27184 publications

  1. Academic Scientists at Work
  2. Academic Self-efficacy in Education
  3. Academic Skepticism in Hume and Kant
  4. Academic Skepticism in Seventeenth-Century French Philosophy
  5. Academic Socialization of Young Black and Latino Children
  6. Academic Spin-offs
  7. Academic Success in Online Programs
  8. Academic Theories of Generation in the Renaissance
  9. Academic Tourism
  10. Academic Units in a Complex, Changing World
  11. Academic Women in Neoliberal Times
  12. Academic Women in STEM Faculty
  13. Academic Work and Careers in Europe: Trends, Challenges, Perspectives
  14. Academic Writing and Identity Constructions
  15. Academic Writing and Information Literacy Instruction in Digital Environments
  16. Academic Writing for Engineering Publications
  17. Academic and Educational Entrepreneurship
  18. Academics in a Century of Displacement
  19. Acamprosate in Relapse Prevention of Alcoholism
  20. Acanthamoeba Keratitis
  21. Acanthaster and the Coral Reef: A Theoretical Perspective
  22. Acarbose for the Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus
  23. Acarid Phylogeny and Evolution: Adaptation in Mites and Ticks
  24. Accelerated Best Practice
  25. Accelerated Breeding of Cereal Crops
  26. Accelerated C# 2008
  27. Accelerated C# 2010
  28. Accelerated Cosmic Expansion
  29. Accelerated Development in Southern Africa
  30. Accelerated Economic Growth in West Africa
  31. Accelerated GWT
  32. Accelerated Land Reform, Mining, Growth, Unemployment and Inequality in South Africa
  33. Accelerated Lattice Boltzmann Model for Colloidal Suspensions
  34. Accelerated Optimization for Machine Learning
  35. Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation
  36. Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation
  37. Accelerated Path to Cures
  38. Accelerated Pavement Testing to Transport Infrastructure Innovation
  39. Accelerated Plant Breeding, Volume 1
  40. Accelerated Plant Breeding, Volume 2
  41. Accelerated Plant Breeding, Volume 3
  42. Accelerated Plant Breeding, Volume 4
  43. Accelerated SQL Server 2008
  44. Accelerated Silverlight 2
  45. Accelerated Silverlight 3
  46. Accelerated VB 2005
  47. Accelerated VB 2008
  48. Accelerating Academia
  49. Accelerating Development Velocity Using Docker
  50. Accelerating Digital Transformation
  51. Accelerating Digitalization
  52. Accelerating Discoveries in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence I
  53. Accelerating Discoveries in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence II
  54. Accelerating E-Mobility in Germany
  55. Accelerating Economic Growth
  56. Accelerating Global Supply Chains with IT-Innovation
  57. Accelerating Green Innovation
  58. Accelerating Network Functions Using Reconfigurable Hardware
  59. Accelerating Science and Engineering Discoveries Through Integrated Research Infrastructure for Experiment, Big Data, Modeling and Simulation
  60. Accelerating Test, Validation and Debug of High Speed Serial Interfaces
  61. Accelerating Unity Through Automation
  62. Accelerating the Transition to a 100% Renewable Energy Era
  63. Acceleration and Cultural Change
  64. Acceleration and Improvement of Protein Identification by Mass Spectrometry
  65. Acceleration and Propagation of Cosmic Rays in High-Metallicity Astrophysical Environments
  66. Accelerator Data-Path Synthesis for High-Throughput Signal Processing Applications
  67. Accelerator Physics at the Tevatron Collider
  68. Accelerator Programming Using Directives
  69. Accelerator Programming Using Directives
  70. Accelerator Programming Using Directives
  71. Accelerator Programming Using Directives
  72. Accelerator Programming Using Directives
  73. Accelerator Technology
  74. Accelerator-Driven System at Kyoto University Critical Assembly
  75. Accelerators and Colliders
  76. Accelerators of India's Growth—Industry, Trade and Employment
  77. Accents of added value in construction 4.0
  78. Accentuated Innovations in Cognitive Info-Communication
  79. Accentuation and Interpretation
  80. Acceptable Risk in Biomedical Research
  81. Acceptance & Commitment Therapy
  82. Acceptance & Commitment Therapy
  83. Acceptance and Commitment Approaches for Athletes’ Wellbeing and Performance
  84. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy bij kinderen en jongeren
  85. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Insomnia
  86. Acceptance and Mindfulness-Based Approaches to Anxiety
  87. Acceptance of Remote Services
  88. Accepting the Invisible Hand
  89. Access Control Management in Cloud Environments
  90. Access Control Models and Architectures For IoT and Cyber Physical Systems
  91. Access Control Systems
