12771 publications

  1. Blockchain Enabled Applications
  2. Blockchain Enabled Applications
  3. Blockchain Essentials
  4. Blockchain Foundations and Applications
  5. Blockchain Gaps
  6. Blockchain Intelligence
  7. Blockchain Platforms
  8. Blockchain Scalability
  9. Blockchain Scalability and its Foundations in Distributed Systems
  10. Blockchain Security in Cloud Computing
  11. Blockchain Systems and Communication Networks: From Concepts to Implementation
  12. Blockchain Technologies for Sustainability
  13. Blockchain Technologies in the Textile and Fashion Industry
  14. Blockchain Technology
  15. Blockchain Technology and Application
  16. Blockchain Technology and Application
  17. Blockchain Technology and Application
  18. Blockchain Technology and Application
  19. Blockchain Technology and Emerging Applications
  20. Blockchain Technology and Emerging Technologies
  21. Blockchain Technology and Innovations in Business Processes
  22. Blockchain Technology for Business Processes
  23. Blockchain Technology for Industry 4.0
  24. Blockchain Technology for IoT Applications
  25. Blockchain Technology for Managers
  26. Blockchain Technology for Smart Cities
  27. Blockchain Technology in Internet of Things
  28. Blockchain Technology: Applications and Challenges
  29. Blockchain Transformations
  30. Blockchain and Applications
  31. Blockchain and Applications
  32. Blockchain and Applications
  33. Blockchain and Applications, 4th International Congress
  34. Blockchain and Applications, 5th International Congress
  35. Blockchain and Banking
  36. Blockchain and Clinical Trial
  37. Blockchain and Crypto Currency
  38. Blockchain and Deep Learning
  39. Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technology Use Cases
  40. Blockchain and Ethereum Smart Contract Solution Development
  41. Blockchain and Other Emerging Technologies for Digital Business Strategies
  42. Blockchain and Robotic Process Automation
  43. Blockchain and Smart-Contract Technologies for Innovative Applications
  44. Blockchain and Supply Chain Logistics
  45. Blockchain and Trustworthy Systems
  46. Blockchain and Trustworthy Systems
  47. Blockchain and Trustworthy Systems
  48. Blockchain and Trustworthy Systems
  49. Blockchain and Trustworthy Systems
  50. Blockchain and Trustworthy Systems
  51. Blockchain and its Applications in Industry 4.0
  52. Blockchain and the Law
  53. Blockchain and the Public Sector
  54. Blockchain based Internet of Things
  55. Blockchain for 5G-Enabled IoT
  56. Blockchain for Business
  57. Blockchain for Construction
  58. Blockchain for Cybersecurity in Cyber-Physical Systems
  59. Blockchain for Global Education
  60. Blockchain for Hospitality and Tourism
  61. Blockchain for International Security
  62. Blockchain for Secure Healthcare Using Internet of Medical Things (IoMT)
  63. Blockchain for Teens
  64. Blockchain in Einkauf und Supply Chain
  65. Blockchain in Healthcare
  66. Blockchain in Healthcare
  67. Blockchain in Life Sciences
  68. Blockchain in Real Estate
  69. Blockchain in the Global South
  70. Blockchain kompakt
  71. Blockchain of Things and Deep Learning Applications in Construction
  72. Blockchain quo vadis
  73. Blockchain und digitale Währungen
  74. Blockchain und maschinelles Lernen
  75. Blockchain – ICBC 2018
  76. Blockchain – ICBC 2019
  77. Blockchain – ICBC 2020
  78. Blockchain – ICBC 2021
  79. Blockchain – ICBC 2022
  80. Blockchain – ICBC 2023
  81. Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence and Financial Services
  82. Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, and the Internet of Things
  83. Blockchain, Law and Governance
  84. Blockchain-Based Data Security in Heterogeneous Communications Networks
  85. Blockchain-Implementierung in eine Automotive Supply Chain
  86. Blockchain-Technologie für Unternehmensprozesse
  87. Blockchain-Technologie für Unternehmensprozesse
  88. Blockchain-Technologie in der Energiewirtschaft
  89. Blockchain-Technologie in der Supply Chain
  90. Blockchain-based New Financial Infrastructures
  91. Blockchain-basiertes Fundraising als innovative Alternative der Unternehmensfinanzierung
  92. Blockchain: Empowering Secure Data Sharing
  93. Blockchains
  94. Blockchains
  95. Blockchains and the Token Economy
