11194 publications

  1. Home Energy Information
  2. Home Environments
  3. Home Fire Sprinkler Cost Assessment
  4. Home Informatics and Telematics
  5. Home Informatics and Telematics: ICT for The Next Billion
  6. Home Long-Term Oxygen Treatment in Italy
  7. Home Matters
  8. Home Networking
  9. Home Truths
  10. Home Visitation Programs
  11. Home and Family
  12. Home and Nation in Anglophone Autobiographies of Africa
  13. Home and Sexuality
  14. Home in Early Childhood Care and Education
  15. Home, Materiality, Memory and Belonging
  16. Home, Memory and Belonging in Italian Postcolonial Literature
  17. Home-Based Medical Care for Older Adults
  18. Home-Oriented Informatics and Telematics
  19. Home-School Relations
  20. Home/Schooling
  21. Homecoming Queens
  22. Homeless Lives in American Cities
  23. Homeless Youth of Pakistan
  24. Homelessness
  25. Homelessness Prevention and Intervention in Social Work
  26. Homelessness and Mobile Communication
  27. Homeoffice
  28. Homeoffice und mobiles Arbeiten im Team effektiv umsetzen
  29. Homeopathy - The Undiluted Facts
  30. Homeopathy Reconsidered
  31. Homeopathy in Healthcare – Effectiveness, Appropriateness, Safety, Costs
  32. Homeopathy of the Absurd
  33. Homeostasis - Tumor - Metastasis
  34. Homeostasis in Desert Reptiles
  35. Homeostasis of Phosphate and Other Minerals
  36. Homeostasis, Nephrotoxicity, and Renal Anomalies in the Newborn
  37. Homeowners and the Resilient City
  38. Homer Handbuch
  39. Homer in der deutschen Literatur (1450–1740)
  40. Homer in der deutschen Literatur vom Frühhumanismus bis zur Aufklärung (1450–1740)
  41. Homer, Humanism, Holocaust
  42. Homer-Probleme
  43. Homers Ilias psychologisch erzählt
  44. Homers Odyssee psychologisch erzählt
  45. Homeschool
  46. Homeschool
  47. Hometown Investment Trust Funds
  48. Hometown Transnationalism
  49. Homeworking
  50. Homicide Data Sources
  51. Homicide Law Reform, Gender and the Provocation Defence
  52. Homicide and Organised Crime
  53. Homicide in São Paulo
  54. Homing Endonucleases
  55. Homing Endonucleases and Inteins
  56. Hominin Environments in the East African Pliocene: An Assessment of the Faunal Evidence
  57. Homo Connectus
  58. Homo Creativus
  59. Homo Creator
  60. Homo Curator: Towards the Ethics of Consumption
  61. Homo Digitalis
  62. Homo Digitalis
  63. Homo Emotionalis
  64. Homo Emotionalis
  65. Homo Ludens as a Comic Character in Selected American Films
  66. Homo Novus – A Human Without Illusions
  67. Homo Oeconomicus
  68. Homo Pharmaceuticus
  69. Homo Problematis Solvendis–Problem-solving Man
  70. Homo Sapiens Digitalis - Virtuelle Ergonomie und digitale Menschmodelle
  71. Homo Sociologicus
  72. Homo Sociologicus
  73. Homo Sociologicus
  74. Homo Sociologicus
  75. Homo democraticus
  76. Homo hortulanus
  77. Homo immortalis
  78. Homo investigans
  79. Homo sapiens: die Krone der Schöpfung
  80. Homo technologicus
  81. Homo urbanus
  82. Homo- and Heterobimetallic Complexes in Catalysis
  83. Homocysteine
  84. Homocysteine
  85. Homocysteine Metabolism in Health and Disease
  86. Homocysteine Metabolism: From Basic Science to Clinical Medicine
  87. Homocysteine and Vascular Disease
  88. Homocysteine in Protein Structure/Function and Human Disease
  89. Homoeroticism and Chivalry
  90. Homogeneous Bounded Domains and Siegel Domains
  91. Homogeneous Catalysis
  92. Homogeneous Catalysis with Compounds of Rhodium and Iridium
  93. Homogeneous Catalysis with Metal Complexes
  94. Homogeneous Catalysis with Metal Phosphine Complexes
  95. Homogeneous Catalysis with Renewables
  96. Homogeneous Denumerable Markov Processes
  97. Homogeneous Finsler Spaces
  98. Homogeneous Gold Catalysis
  99. Homogeneous Hydrogenation
  100. Homogeneous Hydrogenation in Organic Chemistry
  101. Homogeneous Polynomial Forms for Robustness Analysis of Uncertain Systems
  102. Homogeneous Spaces and Equivariant Embeddings
  103. Homogeneous Transition-metal Catalysis
  104. Homogeneous Turbulence Dynamics
  105. Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Photocatalysis
  106. Homogenisation: Averaging Processes in Periodic Media
