24937 publications

  1. Small Spacecraft Development Project-Based Learning
  2. Small State Behavior in Strategic and Intelligence Studies
  3. Small States Inside and Outside the European Union
  4. Small States and Alliances
  5. Small States and Big Powers
  6. Small States and EU Governance
  7. Small States and EU Governance
  8. Small States and the Changing Global Order
  9. Small States and the European Migrant Crisis
  10. Small States and the New Security Environment
  11. Small States in Global Affairs
  12. Small States in a Legal World
  13. Small Stress Proteins
  14. Small Supernumerary Marker Chromosomes (sSMC)
  15. Small Talk und Karriere
  16. Small Town Tourism in South Africa
  17. Small Towns and Decentralisation in India
  18. Small Universal Cellular Automata in Hyperbolic Spaces
  19. Small Viscosity and Boundary Layer Methods
  20. Small Volume Biopsy in Pediatric Tumors
  21. Small Voluntary Organisations in the 'Age of Austerity'
  22. Small Water Bodies of the Western Balkans
  23. Small Wind Turbines
  24. Small and Medium Sized Companies in Europe
  25. Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise (SME) Resilience
  26. Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, and Business Uncertainty
  27. Small ring compounds in organic synthesis III
  28. Small talk und Karriere
  29. Small-Angle Scattering (Neutrons, X-Rays, Light) from Complex Systems
  30. Small-Angle Scattering from Confined and Interfacial Fluids
  31. Small-Animal Spect Imaging
  32. Small-Bowel Obstruction
  33. Small-Bowel Transplantation
  34. Small-Gauge Vitrectomy for Diabetic Retinopathy
  35. Small-Gauge Vitrectomy for Diabetic Retinopathy
  36. Small-Molecule Inhibitors of Protein-Protein Interactions
  37. Small-N und Big-N-Data in der Sportwissenschaft
  38. Small-Scale Fisheries in Europe: Status, Resilience and Governance
  39. Small-Scale Robotics. From Nano-to-Millimeter-Sized Robotic Systems and Applications
  40. Small-Scale Steelmaking
  41. Small-Scale Structures in Three-Dimensional Hydrodynamic and Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence
  42. Small-Sided and Conditioned Games in Soccer Training
  43. Small-Signal Stability Analysis of Power Systems Integrated with Variable Speed Wind Generators
  44. Small-State Security in the Balkans
  45. Small-scale Freshwater Toxicity Investigations
  46. Small-scale Freshwater Toxicity Investigations
  47. Smaller Satellites: Bigger Business?
  48. Smallholder Tree Growing for Rural Development and Environmental Services
  49. Smallholders and the Non-Farm Transition in Latin America
  50. Smallpox: When Should Routine Vaccination Be Discontinued?
  51. Smalltalk and Object Orientation
  52. Smart & Sustainable Infrastructure: Building a Greener Tomorrow
  53. Smart AD and DA Conversion
  54. Smart Adaptive Systems on Silicon
  55. Smart Agents for the Industry 4.0
  56. Smart Agriculture Automation Using Advanced Technologies
  57. Smart Agriculture for Developing Nations
  58. Smart Algorithms for Multimedia and Imaging
  59. Smart Antenna Systems and Wireless LANs
  60. Smart Antennas
  61. Smart Applications and Data Analysis
  62. Smart Applications and Data Analysis
  63. Smart Applications with Advanced Machine Learning and Human-Centred Problem Design
  64. Smart Architecture – A Sustainable Approach for Transparent Building Components Design
  65. Smart Assisted Living
  66. Smart Automotive Mobility
  67. Smart Big Data in Digital Agriculture Applications
  68. Smart Bioenergy
  69. Smart Biolabs of the Future
  70. Smart Biomaterials
  71. Smart Blockchain
  72. Smart Blockchain
  73. Smart Buildings and Technologies for Sustainable Cities in China
  74. Smart Business Networks
  75. Smart Business: Technology and Data Enabled Innovative Business Models and Practices
  76. Smart Camera Design
  77. Smart Cameras
  78. Smart Card Application Development Using Java
  79. Smart Card Application Development Using Java
  80. Smart Card Programming and Security
  81. Smart Card Research and Advanced Application
  82. Smart Card Research and Advanced Applications
  83. Smart Card Research and Advanced Applications
  84. Smart Card Research and Advanced Applications
  85. Smart Card Research and Advanced Applications
  86. Smart Card Research and Advanced Applications
  87. Smart Card Research and Advanced Applications
  88. Smart Card Research and Advanced Applications
  89. Smart Card Research and Advanced Applications
  90. Smart Card Research and Advanced Applications
  91. Smart Card Research and Advanced Applications
  92. Smart Card Research and Advanced Applications
