27204 publications

  1. Aesthetic Septorhinoplasty
  2. Aesthetic Surgery of the Abdominal Wall
  3. Aesthetic Surgery of the Breast
  4. Aesthetic Surgery of the Buttock
  5. Aesthetic Surgery of the Craniofacial Skeleton
  6. Aesthetic Surgery of the Eyelids
  7. Aesthetic Surgery of the Facial Mosaic
  8. Aesthetic Vaginal Plastic Surgery
  9. Aesthetic Values
  10. Aesthetic and Functional Female Genital Surgery
  11. Aesthetic and Functional Labiaplasty
  12. Aesthetic and Reconstructive Otoplasty
  13. Aesthetic and Regenerative Gynecology
  14. Aesthetico-Cultural Cosmopolitanism and French Youth
  15. Aesthetics I
  16. Aesthetics II
  17. Aesthetics and Art
  18. Aesthetics and Business Ethics
  19. Aesthetics and Economics
  20. Aesthetics and Neuroscience
  21. Aesthetics and Philosophy of Art
  22. Aesthetics and Politics
  23. Aesthetics and Politics in the Mexican Film Industry
  24. Aesthetics and World Politics
  25. Aesthetics and the Embodied Mind: Beyond Art Theory and the Cartesian Mind-Body Dichotomy
  26. Aesthetics and the Iconoclasm of Contemporary Art
  27. Aesthetics and the Revolutionary City
  28. Aesthetics of Interdisciplinarity: Art and Mathematics
  29. Aesthetics of Law
  30. Aesthetics of Universal Knowledge
  31. Aesthetics, Poetics and Phenomenology in Samuel Taylor Coleridge
  32. Aesthetics, Politics, Pedagogy and Tagore
  33. Aesthetics:
  34. Aesthetics: Quantification and Deconstruction
  35. Aesthetik auf realistischer Grundlage
  36. Aestivation
  37. Aether und Relativitaetstheorie
  38. Affe und Affekt
  39. Affect Dynamics
  40. Affect Regulation Training
  41. Affect Theory and Early Modern Texts
  42. Affect Theory and Literary Critical Practice
  43. Affect Theory, Genre, and the Example of Tragedy
  44. Affect Theory, Shame, and Christian Formation
  45. Affect and Belonging in Contemporary Spanish Fiction and Film
  46. Affect and Emotion in Human-Computer Interaction
  47. Affect and Mathematical Problem Solving
  48. Affect and Mathematics Education
  49. Affect in Mathematical Modeling
  50. Affect, Alienation, and Politics in Therapeutic Culture
  51. Affect, Gender and Sexuality in Latin America
  52. Affect-Language Interactions in Native and Non-Native English Speakers
  53. Affected
  54. Affective Capitalism
  55. Affective Cartographies
  56. Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction
  57. Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction
  58. Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction
  59. Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction
  60. Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction
  61. Affective Computing and Sentiment Analysis
  62. Affective Decision Making Under Uncertainty
  63. Affective Dialogue Systems
  64. Affective Dimensions in Chemistry Education
  65. Affective Dimensions of Fieldwork and Ethnography
  66. Affective Disorder and the Writing Life: The Melancholic Muse
  67. Affective Early Childhood Pedagogy for Infant-Toddlers
  68. Affective Equality
  69. Affective Feedback in Intelligent Tutoring Systems
  70. Affective Geographies and Narratives of Chinese Diaspora
  71. Affective Governmentality
  72. Affective Information Processing
  73. Affective Intensities in Extreme Music Scenes
  74. Affective Interactions
  75. Affective Methodologies
  76. Affective Moments in the Films of Martel, Carri, and Puenzo
  77. Affective Relations
  78. Affective Touch and the Neurophysiology of CT Afferents
  79. Affective and Emotional Economies in Medieval and Early Modern Europe
  80. Affective and Schizoaffective Disorders
  81. Affective-Discursive Practice in Online Medical Consultations in China
  82. Affectivity and Learning
  83. Affectivity and Philosophy after Spinoza and Nietzsche
  84. Affects in 21st-Century British Theatre
  85. Affekt und Logik in der Homöopathie
  86. Affekt und Sprache
  87. Affekt und Zitat
  88. Affekt, Kalkulation und soziale Relation
  89. Affektdelikte
  90. Affektfernsehen
  91. Affektive Medienpraktiken
  92. Affektive Störungen
  93. Affektive, schizoaffektive und schizophrene Psychosen
  94. Affektstörungen Studien über Ihre ätiologie und Therapie
  95. Affen wie wir
  96. Afferent Connections of the Medial Basal Hypothalamus
  97. Affidabilità delle costruzioni meccaniche
  98. Affiliate-Marketing
  99. Affine Arithmetic Based Solution of Uncertain Static and Dynamic Problems
