24167 publications

  1. Process-Driven Applications with BPMN
  2. Process-Induced Chemical Changes in Food
  3. Process-Mining
  4. Process-Oriented Dynamic Capabilities
  5. Process-Spray
  6. Process-based Strategic Planning
  7. Process-based Strategic Planning
  8. Process-based Strategic Planning
  9. Process-based Strategic Planning
  10. Process-based Strategic Planning
  11. Process-based Strategic Planning
  12. Processability of Polymeric Composites
  13. Processed Apple Products
  14. Processed Meats
  15. Processed Meats
  16. Processes Determining Surface Water Chemistry
  17. Processes and Boundaries of the Mind
  18. Processes and Foundations for Virtual Organizations
  19. Processes and Pathways of Family-School Partnerships Across Development
  20. Processes and Phenomena on the Boundary Between Biogenic and Abiogenic Nature
  21. Processes in GeoMedia - Volume II
  22. Processes in GeoMedia—Volume I
  23. Processes in GeoMedia—Volume III
  24. Processes in GeoMedia—Volume IV
  25. Processes in GeoMedia—Volume V
  26. Processes in GeoMedia—Volume VI
  27. Processes in GeoMedia—Volume VII
  28. Processes in Karst Systems
  29. Processes in Photoreactive Polymers
  30. Processes of Believing: The Acquisition, Maintenance, and Change in Creditions
  31. Processes of Inquiry
  32. Processes of Mass Communication
  33. Processes of Vegetation Change
  34. Processes of Visuospatial Attention and Working Memory
  35. Processes of the Cranial Midline
  36. Processes with Long-Range Correlations
  37. Processes, Assessment and Remediation of Contaminated Sediments
  38. Processes, Beliefs, and Questions
  39. Processes, Terms and Cycles: Steps on the Road to Infinity
  40. Processing
  41. Processing
  42. Processing Big Data with Azure HDInsight
  43. Processing Declarative Knowledge
  44. Processing Mathematics Through Digital Technologies
  45. Processing Medical Thermal Images
  46. Processing Plastics
  47. Processing and Analysis of Biomedical Information
  48. Processing and Characterization of Materials
  49. Processing and Characterization of Materials
  50. Processing and Producing Head-final Structures
  51. Processing and Use of Organic Sludge and Liquid Agricultural Wastes
  52. Processing by Centrifugation
  53. Processing for Android
  54. Processing for Android
  55. Processing of Crystalline Ceramics
  56. Processing of Environmental Information in Vertebrates
  57. Processing of Foods and Biomass Feedstocks by Pulsed Electric Energy
  58. Processing of Green Composites
  59. Processing of Hyperspectral Medical Images
  60. Processing of Multidimensional Signals
  61. Processing of Particulate Solids
  62. Processing of Polymer-based Nanocomposites
  63. Processing of Polymer-based Nanocomposites
  64. Processing of Poultry
  65. Processing of SAR Data
  66. Processing of Seismic Reflection Data Using MATLAB™
  67. Processing of Sensory Information in the Superficial Dorsal Horn of the Spinal Cord
  68. Processing of Visible Language
  69. Processing of Visible Language
  70. Processing, Estimation and Measurement of Signals Parameters in Public Distribution Networks
  71. Processing, Structure and Properties of Block Copolymers
  72. Processing-in-Memory for AI
  73. Processionary Moths and Climate Change : An Update
  74. Processor Architecture
  75. Processor Design
  76. Processor Microarchitecture
  77. Processor and System-on-Chip Simulation
  78. Processus Aléatoires à Deux Indices
  79. Processus de Markov
  80. Processus de Markov: la frontière de Martin
  81. Prochloron: A Microbial Enigma
  82. Proclus: Alcibiades I
  83. Proclus: Alcibiades I
  84. Procrastination and Task Avoidance
  85. Procurement 4.0 and the Fourth Industrial Revolution
  86. Procurement Analytics
  87. Procurement Finance
  88. Procurement Marketing
  89. Procurement and Politics
  90. Procurement and Transplantation of Abdominal Organs in Clinical Practice
  91. Procurement, Preservation and Allocation of Vascularized Organs
  92. Procyclical Fiscal Policy
  93. Procyclicality of Financial Systems in Asia
  94. Prodrugs
  95. Produced Water
  96. Produced Water
  97. Produced Water 2
  98. Producing Artificial Intelligent Systems
  99. Producing Bias-Free Policing
  100. Producing British Television Drama
  101. Producing China in Southeast Asia
  102. Producing Cultural Change in Political Communities
  103. Producing Green Knowledge and Innovation
  104. Producing Health Policy
  105. Producing History in Spanish Civil War Exhumations
  106. Producing Pleasure in the Contemporary University
  107. Producing Shared Understanding for Digital and Social Innovation
  108. Producing Welfare
  109. Product Characteristics in International Economics
  110. Product Concept Design
  111. Product Customization