  96. Blockcopolymers - Polyelectrolytes - Biodegradation
  97. Blockierte Demokratien in der Dritten Welt
  98. Blockierte Karrieren
  99. Blockmate
  100. Blocks and Chains
  101. Blocks and Families for Cyclotomic Hecke Algebras
  102. Blocks of Finite Groups
  103. Blocks of Finite Groups and Their Invariants
  104. Blocks of Tame Representation Type and Related Algebras
  105. Blocks, Towards Energy-efficient, Coarse-grained Reconfigurable Architectures
  106. Blocks: Auf dem Weg zu Energieeffizienten, Grobkörnigen, Rekonfigurierbaren Architekturen (CGRA)
  107. Blocktransaktionen an der deutschen Aktienbörse
  108. Blog Design Solutions
  109. Blogger Relations als Teilbereich der Medienarbeit
  110. Blogger- und Influencer-Marketing in der Praxis
  111. Blogosphere and its Exploration
  112. Blood Biochemistry
  113. Blood Brothers
  114. Blood Cell Biochemistry
  115. Blood Cell Biochemistry
  116. Blood Cell Biochemistry Volume 3
  117. Blood Cells as a Tissue
  118. Blood Cells, Rheology, and Aging
  119. Blood Coagulation Disorders
  120. Blood Conservation in Cardiac Surgery
  121. Blood Cultures: Medicine, Media, and Militarisms
  122. Blood Filtration and Blood Cell Deformability
  123. Blood Flow in the Heart and Large Vessels
  124. Blood Groups of Animals
  125. Blood Groups of Animals
  126. Blood Oxygenation
  127. Blood Pressure Control
  128. Blood Pressure Disorders in Diabetes Mellitus
  129. Blood Pressure Measurements
  130. Blood Pressure Monitoring in Cardiovascular Medicine and Therapeutics
  131. Blood Pressure Monitoring in Cardiovascular Medicine and Therapeutics
  132. Blood Pressure Monitoring in Cardiovascular Medicine and Therapeutics
  133. Blood Pressure and Arterial Wall Mechanics in Cardiovascular Diseases
  134. Blood Replacement
  135. Blood Replacement
  136. Blood Safety
  137. Blood Smears Reinterpreted
  138. Blood Stem Cell Transplantation
  139. Blood Substitutes
  140. Blood Substitutes
  141. Blood Substitutes and Oxygen Biotherapeutics
  142. Blood Supply of Bone
  143. Blood Use in Cardiac Surgery
  144. Blood Vessels
  145. Blood Viscosity and Shock
  146. Blood and Marrow Transplant Handbook
  147. Blood and Marrow Transplant Handbook
  148. Blood and Marrow Transplant Handbook
  149. Blood and Tissue Oxygen Carriers
  150. Blood cells in nuclear medicine, part I
  151. Blood cells in nuclear medicine, part II
  152. Blood in Motion
  153. Blood, Blood Products — and AIDS —
  154. Blood, Threats and Fears
  155. Blood-Brain Barrier
  156. Blood-Brain Barrier Permeability Changes after Subarachnoid Haemorrhage: An Update
  157. Bloodstain Pattern Analysis in Crime Scenarios
  158. Bloodtransfusion and Problems of Bleeding
  159. Bloody Pacific
  160. Bloody Romanticism
  161. Bloody Sunday and the Rule of Law in Northern Ireland
  162. Blood—Brain Barrier
  163. Bloomsbury Aesthetics and the Novels of Forster and Woolf
  164. Blow-up Theories for Semilinear Parabolic Equations
  165. Blowup for Nonlinear Hyperbolic Equations
  166. Blue
  167. Blue Biophilic Cities
  168. Blue Biotechnology
  169. Blue Book on AI and Rule of Law in the World (2020)
  170. Blue Book on AI and Rule of Law in the World (2021)
  171. Blue Book on AI and Rule of Law in the World (2022)
  172. Blue Carbon
  173. Blue Carbon Dynamics of the Indian Ocean
  174. Blue Carbon Reservoir of the Blue Planet
  175. Blue Carbon in Shallow Coastal Ecosystems
  176. Blue Economy
  177. Blue Economy and Smart Sea Transport Systems
  178. Blue Economy in Indian Sundarbans
  179. Blue Governance in the Arctic and Antarctic
  180. Blue Infrastructures
  181. Blue Justice
  182. Blue Laser Surgery in Laryngology
  183. Blue Light Effects in Biological Systems
  184. Blue Planet Law
  185. Blue Urbanism
  186. Blue and Green Cities
  187. Blue and Green Cities
  188. Blue-Green Infrastructure Across Asian Countries
  189. Blueprint 2000
  190. Bluestockings
  191. Bluetongue Viruses
  192. Bluetooth 5.0 Modem Design for IoT Devices
  193. Bluetooth Security Attacks
  194. Bluetooth for Java
  195. Bluff-Body Wakes, Dynamics and Instabilities
  196. Blunt Abdominal Trauma in Children
  197. Blunting Neoliberalism
  198. Blurring Boundaries of Journalism in Digital Media
  199. Blurring Intelligence Crime
  200. Blurring the Boundaries Through Digital Innovation