  93. Smart Card Research and Advanced Applications
  94. Smart Card Research and Advanced Applications
  95. Smart Card Research and Advanced Applications
  96. Smart Card Research and Advanced Applications
  97. Smart Card Research and Advanced Applications
  98. Smart Card Research and Advanced Applications VI
  99. Smart Card Research and Applications
  100. Smart Cards, Tokens, Security and Applications
  101. Smart Cards, Tokens, Security and Applications
  102. Smart Career: Die Kunst, einen schweren Job leicht zu nehmen
  103. Smart Charging and Anti-Idling Systems
  104. Smart Cinema, DVD Add-Ons and New Audience Pleasures
  105. Smart Cities
  106. Smart Cities
  107. Smart Cities
  108. Smart Cities
  109. Smart Cities
  110. Smart Cities
  111. Smart Cities
  112. Smart Cities
  113. Smart Cities
  114. Smart Cities
  115. Smart Cities
  116. Smart Cities
  117. Smart Cities
  118. Smart Cities
  119. Smart Cities Atlas
  120. Smart Cities Performability, Cognition, & Security
  121. Smart Cities and Smart Communities
  122. Smart Cities and Smart Governance
  123. Smart Cities as Democratic Ecologies
  124. Smart Cities for Sustainable Development
  125. Smart Cities in Application
  126. Smart Cities in Asia
  127. Smart Cities in the Gulf
  128. Smart Cities in the Mediterranean
  129. Smart Cities of Today and Tomorrow
  130. Smart Cities, Digitalisierung und Bürgerbeteiligung
  131. Smart Cities, Green Technologies and Intelligent Transport Systems
  132. Smart Cities, Green Technologies and Intelligent Transport Systems
  133. Smart Cities, Green Technologies, and Intelligent Transport Systems
  134. Smart Cities, Green Technologies, and Intelligent Transport Systems
  135. Smart Cities, Green Technologies, and Intelligent Transport Systems
  136. Smart Cities, Green Technologies, and Intelligent Transport Systems
  137. Smart Cities, Green Technologies, and Intelligent Transport Systems
  138. Smart Cities, Green Technologies, and Intelligent Transport Systems
  139. Smart Cities/Smart Regions – Technische, wirtschaftliche und gesellschaftliche Innovationen
  140. Smart Cities: A Data Analytics Perspective
  141. Smart Cities: Big Data Prediction Methods and Applications
  142. Smart Cities: Cyber Situational Awareness to Support Decision Making
  143. Smart Cities—Opportunities and Challenges
  144. Smart City
  145. Smart City
  146. Smart City 360°
  147. Smart City Implementation
  148. Smart City Networks
  149. Smart City and Informatization
  150. Smart City wird Realität
  151. Smart City – Future City?
  152. Smart City – Made in Germany
  153. Smart City – Stadt der Zukunft?
  154. Smart City: A Critical Assessment
  155. Smart City: Digitalisierung in Stadt und Land
  156. Smart Clothes
  157. Smart Collaborative Identifier Network
  158. Smart Colloidal Materials
  159. Smart Communications, Intelligent Algorithms and Interactive Methods
  160. Smart Computational Strategies: Theoretical and Practical Aspects
  161. Smart Computer Vision
  162. Smart Computing Paradigms: New Progresses and Challenges
  163. Smart Computing Paradigms: New Progresses and Challenges
  164. Smart Computing Techniques and Applications
  165. Smart Computing Techniques and Applications
  166. Smart Computing and Communication
  167. Smart Computing and Communication
  168. Smart Computing and Communication
  169. Smart Computing and Communication
  170. Smart Computing and Communication
  171. Smart Computing and Communication
  172. Smart Computing and Communication
  173. Smart Computing and Informatics
  174. Smart Computing and Informatics
  175. Smart Connected World
  176. Smart Contracts
  177. Smart Contracts and Comparative Law
  178. Smart Control of Turbulent Combustion
  179. Smart Customers and Retail Promotions
  180. Smart Data Intelligence
  181. Smart Data and Computational Intelligence
  182. Smart Decisions
  183. Smart Design
  184. Smart Designs for Business Innovation
  185. Smart Device Recognition
  186. Smart Device to Smart Device Communication
  187. Smart Devices and Machines for Advanced Manufacturing
  188. Smart Digital Service Ecosystems
  189. Smart Driver Training Simulation
  190. Smart Economy in Smart African Cities
  191. Smart Economy in Smart Cities
  192. Smart Education Best Practices in Chinese Schools
  193. Smart Education and Smart e-Learning
  194. Smart Education and e-Learning - Smart Pedagogy
  195. Smart Education and e-Learning 2016
  196. Smart Education and e-Learning 2017
  197. Smart Education and e-Learning 2018
  198. Smart Education and e-Learning 2019
  199. Smart Education and e-Learning 2020
  200. Smart Education and e-Learning 2021