12771 publications

  1. Breast Cancer: Cellular and Molecular Biology
  2. Breast Cancer: From Bench to Personalized Medicine
  3. Breast Cancer: Origins, Detection, and Treatment
  4. Breast Cancer: Scientific and Clinical Progress
  5. Breast Cancer:Advances in Research and Treatment, Vol. 2: Experimental Biology
  6. Breast Care
  7. Breast Cytopathology
  8. Breast Disease
  9. Breast Disease
  10. Breast Disease
  11. Breast Disease
  12. Breast Disease
  13. Breast Diseases
  14. Breast Diseases
  15. Breast Diseases
  16. Breast Epithelial Antigens
  17. Breast Feeding
  18. Breast Imaging
  19. Breast Imaging
  20. Breast Imaging
  21. Breast Imaging
  22. Breast Imaging Essentials
  23. Breast Imaging Review
  24. Breast Imaging Review
  25. Breast MRI
  26. Breast MRI
  27. Breast MRI Teaching Atlas
  28. Breast MRI for High-risk Screening
  29. Breast Oncology: Techniques, Indications, and Interpretation
  30. Breast Oncoplasty and Reconstruction
  31. Breast Pathology
  32. Breast Pathology
  33. Breast Pathology in Clinical Practice
  34. Breast Reconstruction
  35. Breast Reconstruction
  36. Breast Reconstruction with Autologous Tissue
  37. Breast Reconstruction with Autologous Tissue
  38. Breast Surgery
  39. Breast Surgical Techniques and Interdisciplinary Management
  40. Breast Ultrasound
  41. Breast and Gynecological Cancers
  42. Breast surgery
  43. Breast surgery
  44. Breast, Endocrine and Surgical Oncology
  45. Breast-Feeding: Early Influences on Later Health
  46. Breastfeeding Privatization in Public Education
  47. Breastfeeding and Media
  48. Breastfeeding and Metabolic Programming
  49. Breastfeeding in Rural Niger
  50. Breath Analysis
  51. Breath Analysis for Medical Applications
  52. Breath Figures
  53. Breath Odors
  54. Breath Odors
  55. Breath Sounds
  56. Breath of Proximity: Intersubjectivity, Ethics and Peace
  57. Breathing Life into Sexuality Education
  58. Breathing Meditation as a Tool for Peace Work
  59. Breathing on the Roof of the World
  60. Breathing, Feeding, and Neuroprotection
  61. Breathing, Speech, and Song
  62. Brecht Handbuch
  63. Brecht Handbuch
  64. Brecht Handbuch
  65. Brecht Handbuch
  66. Brecht Lexikon
  67. Brecht und die Folgen
  68. Brecht-Handbuch
  69. Brecht-Handbuch
  70. Brecht-Handbuch
  71. Brechts Lehrstücke
  72. Brecht’s Early Plays
  73. Breeding Field Crops
  74. Breeding Fodder Crops for Marginal Conditions
  75. Breeding For Ornamentals: Classical and Molecular Approaches
  76. Breeding Grasses and Protein Crops in the Era of Genomics
  77. Breeding Insect Resistant Crops for Sustainable Agriculture
  78. Breeding Oilseed Brassicas
  79. Breeding Plantation Tree Crops: Temperate Species
  80. Breeding Plantation Tree Crops: Tropical Species
  81. Breeding and Biotechnology of Tea and its Wild Species
  82. Breeding and Eugenics in the American Literary Imagination
  83. Breeding for Disease Resistance
  84. Breeding for Enhanced Nutrition and Bio-Active Compounds in Food Legumes
  85. Breeding for Resistance to Diseases and Insect Pests
  86. Breeding in a World of Scarcity
  87. Breeding strategies for sustainable forage and turf grass improvement
  88. Brein@work
  89. Breitband-ISDN und ATM-Netze
  90. Breitband-Perspektiven
  91. Breitbandimpedanzstudien an Ringschlitzantennen im cm-Wellenbereich
  92. Breitbandkabel und Zugangsnetze
  93. Bremer Jahrbuch der Weltschiffahrt 1954/55 / Bremen World Shipping Yearbook
  94. Bremsen und Bremsregelsysteme
  95. Bremsenhandbuch
  96. Bremsenhandbuch
  97. Bremsenhandbuch
  98. Bremsenhandbuch
  99. Brendan Behan
  100. Brendan Behan
  101. Brendan Behan
  102. Brennereifragen
  103. Brennhärten
  104. Brennhärten
  105. Brennhärten
  106. Brennpunkt Kundenwert
  107. Brennpunkt Plenum
  108. Brennpunkt: Lehrerbildung
  109. Brennpunkte der Schizophrenie
  110. Brennschneiden
  111. Brennstoff und Verbrennung
  112. Brennstoff und Verbrennung
