12770 publications

  1. Bakterien und Bakteroiden bei Oligochaeten
  2. Bakterien – ihre Entdeckung und Bedeutung für Natur und Mensch
  3. Bakterien, Endotoxin, Sepsis — Immunglobulin M
  4. Bakterien- und Phagengenetik
  5. Bakterien-, Phagen- und Molekulargenetik
  6. Bakterien-Pflanzen-Interaktion
  7. Bakteriologie Serologie und Sterilisation im Apothekenbetriebe
  8. Bakteriologie Serologie und Sterilisation im Apothekenbetriebe
  9. Bakteriologie Serologie und Sterilisation im Apothekenbetriebe
  10. Bakteriologie und Sterilisation im Apothekenbetriebe
  11. Bakteriologische Diagnostik
  12. Bakteriologische Grundlagen der Chemotherapeutischen Laboratoriumspraxis
  13. Balance Management
  14. Balance and Limitation of Intellectual Property Protection in China
  15. Balance of Payments, Exchange Rates, and Competitiveness in Transition Economies
  16. Balance-of-Payments Theory and the United Kingdom Experience
  17. Balance-of-Payments Theory and the United Kingdom Experience
  18. Balance-of-Payments Theory and the United Kingdom Experience
  19. Balance-of-Payments Theory and the United Kingdom Experience
  20. Balance-orientiertes Vertriebscoaching
  21. Balanceakt Alleinerziehend
  22. Balanced Alpha/Beta Blockade of Adrenoceptors / Balancierte Blockade von Alpha- und Beta-Adrenozeptoren
  23. Balanced Automation Systems
  24. Balanced Automation Systems II
  25. Balanced Automation Systems for Future Manufacturing Networks
  26. Balanced Control of Flexible Structures
  27. Balanced Ethics Review
  28. Balanced GPS
  29. Balanced Growth
  30. Balanced Phono-Amps
  31. Balanced Phono-Amps
  32. Balanced Scorecard
  33. Balanced Scorecard & Controlling
  34. Balanced Scorecard & Controlling
  35. Balanced Scorecard & Controlling
  36. Balanced Scorecard für KMU
  37. Balanced Scorecard für KMU
  38. Balanced Scorecard für KMU
  39. Balanced Scorecard für Personalmanagement und Personalführung
  40. Balanced Scorecard für Strategisches Management von Städten
  41. Balanced Scorecard im Produktionssystemcontrolling
  42. Balanced Scorecard in Versicherungen
  43. Balanced Scorecard und Ursache-Wirkungsbeziehungen
  44. Balanced Scorecards im Vertrieb
  45. Balanced Scorecards im Vertrieb
  46. Balanced Silverman Games on General Discrete Sets
  47. Balanced Urban Development: Options and Strategies for Liveable Cities
  48. Balanced Website Design
  49. Balanced and Cyclical Growth in Models of Decentralized Economy
  50. Balanceorientierte Führung
  51. Balances
  52. Balancing Act
  53. Balancing Agility and Formalism in Software Engineering
  54. Balancing Control and Flexibility in Public Budgeting
  55. Balancing Copyright - A Survey of National Approaches
  56. Balancing Copyright Law in the Digital Age
  57. Balancing Development and Sustainability in Tourism Destinations
  58. Balancing Exploitation and Exploration
  59. Balancing Exploration and Exploitation by Creating Organizational Think Tanks
  60. Balancing Individualism and Collectivism
  61. Balancing Islamic and Conventional Banking for Economic Growth
  62. Balancing Liberty and Security
  63. Balancing Nature and Civilization - Alternative Sustainability Perspectives from Philosophy to Practice
  64. Balancing Reactivity and Social Deliberation in Multi-Agent Systems
  65. Balancing Renewable Electricity
  66. Balancing River Health and Hydropower Requirements in the Lancang River Basin
  67. Balancing Work and Family in a Changing Society
  68. Balancing in the Balkans
  69. Balancing of High-Speed Machinery
  70. Balancing of Linkages and Robot Manipulators
  71. Balancing on Quicksand
  72. Balancing the Budget is a Progressive Priority
  73. Balancing the Common Core Curriculum in Middle School Education
  74. Balancing the Needs of Water Use
  75. Balancing the Socio-political and Medico-ethical Dimensions of HIV
  76. Balancing the Tension between Digital Technologies and Learning Sciences
  77. Balint-Gruppen: Konzeption — Forschung — Ergebnisse
  78. Balkan Biodiversity
  79. Balkan Legacies of the Great War: The Past is Never Dead
  80. Balkan Sprachbund Morpho-Syntactic Features
  81. Balkan Yearbook of European and International Law 2019
  82. Balkan Yearbook of European and International Law 2020
  83. Balkan Yearbook of European and International Law 2021
  84. Balkan Yearbook of European and International Law 2022
  85. Balkan and Eastern European Countries in the Midst of the Global Economic Crisis
  86. Ball Lightning
  87. Ball Lightning
  88. Ball Lightning and Bead Lightning
  89. Ball and Surface Arithmetics
  90. Ballade
  91. Ballade
  92. Ballast Water Treatment and Exchange for Ships
  93. Ballen und Kissen
