27204 publications

  1. Advancing Medical Posthumanism Through Twenty-First Century American Poetry
  2. Advancing Methods for Biomolecular Crystallography
  3. Advancing Multicultural Dialogues in Education
  4. Advancing Nursing Practice in Cancer and Palliative Care
  5. Advancing Parametric Optimization
  6. Advancing Phenomenology
  7. Advancing Quality of Life in a Turbulent World
  8. Advancing Race and Ethnicity in Education
  9. Advancing Regional Monetary Cooperation
  10. Advancing Research in Information and Communication Technology
  11. Advancing Research on Living and Fossil Cephalopods
  12. Advancing Resilient Performance
  13. Advancing Smart Cities
  14. Advancing Social Simulation: The First World Congress
  15. Advancing Social Studies Education through Self-Study Methodology
  16. Advancing Sports and Exercise via Innovation
  17. Advancing Surgical Education
  18. Advancing Women in Science
  19. Advancing Workplace Mediation Through Integration of Theory and Practice
  20. Advancing a Circular Economy
  21. Advancing a Design Approach to Enriching Public Mobility
  22. Advancing a Health Promoting Schools Agenda for Black Students
  23. Advancing and Consolidating Mathematical Modelling
  24. Advancing the Frontiers of Simulation
  25. Advancing the Impact of Design Science: Moving from Theory to Practice
  26. Advancing the Science of Cancer in Latinos
  27. Advancing the Science of Cancer in Latinos
  28. Advancing the Technology of Bileaflet Mechanical Heart Valves
  29. Advantages and Problems with Non-Opioids in Pain Management
  30. Advection and Diffusion in Random Media
  31. Adventure Capitalism
  32. Adventure Diffusion
  33. Adventure Finance
  34. Adventure Tourism
  35. Adventure and Extreme Sports Injuries
  36. Adventure and Society
  37. Adventure in Prolog
  38. Adventures Between Lower Bounds and Higher Altitudes
  39. Adventures in Computer Science
  40. Adventures in Contemporary Electromagnetic Theory
  41. Adventures in Graph Theory
  42. Adventures in Order and Chaos
  43. Adventures in Stochastic Processes
  44. Adventures in the Bone Trade
  45. Adventures in the Chinese Economy: 16 Years from the Inside
  46. Adventures of Mind and Mathematics
  47. Adventurous Women in Contemporary American Historical Fiction
  48. Adverbial Modification
  49. Adversarial Machine Learning
  50. Adversarial Machine Learning
  51. Adversarial Multimedia Forensics
  52. Adversarial Political Interviewing
  53. Adversarial and Uncertain Reasoning for Adaptive Cyber Defense
  54. Adversarial versus Inquisitorial Justice
  55. Adversary Detection For Cognitive Radio Networks
  56. Adversary-Aware Learning Techniques and Trends in Cybersecurity
  57. Adversative and Concessive Conjunctions in EFL Writing
  58. Adverse Childhood Experiences
  59. Adverse Cutaneous Drug Reactions to Cardiovascular Drugs
  60. Adverse Drug Reactions
  61. Adverse Effects of Foods
  62. Adverse Effects of Herbal Drugs
  63. Adverse Effects of Herbal Drugs 2
  64. Adverse Events with Biomedicines
  65. Adverse Reactions to Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs: Clinical Pharmacoepidemiology
  66. Advertisers at Work
  67. Advertising
  68. Advertising Confluence: Transitioning Marketing Communications into Social Movements
  69. Advertising Impact and Controlling in Content Marketing
  70. Advertising Literacy for Young Audiences in the Digital Age
  71. Advertising Management
  72. Advertising Worldwide
  73. Advertising and Democracy in the Mass Age
  74. Advertising and Socialism
  75. Advertising as Multilingual Communication
  76. Advertising in Contemporary Consumer Culture
  77. Advertising in the Age of Persuasion
  78. Advertising in the Aging Society
  79. Advertising to Children
  80. Advertising, Commercial Spaces and the Urban
  81. Advertising, Literature and Print Culture in Ireland, 1891–1922
  82. Advertising, Subjectivity and the Nineteenth-Century Novel
  83. Advertorial, Blogbeitrag, Content-Strategie & Co.
  84. Advertorials in Jugendprintmedien
  85. Advertorials versus klassische Printwerbung
  86. Advice to the Healer
  87. Advice to the Young Physician
  88. Advising the Ultra-Wealthy
  89. Advisory Boards in Startups
  90. Advisory Work in Crop Pest and Disease Management
  91. Advisory in Urban High Schools
  92. Advocacy Coalitions and Democratizing Media Reforms in Latin America
  93. Advocacy Group Effects in Global Governance
