24167 publications

  1. Product-Focused Software Process Improvement
  2. Product-Market-Fit
  3. Product-Oriented Environmental Management Systems (POEMS)
  4. Product-Service Integration for Sustainable Solutions
  5. Production Control Systems
  6. Production Design & the Cinematic Home
  7. Production Development
  8. Production Diseases in Farm Animals
  9. Production Dynamics for Life Quality in the Incipient 21st Century
  10. Production Ecology of British Moors and Montane Grasslands
  11. Production Economics
  12. Production Economics
  13. Production Economics
  14. Production Engineering Technology
  15. Production Engineering Technology
  16. Production Engineering and Management under Fuzziness
  17. Production Factor Mathematics
  18. Production Functions
  19. Production Grids in Asia
  20. Production Management of Chemical Industries
  21. Production Methods
  22. Production Networks and Enterprises in East Asia
  23. Production Planning and Control for Semiconductor Wafer Fabrication Facilities
  24. Production Planning and Control in Semiconductor Manufacturing
  25. Production Planning and Information Systems
  26. Production Planning and Information Systems
  27. Production Planning and Scheduling in Flexible Assembly Systems
  28. Production Planning by Mixed Integer Programming
  29. Production Planning in Automated Manufacturing
  30. Production Planning in Automated Manufacturing
  31. Production Planning in Production Networks
  32. Production Planning with Capacitated Resources and Congestion
  33. Production Planning, Modeling and Control of Food Industry Processes
  34. Production Politics and Migrant Labour Regimes
  35. Production Practices and Quality Assessment of Food Crops
  36. Production Practices and Quality Assessment of Food Crops
  37. Production Practices and Quality Assessment of Food Crops
  38. Production Practices and Quality Assessment of Food Crops Volume 1
  39. Production Processes and Product Evolution in the Age of Disruption
  40. Production Rendering
  41. Production Research
  42. Production Research
  43. Production Structure and International Trade
  44. Production Structure and Productivity of Japanese Agriculture
  45. Production Structure and Productivity of Japanese Agriculture
  46. Production Systems Engineering
  47. Production Systems and Supply Chain Management in Emerging Countries: Best Practices
  48. Production Technology of Stone Fruits
  49. Production Technology of Underutilized Vegetable Crops
  50. Production Theory
  51. Production Theory and Its Applications
  52. Production Wine Analysis
  53. Production Yield of Muon-Induced Neutrons in Lead
  54. Production and Breeding of Chilli Peppers (Capsicum spp.)
  55. Production and Commercialization of Insects as Food and Feed
  56. Production and Efficiency Analysis with R
  57. Production and Inventory Control: Theory and Practice
  58. Production and Inventory Management with Substitutions
  59. Production and Operations Management
  60. Production and Packaging of Non-Carbonated Fruit Juices and Fruit Beverages
  61. Production and Packaging of Non-Carbonated Fruit Juices and Fruit Beverages
  62. Production and Processing of Healthy Meat, Poultry and Fish Products
  63. Production and Use of Urban Knowledge
  64. Production and Utilization of Protein in Oilseed Crops
  65. Production and income relations in the Netherlands
  66. Production at the Leading Edge of Technology
  67. Production at the Leading Edge of Technology
  68. Production at the Leading Edge of Technology
  69. Production at the leading edge of technology
  70. Production at the leading edge of technology
  71. Production of Advanced Materials by Methods of Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis
  72. Production of Biofuels and Chemicals from Lignin
  73. Production of Biofuels and Chemicals from Sustainable Recycling of Organic Solid Waste
  74. Production of Biofuels and Chemicals with Bifunctional Catalysts
  75. Production of Biofuels and Chemicals with Ionic Liquids
  76. Production of Biofuels and Chemicals with Microwave
  77. Production of Biofuels and Chemicals with Pyrolysis
  78. Production of Biofuels and Chemicals with Ultrasound
  79. Production of Biomass and Bioactive Compounds Using Bioreactor Technology
  80. Production of Ethanol from Sugarcane in Brazil
  81. Production of Hydrogen from Renewable Resources
  82. Production of Materials from Sustainable Biomass Resources
  83. Production of N-containing Chemicals and Materials from Biomass
  84. Production of Plant Derived Natural Compounds through Hairy Root Culture
  85. Production of Platform Chemicals from Sustainable Resources
  86. Production of Sugarcane
  87. Production of Traditional Mediterranean Meat Products
  88. Production of biodiesel using lipase encapsulated in κ-carrageenan
  89. Production of the 'Self' in the Digital Age
  90. Production systems and hierarchies of centres