  100. Affine Density in Wavelet Analysis
  101. Affine Diffusions and Related Processes: Simulation, Theory and Applications
  102. Affine Flag Manifolds and Principal Bundles
  103. Affine Maps, Euclidean Motions and Quadrics
  104. Affine, Vertex and W-algebras
  105. Affinity Biosensors
  106. Affinity Chromatography
  107. Affinity Chromatography
  108. Affinity Chromatography
  109. Affinity Chromatography
  110. Affinographs
  111. Affirmation und Anderssein
  112. Affirmation, Care Ethics, and LGBT Identity
  113. Affirmative Action Policies and Judicial Review Worldwide
  114. Affirmative Action in China and the U.S.
  115. Affirmative Action in Perspective
  116. Affirmative Aesthetics and Wilful Women
  117. Affirmative Mental Health Care for Transgender and Gender Diverse Youth
  118. Affirming the Absurd in Harold Pinter
  119. Affizierungs- und Teilhabeprozesse zwischen Organismen und Maschinen
  120. Afflictions
  121. Affordable Housing Development
  122. Affordable Housing Finance
  123. Affordable Housing as a Profitable Impact Investment
  124. Affordable and Clean Energy
  125. Affordable and Clean Energy
  126. Affordance Theory in Game Design
  127. Affordances in Everyday Life
  128. Afforestation in Arid Zones
  129. Afforestation, Reforestation and Forest Restoration in Arid and Semi-arid Tropics
  130. Afghan Interpreters Through Western Eyes
  131. Afghanistan
  132. Afghanistan Under Soviet Domination, 1964–83
  133. Afghanistan and the Coloniality of Diplomacy
  134. Afghanistan and the Vietnam Syndrome
  135. Afghanistan und die Taliban
  136. Afghanistan under Soviet Domination, 1964–91
  137. Afghanistan von Innen und Aussen
  138. Aflatoxins in Food
  139. Africa
  140. Africa Beyond Inventions
  141. Africa Case Studies in Operations Research
  142. Africa Now!
  143. Africa Projected
  144. Africa Toward 2030
  145. Africa Unchained
  146. Africa and Asia in Comparative Economic Perspective
  147. Africa and Globalization
  148. Africa and Globalization
  149. Africa and International Organization
  150. Africa and International Relations in the 21st Century
  151. Africa and Mathematics
  152. Africa and Sustainable Global Value Chains
  153. Africa and its Global Diaspora
  154. Africa and the Deep Seabed Regime: Politics and International Law of the Common Heritage of Mankind
  155. Africa and the Diaspora
  156. Africa and the European Union
  157. Africa and the First World War
  158. Africa and the Formation of the New System of International Relations
  159. Africa and the Formation of the New System of International Relations—Vol. II
  160. Africa and the Fourth Industrial Revolution
  161. Africa and the International Criminal Court
  162. Africa and the New World Era
  163. Africa and the Novel
  164. Africa and the Second World War
  165. Africa and the Sustainable Development Goals
  166. Africa and the World
  167. Africa at the Millenium
  168. Africa at the Millennium
  169. Africa from MIS 6-2
  170. Africa in Economic Crisis
  171. Africa in Global Politics in the Twenty-First Century
  172. Africa in Transformation
  173. Africa in World Politics
  174. Africa in World Politics
  175. Africa in a Changing Global Order
  176. Africa in the Global Economy
  177. Africa on the Contemporary London Stage
  178. Africa on the Move
  179. Africa's Agricultural Renaissance
  180. Africa's Engagement with the Responsibility to Protect in the 21st Century
  181. Africa's Path to Net-Zero
  182. Africa's Population: In Search of a Demographic Dividend
  183. Africa, the Devastated Continent?
  184. Africa-China Cooperation
  185. Africa-EU Relations and the African Continental Free Trade Area
  186. Africa-EU Renewable Energy Research and Innovation Symposium 2018 (RERIS 2018)
  187. Africa-Europe Research and Innovation Cooperation
  188. Africa-to-Africa Internationalization
  189. African Agency, Finance and Developmental States
  190. African Agrarian Philosophy
  191. African Agricultural Production Development Policy in Kenya 1952–1965
  192. African Air Transport Management
  193. African American Boys
  194. African American Childhoods
  195. African American Contributions to the Americas’ Cultures
  196. African American Culture and Legal Discourse
  197. African American Female Mysticism
  198. African American Girls
  199. African American Gothic
  200. African American Humanist Principles