22139 publications

  1. Modelling Reality and Personal Modelling
  2. Modelling Regional Scenarios for the Enlarged Europe
  3. Modelling Rock Fracturing Processes
  4. Modelling Rock Fracturing Processes
  5. Modelling Small Deformations of Polycrystals
  6. Modelling Soil Development Under Global Change
  7. Modelling Soil Erosion by Water
  8. Modelling Spark Ignition Combustion
  9. Modelling Spatial Housing Markets
  10. Modelling Spatial Knowledge on a Linguistic Basis
  11. Modelling Spatial Processes
  12. Modelling Stochastic Fibrous Materials with Mathematica®
  13. Modelling Supply Chain Dynamics
  14. Modelling Techniques for Business Process Re-engineering and Benchmarking
  15. Modelling Techniques for Financial Markets and Bank Management
  16. Modelling Trends and Cycles in Economic Time Series
  17. Modelling Trends and Cycles in Economic Time Series
  18. Modelling Trends in Solid and Hazardous Waste Management
  19. Modelling Tropospheric Volcanic Aerosol
  20. Modelling Unemployment Insurance
  21. Modelling Value
  22. Modelling Water Flow in Unsaturated Porous Media
  23. Modelling Written Communication
  24. Modelling and Adaptive Control
  25. Modelling and Analysing the Market Integration of Flexible Demand and Storage Resources
  26. Modelling and Analysis in Arms Control
  27. Modelling and Analysis of Hybrid Supervisory Systems
  28. Modelling and Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Structures for Dynamic Loading
  29. Modelling and Application of Stochastic Processes
  30. Modelling and Applications in Mathematics Education
  31. Modelling and Applications of Transport Phenomena in Porous Media
  32. Modelling and Control
  33. Modelling and Control Design of Vibration Reduction Systems
  34. Modelling and Control for Intelligent Industrial Systems
  35. Modelling and Control of Dialysis Systems
  36. Modelling and Control of Dynamic Systems Using Gaussian Process Models
  37. Modelling and Control of Dynamical Systems: Numerical Implementation in a Behavioral Framework
  38. Modelling and Control of Mini-Flying Machines
  39. Modelling and Control of Robot Manipulators
  40. Modelling and Controlling Hydropower Plants
  41. Modelling and Controlling of Behaviour for Autonomous Mobile Robots
  42. Modelling and Decisions in Economics
  43. Modelling and Design of Nanostructured Optoelectronic Devices
  44. Modelling and Development of Intelligent Systems
  45. Modelling and Development of Intelligent Systems
  46. Modelling and Development of Intelligent Systems
  47. Modelling and Empirical Evaluation of Labour Supply Behaviour
  48. Modelling and Estimation Strategies for Fault Diagnosis of Non-Linear Systems
  49. Modelling and Experimentation in Two-Phase Flow
  50. Modelling and Forecasting Financial Data
  51. Modelling and Forecasting High Frequency Financial Data
  52. Modelling and Graphics in Science and Technology
  53. Modelling and Identification in Robotics
  54. Modelling and Identification with Rational Orthogonal Basis Functions
  55. Modelling and Implementation of Complex Systems
  56. Modelling and Implementation of Complex Systems
  57. Modelling and Implementation of Complex Systems
  58. Modelling and Implementation of Complex Systems
  59. Modelling and Intelligent Optimisation of Production Scheduling in VCIM Systems
  60. Modelling and Inverse Problems of Control for Distributed Parameter Systems
  61. Modelling and Management of Engineering Processes
  62. Modelling and Management of Engineering Processes
  63. Modelling and Methodologies for Enterprise Integration
  64. Modelling and Mining Networks
  65. Modelling and Monitoring of Coastal Marine Processes
  66. Modelling and Motion Capture Techniques for Virtual Environments
  67. Modelling and Observation of Exhaust Gas Concentrations for Diesel Engine Control
  68. Modelling and Optimisation of Flows on Networks
  69. Modelling and Optimisation of Laser Assisted Oxygen (LASOX) Cutting: A Soft Computing Based Approach
