robotics
  125. Smart Livestock Nutrition
  126. Smart Living for Smart Cities
  127. Smart Living for Smart Cities
  128. Smart Log Data Analytics
  129. Smart Machining Systems
  130. Smart Maintenance for Human–Robot Interaction
  131. Smart Management
  132. Smart Management
  133. Smart Market
  134. Smart Markets for Water Resources
  135. Smart Master Planning for Cities
  136. Smart Master Planning for Cities
  137. Smart Materials
  138. Smart Materials
  139. Smart Materials
  140. Smart Materials for Energy, Communications and Security
  141. Smart Materials for Ranging Systems
  142. Smart Materials in Architektur, Innenarchitektur und Design
  143. Smart Materials in Structural Health Monitoring, Control and Biomechanics
  144. Smart Materials-Based Actuators at the Micro/Nano-Scale
  145. Smart Membrane Materials and Systems
  146. Smart Meter Data Analytics
  147. Smart Meter Rollout
  148. Smart Metering Applications
  149. Smart Metering Design and Applications
  150. Smart Meters
  151. Smart Metropolitan Regional Development
  152. Smart Micro-Grid Systems Security and Privacy
  153. Smart Microgrids
  154. Smart Milan
  155. Smart Mobile Apps
  156. Smart Mobile Communication & Artificial Intelligence
  157. Smart Mobile Communication & Artificial Intelligence
  158. Smart Mobile In-Vehicle Systems
  159. Smart Mobility
  160. Smart Mobility
  161. Smart Mobility
  162. Smart Mobility and Industrial Technologies
  163. Smart Mobility in der Praxis: Das Auto – unverzichtbar für den intermodalen Verkehr?
  164. Smart Mobility – Connecting Everyone
  165. Smart Modeling and Simulation for Complex Systems
  166. Smart Modeling for Engineering Systems
  167. Smart Modelling For Engineering Systems
  168. Smart Modelling for Engineering Systems
  169. Smart Monitoring of Rotating Machinery for Industry 4.0
  170. Smart Morphing and Sensing for Aeronautical Configurations
  171. Smart Multicore Embedded Systems
  172. Smart Multimedia
  173. Smart Multimedia
  174. Smart Multimedia
  175. Smart Nanohybrids of RAFT Polymers and Inorganic Particles
  176. Smart Nanomaterials Targeting Pathological Hypoxia
  177. Smart Nanomaterials in Biomedical Applications
  178. Smart Nanostructure Materials and Sensor Technology
  179. Smart Network Inspired Paradigm and Approaches in IoT Applications
  180. Smart Networks
  181. Smart Nitrate Sensor
  182. Smart Objects and Technologies for Social Good
  183. Smart Objects and Technologies for Social Good
  184. Smart Objects and Technologies for Social Good
  185. Smart Objects and Technologies for Social Good
  186. Smart Objects and Technologies for Social Goods
  187. Smart Operation for Power Distribution Systems
  188. Smart Organizations and Smart Artifacts
  189. Smart Pedagogy of Game-based Learning
  190. Smart Planning: Sustainability and Mobility in the Age of Change
  191. Smart Plant Breeding for Field Crops in Post-genomics Era
  192. Smart Plant Breeding for Vegetable Crops in Post-genomics Era
  193. Smart Plant Factory
  194. Smart Polymer Nanocomposites
  195. Smart Ports
  196. Smart Ports and Robotic Systems
  197. Smart Power Distribution Network
  198. Smart Power Grids 2011
  199. Smart Power Systems and Renewable Energy System Integration
  200. Smart Prisons