  94. Ballgymnastik zur funktionellen Bewegungslehre
  95. Ballgymnastik zur funktionellen Bewegungslehre
  96. Ballistic Trauma
  97. Ballistic Trauma
  98. Ballistik
  99. Ballistik
  100. Ballistik
  101. Ballonkyphoplastie
  102. Balloon Kyphoplasty
  103. Balloon pulmonary angioplasty in patients with CTEPH
  104. Balneologie und medizinische Klimatologie
  105. Balneologie und medizinische Klimatologie
  106. Balneologie und medizinische Klimatologie
  107. Balneotherapie der Poliomyelitis
  108. Balsamic Vinegars
  109. Baltic Coastal Ecosystems
  110. Baltic Computer Science
  111. Baltic Crustaceans
  112. Baltic Hospitality from the Middle Ages to the Twentieth Century
  113. Baltic Region—The Region of Cooperation
  114. Baltic-Black Sea Regionalisms
  115. Balzac Reframed
  116. Balzac, Literary Sociologist
  117. Bambara groundnut: Utilization and Future Prospects
  118. Bamboo
  119. Bamboo
  120. Bamboo Expansion: Processes, Impacts, and Management
  121. Bamboo Fiber Composites
  122. Bamboo Polymer Nanocomposites
  123. Bamboo Science and Technology
  124. Bamboo and Sustainable Construction
  125. Banach Algebra Techniques in Operator Theory
  126. Banach Algebras and Several Complex Variables
  127. Banach Algebras with Symbol and Singular Integral Operators
  128. Banach Function Algebras, Arens Regularity, and BSE Norms
  129. Banach Lattices
  130. Banach Lattices and Positive Operators
  131. Banach Space Complexes
  132. Banach Space Theory
  133. Banach Space Theory and its Applications
  134. Banach Space Valued Neural Network
  135. Banach Spaces
  136. Banach Spaces and Descriptive Set Theory: Selected Topics
  137. Banach Spaces of Analytic Functions
  138. Banach Spaces of Continuous Functions as Dual Spaces
  139. Banach Spaces of Vector-Valued Functions
  140. Banach Spaces, Harmonic Analysis, and Probability Theory
  141. Banale Kämpfe?
  142. Banana Production in Venezuela
  143. Banana Ripening
  144. Banana: Genomics and Transgenic Approaches for Genetic Improvement
  145. Bananas and Plantains
  146. Bancassurance
  147. Bancassurance in Europe
  148. Bancassurance in Europe
  149. Band Structure Engineering in Semiconductor Microstructures
  150. Band Structure of Cubic Hydrides
  151. Band-Ferromagnetism
  152. Banded Vegetation Patterning in Arid and Semiarid Environments
  153. Bandenspektren
  154. Bandit problems
  155. Banditry in the Medieval Balkans, 800-1500
  156. Bandpass Sigma Delta Modulators
  157. Bandscheibenleiden
  158. Bandstraßen im Baubetrieb
  159. Bandwidth Extension of Speech Signals
  160. Bandwidth Extension of Speech Using Perceptual Criteria
  161. Bandwidth and Efficiency Enhancement in Radio Frequency Power Amplifiers for Wireless Transmitters
  162. Bandwurm- und Trichinen-Merkblatt
  163. Bangabandhu and Digital Bangladesh
  164. Bangladesh I: Climate Change Impacts, Mitigation and Adaptation in Developing Countries
  165. Bangladesh II: Climate Change Impacts, Mitigation and Adaptation in Developing Countries
  166. Bangladesh at Fifty
  167. Bangladesh in Bondage
  168. Bangladesh's Economic and Social Progress
  169. Bangladesh's Leather Industry
  170. Bangladesh's Macroeconomic Policy
  171. Bangladesh's Road to Long-term Economic Prosperity
  172. Bangladesh, India and Pakistan
  173. Bangladesh-Japan Partnership
  174. Bangladeshi Migration to Singapore
  175. Banishment in the Late Medieval Eastern Netherlands
  176. Bank Behaviour and Resilience
  177. Bank CEOs
  178. Bank Capital and Risk-Taking
  179. Bank Competition, Efficiency and Liquidity Creation in Asia Pacific
  180. Bank Credit Extension and Real Economic Activity in South Africa
  181. Bank Funding Strategies
  182. Bank Funding, Financial Instruments and Decision-Making in the Banking Industry
  183. Bank Liquidity and the Global Financial Crisis
  184. Bank Magazin Taschenbuch 2000
  185. Bank Management and Control
  186. Bank Management and Control
  187. Bank Management and Supervision in Developing Financial Markets
  188. Bank Management in a Changing Domestic and International Environment: The Challenges of the Eighties
  189. Bank Marketing Management
  190. Bank Mergers
  191. Bank Mergers & Acquisitions
  192. Bank Mergers: Current Issues and Perspectives
  193. Bank Performance, Risk and Firm Financing
  194. Bank Performance, Risk and Securitization
  195. Bank Restructuring and Resolution
  196. Bank Risk, Governance and Regulation
  197. Bank Stability, Sovereign Debt and Derivatives
  198. Bank Strategies and Challenges in the New Europe
  199. Bank Strategy, Governance and Ratings
  200. Bank- und Finanzlexikon Deutsch-Russisch / Немецко-Русский Ъанковско-Финансовый Словарь