  94. Advocacy NGOs and the Neoliberal Pacification of the Demands of the Street
  95. Advocacy for Teacher Leadership
  96. Advocacy in Health Care
  97. Advocating Transitional Justice in Africa
  98. Aeolian Desertification
  99. Aeolian Grain Transport
  100. Aeolian Grain Transport 1
  101. Aeolian Sand and Sand Dunes
  102. Aeolian proceses as Dust Storms in the Deserts of Central Asia and Kazakhstan
  103. Aerial Manipulation
  104. Aerial Plant Surface Microbiology
  105. Aerial Play
  106. Aerial Robotic Manipulation
  107. Aero and Vibroacoustics of Automotive Turbochargers
  108. Aero- and Hydro-Acoustics
  109. AeroStruct: Enable and Learn How to Integrate Flexibility in Design
  110. Aeroacoustic Measurements
  111. Aeroassisted Orbital Transfer
  112. Aerobic Utilization of Hydrocarbons, Oils, and Lipids
  113. Aerobic Utilization of Hydrocarbons, Oils, and Lipids
  114. Aerodynamic Data of Space Vehicles
  115. Aerodynamic Drag Mechanisms of Bluff Bodies and Road Vehicles
  116. Aerodynamic Drag Reduction Technologies
  117. Aerodynamic Noise
  118. Aerodynamic Study on the Vehicle Shape Parameters with Respect to Ground Simulation
  119. Aerodynamic Theory
  120. Aerodynamic Theory
  121. Aerodynamic Theory
  122. Aerodynamic Theory
  123. Aerodynamic Theory
  124. Aerodynamics
  125. Aerodynamics of Tandem Wing Aircraft
  126. Aerodynamics of a Lifting System in Extreme Ground Effect
  127. Aerodynamik
  128. Aerodynamik axialer Turbokompressoren
  129. Aerodynamik der Bauwerke
  130. Aerodynamik der reinen Unterschallströmung
  131. Aerodynamik der stumpfen Körper
  132. Aerodynamik der stumpfen Körper
  133. Aerodynamik des Automobils
  134. Aerodynamik des Automobils
  135. Aerodynamik des Fliegens
  136. Aerodynamik des Flugzeuges
  137. Aerodynamik des Flugzeuges
  138. Aerodynamik des Flugzeuges
  139. Aerodynamik des Flugzeuges
  140. Aerodynamik des Flugzeuges
  141. Aerodynamik des Flugzeuges
  142. Aeroecology
  143. Aeroelasticity
  144. Aerogels
  145. Aerogels Handbook
  146. Aeromedical Evacuation
  147. Aeromedical Evacuation
  148. Aeronautical Research in Germany
  149. Aeronomics and Law
  150. Aeronomy of Mars
  151. Aeronomy of the Earth's Atmosphere and Ionosphere
  152. Aeronomy of the Middle Atmosphere
  153. Aeronomy of the Middle Atmosphere
  154. Aerophysikalische Flugforschung. Gelöste und ungelöste Probleme der Gasdynamik
  155. Aeroservoelasticity
  156. Aerosol Inhalation: Recent Research Frontiers
  157. Aerosol Microphysics I
  158. Aerosol Microphysics II
  159. Aerosol Optical Depth and Precipitation
  160. Aerosol Optics
  161. Aerosol Pollution Impact on Precipitation
  162. Aerosol Remote Sensing
  163. Aerosol-Cloud Interactions from Urban, Regional, to Global Scales
  164. Aerospace Alloys
  165. Aerospace Engineering on the Back of an Envelope
  166. Aerospace Marketing Management
  167. Aerospace Marketing Management
  168. Aerospace Materials and Material Technologies
  169. Aerospace Materials and Material Technologies
  170. Aerospace Mechatronics and Control Technology
  171. Aerospace Radionavigation Systems
  172. Aerospace Robotics
  173. Aerospace Robotics II
  174. Aerospace Robotics III
  175. Aerospace Sensor Systems and Applications
  176. Aerospace System Analysis and Optimization in Uncertainty
  177. Aerospace and Digitalization
  178. Aerothermodynamics in Combustors
  179. Aerztliche Erfahrungen über die Malaria der Tropen-Länder
  180. Aeschylus: Playwright Educator
  181. Aesthetic Applications of Intense Pulsed Light
  182. Aesthetic Applications of Intense Pulsed Light
  183. Aesthetic Breast Augmentation Revision Surgery
  184. Aesthetic Clinician's Guide to Platelet Rich Plasma
  185. Aesthetic Communication
  186. Aesthetic Experience and Moral Vision in Plato, Kant, and Murdoch
  187. Aesthetic Facial Surgery
  188. Aesthetic Formations
  189. Aesthetic Labour
  190. Aesthetic Literacies in School and Work
  191. Aesthetic Medicine
  192. Aesthetic Perspectives in Jaw Surgery
  193. Aesthetic Perspectives on Culture, Politics, and Landscape
  194. Aesthetic Plastic Surgery of Head and Body
  195. Aesthetic Plastic Surgery of the Abdomen
  196. Aesthetic Positive Pedagogy
  197. Aesthetic Procedures: Nurse Practitioner's Guide to Cosmetic Dermatology
  198. Aesthetic Procedures: Nurse Practitioner's Guide to Cosmetic Dermatology
  199. Aesthetic Realism
  200. Aesthetic Septorhinoplasty