22139 publications

  1. Mathematics and the Historian’s Craft
  2. Mathematics and the Life Sciences
  3. Mathematics and the Mind
  4. Mathematics and the Real World
  5. Mathematics as Problem Solving
  6. Mathematics as a Laboratory Tool
  7. Mathematics as a Laboratory Tool
  8. Mathematics as a Tool
  9. Mathematics as an Educational Task
  10. Mathematics at the Margins
  11. Mathematics for Chemists
  12. Mathematics for Chemists
  13. Mathematics for Circuits
  14. Mathematics for Computer Algebra
  15. Mathematics for Computer Graphics
  16. Mathematics for Computer Graphics
  17. Mathematics for Computer Graphics
  18. Mathematics for Computer Graphics
  19. Mathematics for Computer Graphics
  20. Mathematics for Computer Scientists
  21. Mathematics for Computing
  22. Mathematics for Earth Science and Geography
  23. Mathematics for Ecology and Environmental Sciences
  24. Mathematics for Econometrics
  25. Mathematics for Econometrics
  26. Mathematics for Econometrics
  27. Mathematics for Econometrics
  28. Mathematics for Economists and Social Scientists
  29. Mathematics for Finance
  30. Mathematics for Life Science and Medicine
  31. Mathematics for Multimedia
  32. Mathematics for Natural Scientists
  33. Mathematics for Natural Scientists
  34. Mathematics for Natural Scientists II
  35. Mathematics for Natural Scientists II
  36. Mathematics for Nonlinear Phenomena — Analysis and Computation
  37. Mathematics for Physicists and Engineers
  38. Mathematics for Physicists and Engineers
  39. Mathematics for Physicists and Engineers
  40. Mathematics for Seismic Data Processing and Interpretation
  41. Mathematics for Social Sciences and Arts
  42. Mathematics for Sustainability
  43. Mathematics for Tomorrow’s Young Children
  44. Mathematics for the Analysis of Algorithms
  45. Mathematics for the Life Sciences
  46. Mathematics for the Physical Sciences
  47. Mathematics in Berlin
  48. Mathematics in Biology and Medicine
  49. Mathematics in Computing
  50. Mathematics in Computing
  51. Mathematics in Everyday Life
  52. Mathematics in Everyday Life
  53. Mathematics in Geology
  54. Mathematics in Industrial Problems
  55. Mathematics in Industrial Problems
  56. Mathematics in Industrial Problems
  57. Mathematics in Industrial Problems
  58. Mathematics in Industrial Problems
  59. Mathematics in Industrial Problems
  60. Mathematics in Industrial Problems
  61. Mathematics in Industrial Problems
  62. Mathematics in Industrial Problems
  63. Mathematics in Medicine and the Life Sciences
  64. Mathematics in Physics Education
  65. Mathematics in Politics and Governance
  66. Mathematics in Postmodern American Fiction
  67. Mathematics in Society and History
  68. Mathematics in the 21st Century
  69. Mathematics in the Real World
  70. Mathematics is Beautiful
  71. Mathematics of Aperiodic Order
  72. Mathematics of Approximation
  73. Mathematics of Biology
  74. Mathematics of Biology
  75. Mathematics of Climate Modeling
  76. Mathematics of Complexity and Dynamical Systems
  77. Mathematics of DNA Structure, Function and Interactions
  78. Mathematics of Data Fusion
  79. Mathematics of Discrete Structures for Computer Science
  80. Mathematics of Energy and Climate Change
  81. Mathematics of Epidemics on Networks
  82. Mathematics of Finance
  83. Mathematics of Financial Markets
  84. Mathematics of Financial Markets
  85. Mathematics of Fuzziness – Basic Issues
  86. Mathematics of Fuzzy Sets
  87. Mathematics of Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Logic
  88. Mathematics of Kalman-Bucy Filtering
  89. Mathematics of Kalman-Bucy Filtering
  90. Mathematics of Large Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Flows
  91. Mathematics of Multi Objective Optimization
  92. Mathematics of Multidimensional Fourier Transform Algorithms
  93. Mathematics of Multidimensional Fourier Transform Algorithms