  70. Modelling and Optimization of Biotechnological Processes
  71. Modelling and Optimization of Complex System
  72. Modelling and Optimization of Distributed Parameter Systems Applications to engineering
  73. Modelling and Optimization of Photovoltaic Cells, Modules, and Systems
  74. Modelling and Performance Analysis of Cyclic Systems
  75. Modelling and Performance Evaluation Methodology
  76. Modelling and Prediction Honoring Seymour Geisser
  77. Modelling and Reasoning with Vague Concepts
  78. Modelling and Simulation
  79. Modelling and Simulation
  80. Modelling and Simulation
  81. Modelling and Simulation for Autonomous Systems
  82. Modelling and Simulation for Autonomous Systems
  83. Modelling and Simulation for Autonomous Systems
  84. Modelling and Simulation for Autonomous Systems
  85. Modelling and Simulation for Autonomous Systems
  86. Modelling and Simulation for Autonomous Systems
  87. Modelling and Simulation for Autonomous Systems
  88. Modelling and Simulation for Autonomous Systems
  89. Modelling and Simulation for Autonomous Systems
  90. Modelling and Simulation in Air Traffic Management
  91. Modelling and Simulation in Fluid Dynamics in Porous Media
  92. Modelling and Simulation in Management
  93. Modelling and Simulation in Management Sciences
  94. Modelling and Simulation in Science, Technology and Engineering Mathematics
  95. Modelling and Simulation in Thermal and Chemical Engineering
  96. Modelling and Simulation in the Social Sciences from the Philosophy of Science Point of View
  97. Modelling and Simulation of Complex Systems for Sustainable Energy Efficiency
  98. Modelling and Simulation of Diffusive Processes
  99. Modelling and Simulation of Human Behaviour in System Control
  100. Modelling and Simulation of Power Electronic Converter Dominated Power Systems in PowerFactory
  101. Modelling and Simulation of Power Generation Plants
  102. Modelling and Verification of Secure Exams
  103. Modelling for Added Value
  104. Modelling for Financial Decisions
  105. Modelling in Behavioural Ecology
  106. Modelling in Engineering 2020: Applied Mechanics
  107. Modelling in Life Insurance – A Management Perspective
  108. Modelling in Mathematical Programming
  109. Modelling in Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics
  110. Modelling in Molecular Biology
  111. Modelling in Natural Sciences
  112. Modelling in Public Health Research: How Mathematical Techniques Keep Us Healthy
  113. Modelling nutrient digestion and utilisation in farm animals
  114. Modelling of Biomolecular Structures and Mechanisms
  115. Modelling of Chemical Reaction Systems
  116. Modelling of Complex Signals in Nerves
  117. Modelling of Concrete Behaviour at High Temperature
  118. Modelling of Convective Heat and Mass Transfer in Nanofluids with and without Boiling and Condensation
  119. Modelling of Convective Heat and Mass Transfer in Rotating Flows
  120. Modelling of Corroding Concrete Structures
  121. Modelling of Environmental Chemical Exposure and Risk
  122. Modelling of GPCRs
  123. Modelling of Hydrological Processes in the Narew Catchment
  124. Modelling of Interface Carrier Transport for Device Simulation
  125. Modelling of Magmatic and Allied Processes
  126. Modelling of Materials Processing
  127. Modelling of Metal Forming Processes
  128. Modelling of Microfabrication Systems
  129. Modelling of Minerals and Silicated Materials
  130. Modelling of Patterns in Space and Time
  131. Modelling of Plasmonic and Graphene Nanodevices
  132. Modelling of Powder Die Compaction
  133. Modelling of Simplified Dynamical Systems
  134. Modelling of Soil Behaviour with Hypoplasticity
  135. Modelling of Vibrations of Overhead Line Conductors
  136. Modelling of the Interaction of the Different Vehicles and Various Transport Modes
  137. Modelling of the Microfiltration Process
  138. Modelling our Changing World