  91. Production to Order
  92. Production, Handling and Characterization of Particulate Materials
  93. Production, Marketing and Use of Finger-Jointed Sawnwood
  94. Production, Presentation, and Acceleration of Educational Research: Could Less be More?
  95. Production-oriented and Comprehension-based Grammar Teaching in the Foreign Language Classroom
  96. Productionizing AI
  97. Productive Biofilms
  98. Productive Multivocality in the Analysis of Group Interactions
  99. Productive Performance in Chinese Enterprises
  100. Productive Remembering and Social Agency
  101. Productive and Efficient Data Science with Python
  102. Productivity
  103. Productivity Analysis
  104. Productivity Analysis at the Organizational Level
  105. Productivity Based Management
  106. Productivity Growth and Economic Performance
  107. Productivity Growth and the Competitiveness of the American Economy
  108. Productivity Issues in Services at the Micro Level
  109. Productivity and Efficiency Analysis
  110. Productivity and Efficiency Analysis
  111. Productivity and Growth in Chinese Agriculture
  112. Productivity and Inequality
  113. Productivity with Health, Safety, and Environment
  114. Productivity, Efficiency and Economic Growth in China
  115. Productivity, Efficiency, and Economic Growth in the Asia-Pacific Region
  116. Productivity, Separability and Deprivation
  117. Productivity, Technology and Economic Growth
  118. Productizing Quantum Computing
  119. Products and Process Innovation in the Food Industry
  120. Products of Automata
  121. Products of Conjugacy Classes in Groups
  122. Products of Random Matrices
  123. Products of Random Matrices with Applications to Schrödinger Operators
  124. Produkt- und Anlagenoptimierung
  125. Produkt- und Markenpolitik im dynamischen Umfeld
  126. Produkt- und Prozessinnovationen in Wertschöpfungsketten
  127. Produkt-Compliance
  128. Produkt-Service Systeme
  129. Produktbasierte Bewertung von Kundenbeziehungen im Maschinen- und Anlagenbau
  130. Produktbegleitende Dienstleistungen
  131. Produktberatungssysteme im Internet
  132. Produktbeurteilung der Konsumenten
  133. Produktbezogene ökologische Wettbewerbsstrategien
  134. Produktdatenmanagement – Anforderungen und Lösungen
  135. Produktdesign
  136. Produktdesign in der chemischen Industrie
  137. Produkte digital-first denken
  138. Produkte entwickeln mit IDE
  139. Produkte entwickeln mit IDE
  140. Produkte und Services vom Kunden aus denken
  141. Produkteinführung
  142. Produktentstehung, Controlling und Umweltschutz
  143. Produktentwicklung in Kooperation mit Anwendern
  144. Produktentwicklung in der Automobilindustrie
  145. Produktentwicklung mit virtuellen Communities
  146. Produktentwicklung und Konstruktionstechnik
  147. Produktentwicklungsprojekte - Aufbau, Ablauf und Organisation
  148. Produkterfolg durch Customer Focus
  149. Produktgestaltung
  150. Produkthaftung
  151. Produkthaftung und Produktsicherheit im Lebensmittelbereich
  152. Produkthaftungsrecht und Konsumgütersicherheit
  153. Produkthaptik
  154. Produktideen und „Ideenproduktion”
  155. Produktindividualisierung
  156. Produktinnovation
  157. Produktinnovation durch Projektmanagement
  158. Produktinnovation in der Medienindustrie
  159. Produktinnovationserfolg und Target Costing
  160. Produktinnovationsmanagement in Versicherungsunternehmen
  161. Produktion
  162. Produktion - Distribution - Konsum
  163. Produktion I
  164. Produktion I
  165. Produktion I
  166. Produktion I
  167. Produktion I
  168. Produktion I
  169. Produktion bei Unsicherheit
  170. Produktion integrativer Dienstleistungen
  171. Produktion ohne Zukunft?
  172. Produktion und Absatz
  173. Produktion und Controlling
  174. Produktion und Information
  175. Produktion und Lebensverhältnisse auf dem Land
  176. Produktion und Logistik in der digitalen Transformation
  177. Produktion und Logistik mit Zukunft
  178. Produktion und Management 3
  179. Produktion und Umwelt
  180. Produktion und Umweltschutz
  181. Produktion von Fernsehnachrichten
  182. Produktion von Inhalten für digitale Medien
  183. Produktion von Oleanol- und Ursolsäure mit pflanzlichen in vitro Kulturen
  184. Produktions- und Kostentheorie
  185. Produktions- und Kostentheorie
  186. Produktions- und Kostentheorie
  187. Produktions- und Kostentheorie
  188. Produktions- und Kostentheorie
  189. Produktions- und Logistikmanagement
  190. Produktions- und Logistikmanagement in Virtuellen Unternehmen und Unternehmensnetzwerken
  191. Produktions- und Operations-Management
  192. Produktions-Controlling für Fertigungsinseln
  193. Produktions-Controlling im Übergang zur Digitalisierung
  194. Produktions-Management
  195. Produktions-Management
  196. Produktions-Management
  197. Produktions-management von IT-Dienstleistungen
  198. Produktionsaufbau in China
  199. Produktionscontrolling
  200. Produktionscontrolling