  112. Product Data Interfaces in CAD/CAM Applications
  113. Product Design for Modularity
  114. Product Design for Modularity
  115. Product Development
  116. Product Development Projects
  117. Product Development Strategy
  118. Product Development for Distant Target Groups
  119. Product Development in the Socio-sphere
  120. Product Development within Artificial Intelligence, Ethics and Legal Risk
  121. Product Differentiation in Terms of Packaging Presentation, Advertising, Trade Marks, ETC.
  122. Product Engineering
  123. Product Engineering
  124. Product Focused Software Process Improvement
  125. Product Focused Software Process Improvement
  126. Product Focused Software Process Improvement
  127. Product Focused Software Process Improvement
  128. Product Focused Software Process Improvement
  129. Product Information Management
  130. Product Information Management for Mass Customization
  131. Product Innovation Management
  132. Product Innovation and Eco-efficiency
  133. Product Innovation in the Global Fashion Industry
  134. Product Integrity and Reliability in Design
  135. Product Lifecycle Management
  136. Product Lifecycle Management
  137. Product Lifecycle Management
  138. Product Lifecycle Management
  139. Product Lifecycle Management
  140. Product Lifecycle Management
  141. Product Lifecycle Management (Volume 1)
  142. Product Lifecycle Management (Volume 1)
  143. Product Lifecycle Management (Volume 1)
  144. Product Lifecycle Management (Volume 2)
  145. Product Lifecycle Management (Volume 2)
  146. Product Lifecycle Management (Volume 3): The Executive Summary
  147. Product Lifecycle Management (Volume 4): The Case Studies
  148. Product Lifecycle Management (Volume 5)
  149. Product Lifecycle Management (Volume 6)
  150. Product Lifecycle Management Enabling Smart X
  151. Product Lifecycle Management and the Industry of the Future
  152. Product Lifecycle Management beherrschen
  153. Product Lifecycle Management beherrschen
  154. Product Lifecycle Management for Digital Transformation of Industries
  155. Product Lifecycle Management for Society
  156. Product Lifecycle Management for a Global Market
  157. Product Lifecycle Management für die Praxis
  158. Product Lifecycle Management in the Digital Twin Era
  159. Product Lifecycle Management in the Era of Internet of Things
  160. Product Lifecycle Management to Support Industry 4.0
  161. Product Lifecycle Management. Green and Blue Technologies to Support Smart and Sustainable Organizations
  162. Product Lifecycle Management. Green and Blue Technologies to Support Smart and Sustainable Organizations
  163. Product Lifecycle Management. Leveraging Digital Twins, Circular Economy, and Knowledge Management for Sustainable Innovation
  164. Product Lifecycle Management. Leveraging Digital Twins, Circular Economy, and Knowledge Management for Sustainable Innovation
  165. Product Lifecycle Management. PLM in Transition Times: The Place of Humans and Transformative Technologies
  166. Product Lifecycle Management. Towards Knowledge-Rich Enterprises
  167. Product Management Essentials
  168. Product Modeling for Computer Integrated Design and Manufacture
  169. Product Planning
  170. Product Platform and Product Family Design
  171. Product Policy and Management
  172. Product Policy in Europe: New Environmental Perspectives
  173. Product Realization
  174. Product Reliability
  175. Product Research
  176. Product Standards, Exports and Employment
  177. Product Treatment & Finishing
  178. Product Variety Management
  179. Product Variety in Automotive Industry
  180. Product and Service Design Innovation
  181. Product of Random Stochastic Matrices and Distributed Averaging
  182. Product, Process and Plant Design Using Subcritical and Supercritical Fluids for Industrial Application
  183. Product-Focused Software Process Improvement
  184. Product-Focused Software Process Improvement
  185. Product-Focused Software Process Improvement
  186. Product-Focused Software Process Improvement
  187. Product-Focused Software Process Improvement
  188. Product-Focused Software Process Improvement
  189. Product-Focused Software Process Improvement
  190. Product-Focused Software Process Improvement
  191. Product-Focused Software Process Improvement
  192. Product-Focused Software Process Improvement
  193. Product-Focused Software Process Improvement
  194. Product-Focused Software Process Improvement
  195. Product-Focused Software Process Improvement
  196. Product-Focused Software Process Improvement
  197. Product-Focused Software Process Improvement
  198. Product-Focused Software Process Improvement
  199. Product-Focused Software Process Improvement
  200. Product-Focused Software Process Improvement