  139. Modelling radiocesium in lakes and coastal areas — new approaches for ecosystem modellers
  140. Modelling the Criminal Lifestyle
  141. Modelling the Dispersion of Radionuclides in the Marine Environment
  142. Modelling the Dissociation Dynamics and Threshold Photoelectron Spectra of Small Halogenated Molecules
  143. Modelling the Dynamics of Biological Systems
  144. Modelling the Economy and the Environment
  145. Modelling the Evolution of Natural Fracture Networks
  146. Modelling the Fate of Chemicals in the Environment and the Human Body
  147. Modelling the Flow and Solidification of Metals
  148. Modelling the Growth of Corporations
  149. Modelling the Labour Market
  150. Modelling the Physiological Human
  151. Modelling the Short QT Syndrome Gene Mutations
  152. Modelling the Socio-Economic Implications of Sustainability Issues in the Housing Market
  153. Modelling the Survival of Financial and Industrial Enterprises
  154. Modelling the Toxicity of Nanoparticles
  155. Modelling the Upper Atmosphere of Gas-Giant Exoplanets Irradiated by Low-Mass Stars
  156. Modelling to Program
  157. Modelling water and nutrient dynamics in soil–crop systems
  158. Modelling with Transparent Soils
  159. Modelling with Words
  160. Modelling with the Master Equation
  161. Modelling, Analysis and Optimization of Biosystems
  162. Modelling, Analysis, and Control of Networked Dynamical Systems
  163. Modelling, Analysis, and Design of Hybrid Systems
  164. Modelling, Analysis, and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems
  165. Modelling, Computation and Optimization in Information Systems and Management Sciences
  166. Modelling, Computation and Optimization in Information Systems and Management Sciences
  167. Modelling, Computation and Optimization in Information Systems and Management Sciences
  168. Modelling, Computation and Optimization in Information Systems and Management Sciences
  169. Modelling, Estimation and Control of Networked Complex Systems
  170. Modelling, Monitoring and Diagnostic Techniques for Fluid Power Systems
  171. Modelling, Pricing, and Hedging Counterparty Credit Exposure
  172. Modelling, Robustness and Sensitivity Reduction in Control Systems
  173. Modelling, Simulation and Applications of Complex Systems
  174. Modelling, Simulation and Control of Urban Wastewater Systems
  175. Modelling, Simulation and Intelligent Computing
  176. Modelling, Simulation and Software Concepts for Scientific-Technological Problems
  177. Modelling, State Observation and Diagnosis of Quantised Systems
  178. Modelling-based Teaching in Science Education
  179. Modellintegrierte Produkt- und Prozessentwicklung
  180. Modellistica Numerica per Problemi Differenziali
  181. Modellistica Numerica per Problemi Differenziali
  182. Modellistica numerica per problemi differenziali
  183. Modellistica numerica per problemi differenziali
  184. Modellorganismen
  185. Modellprädiktive Regelung nichtlinearer Systeme mit Unsicherheiten
  186. Modellreduktion
  187. Modelltheoretische Berechnung der tektonischen Spannungen im tiefen Ruhrkarbon nach der Methode der finiten Elemente
  188. Modelltheorie
  189. Modelltischlerei
  190. Modelltischlerei
  191. Modelltischlerei
  192. Modelltischlerei
  193. Modellunterstütztes Rollentraining (MURT)
  194. Modelluntersuchungen über die Strömungs- und Stoffausbreitung in Schüttungen im Hinblick auf den Brenngaseinsatz in Schachtöfen
  195. Modellverstehen und Modellieren an einer Blackbox
  196. Modellversuch zur dynamischen Versteifung von Werkzeugmaschinen durch Ankopplung gedämpfter Hilfsmassensysteme
  197. Modellversuche an Werkzeugmaschinenelementen
  198. Modellversuche an Zyklonen
  199. Modellversuche über den Schiffahrtsbetrieb auf Kanälen und die dabei auftretende Wechselwirkung zwischen Kanalschiff und Kanalquerschnitt
  200. Modellversuche über die örtliche Druck- und Wärmeübergangsverteilung an einem quadratischen Prisma im Hinblick auf die Umströmung von Gebäuden