  107. Homogenization Techniques for Composite Media
  108. Homogenization Theory for Multiscale Problems
  109. Homogenization and Effective Moduli of Materials and Media
  110. Homogenization and Porous Media
  111. Homogenization and Structural Topology Optimization
  112. Homogenization in Time of Singularly Perturbed Mechanical Systems
  113. Homogenization of Differential Operators and Integral Functionals
  114. Homogenization of Partial Differential Equations
  115. Homogenization of Reticulated Structures
  116. Homogénéisation en milieu périodique... ou non
  117. Homoiostase
  118. Homological Algebra of Semimodules and Semicontramodules
  119. Homological Methods, Representation Theory, and Cluster Algebras
  120. Homological Mirror Symmetry
  121. Homological Mirror Symmetry and Tropical Geometry
  122. Homological and Combinatorial Methods in Algebra
  123. Homological and Computational Methods in Commutative Algebra
  124. Homologie des algèbres commutatives
  125. Homologous Artificial Insemination (AIH)
  126. Homologous Recombination
  127. Homologous Recombination and Gene Silencing in Plants
  128. Homology
  129. Homology Modeling
  130. Homology Modeling
  131. Homology Theory
  132. Homology in Group Theory
  133. Homology of Classical Groups Over Finite Fields and Their Associated Infinite Loop Spaces
  134. Homology of Linear Groups
  135. Homology of Locally Semialgebraic Spaces
  136. Homomorphic Encryption and Applications
  137. Homomorphic Encryption for Financial Cryptography
  138. Homomorphic Signature Schemes
  139. Homomorphismen und Reduktionen linearer Sprachen
  140. Homonymous Visual Field Defects
  141. Homophobic Violence in Armed Conflict and Political Transition
  142. Homosexualities, Muslim Cultures and Modernity
  143. Homosexuality and Italian Cinema
  144. Homosexuality in the Jurisprudence of the Supreme Court of India
  145. Homosexualität_en und Alter(n)
  146. Homotopical Algebra
  147. Homotopical Topology
  148. Homotopie Rationnelle: Modèles de Chen, Quillen, Sullivan
  149. Homotopie des Espaces de Sections
  150. Homotopietheorie
  151. Homotopy Analysis Method in Nonlinear Differential Equations
  152. Homotopy Equivalences of 3-Manifolds with Boundaries
  153. Homotopy Invariant Algebraic Structures on Topological Spaces
  154. Homotopy Limits, Completions and Localizations
  155. Homotopy Methods and Global Convergence
  156. Homotopy Methods in Topological Fixed and Periodic Points Theory
  157. Homotopy Theoretic Methods in Group Cohomology
  158. Homotopy Theory and Arithmetic Geometry – Motivic and Diophantine Aspects
  159. Homotopy Theory and Models
  160. Homotopy Theory and Related Topics
  161. Homotopy Theory of C*-Algebras
  162. Homotopy Theory with Bornological Coarse Spaces
  163. Homunculus-Pflegetherapie®
  164. Homöopathie - die Fakten [unverdünnt]
  165. Homöopathie neu gedacht
  166. Homöopathie neu gedacht
  167. Homöopathische Potenzen
  168. Honda’s Global Local Corporation
  169. Honest Errors? Combat Decision-Making 75 Years After the Hostage Case
  170. Honeybee Nests
  171. Honeybee Neurobiology and Behavior
  172. Honeybees and Wax
  173. Honeybees of Africa
  174. Honeybees of Asia
  175. Honeycomb Technology
  176. Honeypot Frameworks and Their Applications: A New Framework
  177. Honeypots for Windows
  178. Hong Kong
  179. Hong Kong 20 Years after the Handover
  180. Hong Kong Architecture 1945-2015
  181. Hong Kong Cinema Since 1997
  182. Hong Kong Culture and Society in the New Millennium
  183. Hong Kong Dark Cinema
  184. Hong Kong English
  185. Hong Kong History
  186. Hong Kong Media
  187. Hong Kong Popular Culture
  188. Hong Kong Public Budgeting
  189. Hong Kong SAR’s Monetary and Exchange Rate Challenges
  190. Hong Kong Society
  191. Hong Kong and Bollywood
  192. Hong Kong and the Asylum-Seekers from Vietnam
  193. Hong Kong as Creative Practice
  194. Hong Kong in Transition
  195. Hong Kong's New Indie Cinema
  196. Hong Kong, Empire and the Anglo-American Alliance at War, 1941–45
  197. Hong Kong’s Indigenous Democracy
  198. Hong Kong’s Transitions, 1842–1997
  199. Honigbienen
  200. Honneth and Everyday Intercultural (Mis)Recognition