22140 publications

  1. Metal-Ligand Interactions in Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry
  2. Metal-Ligand Interactions: From Atoms, to Clusters, to Surfaces
  3. Metal-Matrix Composites
  4. Metal-Matrix Composites
  5. Metal-Matrix Composites Innovations, Advances and Applications
  6. Metal-Metal Bonding
  7. Metal-Metal Bonds and Clusters in Chemistry and Catalysis
  8. Metal-Organic Framework
  9. Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs) as Catalysts
  10. Metal-Organic Frameworks for Photonics Applications
  11. Metal-Organic Frameworks in Biomedical and Environmental Field
  12. Metal-Oxo and Metal-Peroxo Species in Catalytic Oxidations
  13. Metal-Oxygen Clusters
  14. Metal-Responsive Base Pair Switching of Ligand-type Uracil Nucleobases
  15. Metal-Semiconductor Schottky Barrier Junctions and Their Applications
  16. Metal-on-Metal Bearings
  17. Metal-to-Nonmetal Transitions
  18. Metal/Polymer Composites
  19. Metalation of Azines and Diazines
  20. Metalation of Azoles and Related Five-Membered Ring Heterocycles
  21. Metalearning
  22. Metalearning
  23. Metalepse im Werk von Günter Grass
  24. Metalevel Architectures and Separation of Crosscutting Concerns
  25. Metalinguistic Awareness in Children
  26. Metalinguistic Communities
  27. Metalinguistic Performance and Interlinguistic Competence
  28. Metall unter dem Mikroskop
  29. Metall unter dem Mikroskop
  30. Metall unter dem Mikroskop
  31. Metall unter dem Mikroskop
  32. Metall-Korrosion im Bauwesen
  33. Metalldrücken
  34. Metalle
  35. Metalle
  36. Metalle
  37. Metalle
  38. Metalle und Legierungen für hohe Temperaturen
  39. Metalle und Metallkonstruktionen
  40. Metalle und Minerale
  41. Metallfachkunde 1
  42. Metallfachkunde 2
  43. Metallfachkunde 3
  44. Metallfachrechnen 5
  45. Metallfachrechnen 5 Heizungs- und Raumlufttechnik
  46. Metallfedern
  47. Metallfedern
  48. Metallfedern
  49. Metallfärbung
  50. Metallic Alloys: Experimental and Theoretical Perspectives
  51. Metallic Amorphous Alloy Reinforcements in Light Metal Matrices
  52. Metallic Butterfly Wing Scales
  53. Metallic Effluents of Industrial Origin in the Marine Environment
  54. Metallic Materials Specification Handbook
  55. Metallic Materials with High Structural Efficiency
  56. Metallic Micro and Nano Materials
  57. Metallic Microlattice Structures
  58. Metallic Nanocrystallites and their Interaction with Microbial Systems
  59. Metallic Nanostructures
  60. Metalliferous Sediments of the World Ocean
  61. Metallindustrielle Arbeitgeberverbände in Großbritannien und der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
  62. Metallische Implantate in der Knochenchirurgie
  63. Metallization and Metal-Semiconductor Interfaces
  64. Metallization of Polymers 2
  65. Metallized Plastics 1
  66. Metallized Plastics 2
  67. Metallized Plastics 3
  68. Metallkleben
  69. Metallkomplexfarbstoffe
  70. Metallkunde
  71. Metallkunde
  72. Metallkunde
  73. Metallkunde
  74. Metallkunde für das Maschinenwesen
  75. Metallkunde für das Maschinenwesen
  76. Metallkunde für das Maschinenwesen
  77. Metallkundliche Untersuchungen an Zeitstandproben
  78. Metallmodelle, Gipsmodelle und Modellplatten für die Maschinenformerei
  79. Metallniederschläge und Metallfärbungen
  80. Metallo-Supramolecular Polymers
  81. Metallocenes in Regio- and Stereoselective Synthesis
  82. Metallocenes in Regio- and Stereoselective Synthesis
  83. Metallocofactors that Activate Small Molecules
  84. Metallocorroles for Attenuation of Atherosclerosis
  85. Metalloenzymes as Inspirational Electrocatalysts for Artificial Photosynthesis
  86. Metallogenetische und Geochemische Provinzen / Metallogenetic and Geochemical Provinces
  87. Metallogenic Mechanism of the Galinge Polymetallic Iron Skarn Deposit, Qiman Tagh Mountains, Qinghai Province
  88. Metallogenic Theory and Exploration Technology of Multi-Arc-Basin-Terrane Collision Orogeny in “Sanjiang” Region, Southwest China
  89. Metallogenic models and exploration criteria for buried carbonate-hosted ore deposits—a multidisciplinary study in eastern England
  90. Metallogeny of Tin
  91. Metallographic Specimen Preparation
  92. Metallographie
  93. Metallographie
  94. Metallographie
  95. Metallographie der technischen Kupferlegierungen