  113. Brennstoffbatterien
  114. Brennstoffe · Kraftstoffe Schmierstoffe
  115. Brennstoffzellen
  116. Brennstoffzellen und Virtuelle Kraftwerke
  117. Brennstoffzellenanlagen
  118. Brennstoffzellensysteme in der Luftfahrt
  119. Brennstoffzellentechnik
  120. Brennstoffzellentechnik
  121. Brennverhalten von Tonen in verschiedenen Atmosphären
  122. Brent Crude Oil
  123. Brenztraubensäure als Zwischenprodukt der alkoholischen Zuckerspaltung
  124. Bret Easton Ellis
  125. Bretton Woods
  126. Bretton Woods Revisited
  127. Brewing
  128. Brewing Microbiology
  129. Brewing Microbiology
  130. Brewing Microbiology
  131. Brewing Science: A Multidisciplinary Approach
  132. Brewing Science: A Multidisciplinary Approach
  133. Brewing and Distilling Yeasts
  134. Brewing, Beer and Pubs
  135. Brexit
  136. Brexit
  137. Brexit and After
  138. Brexit and Democracy
  139. Brexit and Internal Security
  140. Brexit and the Consequences for International Competitiveness
  141. Brexit and the Control of Tobacco Illicit Trade
  142. Brexit and the European Insurance Market
  143. Brexit und der Finanzmarkt
  144. Brexit, Language Policy and Linguistic Diversity
  145. Brexit, President Trump, and the Changing Geopolitics of Eastern Europe
  146. Brezhnev Reconsidered
  147. Brian Friel
  148. Brian Friel's Models of Influence
  149. Bribery, Fraud, Cheating
  150. Brick Bonding
  151. Bricks to Clicks
  152. Brickwork
  153. Brickwork
  154. Brickwork 1 and Associated Studies
  155. Brickwork 2 and Associated Studies
  156. Brickwork 3 and Associated Studies
  157. Bricolage, Care and Information
  158. Bridge Banks in Deutschland
  159. Bridge Collapse Frequencies versus Failure Probabilities
  160. Bridge Evaluation, Repair and Rehabilitation
  161. Bridge Management
  162. Bridges
  163. Bridges Between Tradition and Innovation in Ethnomedicine
  164. Bridges and Mediation in Higher Distance Education
  165. Bridges between Science, Society and Policy
  166. Bridges to Global Ethics
  167. Bridging Algebra, Geometry, and Topology
  168. Bridging Between Cultural Heritage Institutions
  169. Bridging Between Information Retrieval and Databases
  170. Bridging Clauses in European Constitutional Law
  171. Bridging Complexity and Post-Structuralism
  172. Bridging Constraint Satisfaction and Boolean Satisfiability
  173. Bridging Cultural Barriers
  174. Bridging Divides
  175. Bridging Educational Leadership, Curriculum Theory and Didaktik
  176. Bridging Human Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence
  177. Bridging Literacies with Videogames
  178. Bridging Marginality through Inclusive Higher Education
  179. Bridging Mathematics, Statistics, Engineering and Technology
  180. Bridging Occupational, Organizational and Public Health
  181. Bridging Peace and Sustainability Amidst Global Transformations
  182. Bridging People and Sound
  183. Bridging Research and Practice in Science Education
  184. Bridging Time Scales: Molecular Simulations for the Next Decade
  185. Bridging between Research and Practice
  186. Bridging the Academia Industry Divide
  187. Bridging the Communication Gap in Science and Technology
  188. Bridging the Cyprus Divide
  189. Bridging the Education Divide Using Social Technologies
  190. Bridging the Equity Gap for Innovative SMEs
  191. Bridging the Gap Between AI and Reality
  192. Bridging the Gap Between Engineering and the Global World
  193. Bridging the Gap between Life and Physics
  194. Bridging the Gap between Rendering and Simulation Frameworks
  195. Bridging the Gap between Requirements Engineering and Software Architecture
  196. Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice in Educational Research
  197. Bridging the Gap to University Mathematics
  198. Bridging the Gap: Philosophy, Mathematics, and Physics
  199. Bridging the Geographic Information Sciences
  200. Bridging the Information Gap