  94. Mathematics of Multidimensional Seismic Imaging, Migration, and Inversion
  95. Mathematics of Multiscale Materials
  96. Mathematics of Neural Networks
  97. Mathematics of Open Fluid Systems
  98. Mathematics of Particle-Wave Mechanical Systems
  99. Mathematics of Planet Earth
  100. Mathematics of Planet Earth
  101. Mathematics of Program Construction
  102. Mathematics of Program Construction
  103. Mathematics of Program Construction
  104. Mathematics of Program Construction
  105. Mathematics of Program Construction
  106. Mathematics of Program Construction
  107. Mathematics of Program Construction
  108. Mathematics of Program Construction
  109. Mathematics of Program Construction
  110. Mathematics of Program Construction
  111. Mathematics of Program Construction
  112. Mathematics of Program Construction
  113. Mathematics of Program Construction
  114. Mathematics of Program Construction
  115. Mathematics of Public Health
  116. Mathematics of Public Health
  117. Mathematics of Quantum Computing
  118. Mathematics of Ramsey Theory
  119. Mathematics of Surfaces
  120. Mathematics of Surfaces XI
  121. Mathematics of Surfaces XII
  122. Mathematics of Surfaces XIII
  123. Mathematics of Uncertainty
  124. Mathematics of Uncertainty for Coping with World Challenges
  125. Mathematics of Wave Phenomena
  126. Mathematics of the 19th Century
  127. Mathematics of the 19th Century
  128. Mathematics of the Weather
  129. Mathematics to the Rescue of Democracy
  130. Mathematics with Love
  131. Mathematics – Key Technology for the Future
  132. Mathematics — Key Technology for the Future
  133. Mathematics — The Music of Reason
  134. Mathematics, Administrative and Economic Activities in Ancient Worlds
  135. Mathematics, Affect and Learning
  136. Mathematics, Computer Science and Logic - A Never Ending Story
  137. Mathematics, Education and History
  138. Mathematics, Education, and Other Endangered Species
  139. Mathematics, Informatics, and Their Applications in Natural Sciences and Engineering
  140. Mathematics, Logic, and their Philosophies
  141. Mathematics, Substance and Surmise
  142. Mathematics: A Concise History and Philosophy
  143. Mathematik
  144. Mathematik
  145. Mathematik
  146. Mathematik
  147. Mathematik
  148. Mathematik
  149. Mathematik
  150. Mathematik
  151. Mathematik
  152. Mathematik
  153. Mathematik
  154. Mathematik
  155. Mathematik
  156. Mathematik + Sport
  157. Mathematik 1
  158. Mathematik 1
  159. Mathematik 1
  160. Mathematik 1
  161. Mathematik 1
  162. Mathematik 1
  163. Mathematik 1
  164. Mathematik 1
  165. Mathematik 1 Beweisaufgaben
  166. Mathematik 2
  167. Mathematik 2
  168. Mathematik 2
  169. Mathematik 2
  170. Mathematik 2 Beweisaufgaben
  171. Mathematik Beweisaufgaben
  172. Mathematik Kompakt
  173. Mathematik Lernen
  174. Mathematik Neu Denken
  175. Mathematik Schlüsseltechnologie für die Zukunft
  176. Mathematik Verstehen
  177. Mathematik als Bildungsgrundlage
  178. Mathematik als Wissenschaft in der Gesellschaft
  179. Mathematik am Computer
  180. Mathematik aus dem Hinterhalt
  181. Mathematik der Information
  182. Mathematik der Lebensversicherung
  183. Mathematik der Neuzeit
  184. Mathematik der Pandemie
  185. Mathematik der Quanteninformatik
  186. Mathematik der Selbstorganisation
  187. Mathematik der privaten Krankenversicherung
  188. Mathematik entdecken mit DERIVE — von der Algebra bis zur Differentialrechnung
  189. Mathematik fachfremd unterrichten
  190. Mathematik fachfremd unterrichten
  191. Mathematik für BWL-Bachelor
  192. Mathematik für BWL-Bachelor
  193. Mathematik für BWL-Bachelor
  194. Mathematik für BWL-Bachelor
  195. Mathematik für BWL-Bachelor: Übungsbuch
  196. Mathematik für BWL-Bachelor: Übungsbuch
  197. Mathematik für BWL-Bachelor: Übungsbuch
  198. Mathematik für Bauberufe
  199. Mathematik für Bauingenieure
  200. Mathematik für Bauingenieure