  96. Metallographie des Aluminiums und seiner Legierungen
  97. Metallographie des Magnesiums und seiner technischen Legierungen
  98. Metallographie des Magnesiums und seiner technischen Legierungen
  99. Metallographie in der Schadenuntersuchung
  100. Metallographische Arbeitsverfahren
  101. Metallography as a Quality Control Tool
  102. Metallography in Archaeology and Art
  103. Metallography in Failure Analysis
  104. Metallointercalators
  105. Metallomics
  106. Metallomics
  107. Metallomics and the Cell
  108. Metallopharmaceuticals I
  109. Metallopharmaceuticals II
  110. Metallopolymer Nanocomposites
  111. Metalloporphyrins Catalyzed Oxidations
  112. Metalloproteinases as Targets for Anti-Inflammatory Drugs
  113. Metalloproteins
  114. Metalloproteins
  115. Metalloproteins
  116. Metalloproteins
  117. Metallorganische Synthesen heterocyclischer Systeme
  118. Metallothionein
  119. Metallothionein II
  120. Metallothionein IV
  121. Metallothioneins in Normal and Cancer Cells
  122. Metallphysik
  123. Metallphysik
  124. Metallpulvergewinnung durch Ultraschallvernebelung metallischer Schmelzen im Temperaturbereich oberhalb 400°C
  125. Metallröntgenröhren
  126. Metallspritzen
  127. Metallurgical Design and Industry
  128. Metallurgical Effects at High Strain Rates
  129. Metallurgical Process Engineering
  130. Metallurgical and Ceramic Protective Coatings
  131. Metallurgie der Ferrolegierungen
  132. Metallurgie der Schweißung nichtrostender Stähle
  133. Metallurgische Berechnungen
  134. Metallurgische Technologie
  135. Metallurgische und technologische Untersuchungen an Weichloten
  136. Metallurgy in Space
  137. Metallurgy of Welding
  138. Metalogic
  139. Metalorganic Catalysts for Synthesis and Polymerization
  140. Metals and Genetics
  141. Metals and Metalloids in Plant Signaling
  142. Metals and Oxidative Damage in Neurological Disorders
  143. Metals and Society
  144. Metals and the Biology and Virulence of Brucella
  145. Metals in Biochemistry
  146. Metals in Biology
  147. Metals in Bone
  148. Metals in Coastal Environments of Latin America
  149. Metals in Past Societies
  150. Metals in Society and in the Environment
  151. Metals in the Brain
  152. Metals in the Hydrocycle
  153. Metals, Energy and Sustainability
  154. Metal–Molecular Assembly for Functional Materials
  155. Metamaterial Electromagnetic Wave Absorbers
  156. Metamaterial Inspired Electromagnetic Applications
  157. Metamaterial Surface Plasmon-Based Transmission Lines and Antennas
  158. Metamaterial-Based Optical and Radio Frequency Sensing
  159. Metamaterials
  160. Metamaterials and Plasmonics: Fundamentals, Modelling, Applications
  161. Metamaterials for Manipulation of Thermal Radiation and Photoluminescence in Near and Far Fields
  162. Metamaterials for Perfect Absorption
  163. Metamathematical Investigation of Intuitionistic Arithmetic and Analysis
  164. Metamathematics of Fuzzy Logic
  165. Metamathematik der Elementarmathematik
  166. Metamathematische Methoden in der Geometrie
  167. Metamorphic Geology
  168. Metamorphic Processes
  169. Metamorphic Reactions
  170. Metamorphism and Metamorphic Belts
  171. Metamorphose zur intelligenten und vernetzten Fabrik
  172. Metamorphosen der Technik
  173. Metamorphosen des Extremismusbegriffes
  174. Metamorphosen des Kapitalismus – und seiner Kritik
  175. Metamorphosen des Leviathan?
  176. Metamorphoses of Hamiltonian Systems with Symmetries
  177. Metamorphosis
  178. Metamorphosis
  179. Metamusik
  180. Metapher
  181. Metapher Kommunikation
  182. Metaphern der ‚Kur‘
  183. Metaphern in Wissenskulturen
  184. Metaphern in der Informatik
  185. Metaphern in geopolitischen Diskursen
  186. Metaphern soziologischer Zeitdiagnosen
  187. Metaphern und Gesellschaft
  188. Metaphern und Redewendungen im politischen Kommentar
  189. Metaphernanalyse
  190. Metaphilosophie als einheitliche Disziplin
  191. Metaphor
  192. Metaphor Networks
  193. Metaphor and Analogy in Science Education
  194. Metaphor and Analogy in the Sciences
  195. Metaphor and Belief in The Faerie Queene
  196. Metaphor and Cognition
  197. Metaphor and Cognition
  198. Metaphor and Dialectic in Managing Diversity
  199. Metaphor and Diaspora in Contemporary Writing
  200. Metaphor and Discourse