  92. Access Control in Data Management Systems
  93. Access Denied in the Information Age
  94. Access Networks
  95. Access Networks
  96. Access Surgery
  97. Access and Participation in Irish Higher Education
  98. Access and Widening Participation in Arts Higher Education
  99. Access for All
  100. Access for All
  101. Access in Nanoporous Materials
  102. Access to Affordable Medicines
  103. Access to B-ISDN via PONs
  104. Access to Bank Credit and SME Financing
  105. Access to Education
  106. Access to Education in Europe
  107. Access to Justice
  108. Access to Justice in Microfinance
  109. Access to Justice in Transnational B2C E-Commerce
  110. Access to Medicine Versus Test Data Exclusivity
  111. Access to Medicines and Vaccines
  112. Access to Mental Health Care in South Asia
  113. Access to Mobile Services
  114. Access to Non-Summary Clinical Trial Data for Research Purposes Under EU Law
  115. Access to Online Resources
  116. Access to Primary Care and Preventative Health Services of Migrants
  117. Access to Welfare
  118. Access to the Sea for Developing Land-Locked States
  119. Access, Equity, and Capacity in Asia-Pacific Higher Education
  120. Access, Lifelong Learning and Education for All
  121. AccessNets
  122. Accessibility for Everyone: Understanding the Section 508 Accessibility Requirements
  123. Accessible Access 2003
  124. Accessible Housing for South Asia
  125. Accessible Tourism in the Digital Ecosystem
  126. Accessing Multilingual Information Repositories
  127. Accessing and Sharing the Benefits of the Genomics Revolution
  128. Accessing the Public Sphere
  129. Accessories for HV and EHV Extruded Cables
  130. Accessories for HV and EHV Extruded Cables
  131. Accident and Emergency Medicine
  132. Accident vasculaire cérébral et médecine physique et de réadaptation: Actualités en 2010
  133. Accident vasculaire cérébral et réanimation
  134. Accidental Injury
  135. Accidental Injury
  136. Accidental Injury
  137. Accidental Presidents
  138. Accidents and Disasters
  139. Accidents in the Year 2000
  140. Accommodating Poverty
  141. Accommodation and Vergence Mechanisms in the Visual System
  142. Accomplishing Permanency: Reunification Pathways and Outcomes for Foster Children
  143. According to the Book
  144. Account Management Strategies in B2B Sales
  145. Account-Management-Strategien im B2B-Vertrieb
  146. Accountability
  147. Accountability Policies in Education
  148. Accountability and Privacy in Network Security
  149. Accountability and Regulatory Governance
  150. Accountability and Security in the Cloud
  151. Accountability and Transparency in the Modern Anthropocene
  152. Accountability and the Public Interest in Broadcasting
  153. Accountability for International Humanitarian Law Violations: The Case of Rwanda and East Timor
  154. Accountability in American Higher Education
  155. Accountability in Public Policy Partnerships
  156. Accountability in Social Research
  157. Accountability, Ethics and Sustainability of Organizations
  158. Accountability, Transparency and Democracy in the Functioning of Bretton Woods Institutions
  159. Accountable and Explainable Methods for Complex Reasoning over Text
  160. Accountancy
  161. Accountancy and Social Responsibility
  162. Accountancy’s Faulty Sums
  163. Accountants’ Professional Negligence
  164. Accounting Case Studies
  165. Accounting Choices in Family Firms
  166. Accounting Control and Financial Strategy
  167. Accounting Control and Financial Strategy
  168. Accounting Fraud
  169. Accounting Information Disclosure and Collective Bargaining
  170. Accounting Information Systems for Decision Making
  171. Accounting Information and Equity Valuation
  172. Accounting Quality landwirtschaftlicher Unternehmen mit Tierbestand
  173. Accounting Reform in Transition and Developing Economies
  174. Accounting Regulation in Europe
  175. Accounting Skills
  176. Accounting and Causal Effects
  177. Accounting and Financial System Reform in a Transition Economy: A Case Study of Russia
  178. Accounting and Financial Systems Reform in Eastern Europe and Asia
  179. Accounting and Regulation
  180. Accounting and Statistical Analyses for Sustainable Development
  181. Accounting at Durham Cathedral Priory
  182. Accounting for Affection
  183. Accounting for Business Organisations
  184. Accounting for Climate Change
  185. Accounting for Colonialism
  186. Accounting for Constraints in Delay Systems
  187. Accounting for Cultural Heritage Management
  188. Accounting for Management Control
  189. Accounting for Sustainability: Asia Pacific Perspectives
  190. Accounting for the Global Economy
  191. Accounting for the Public Interest
  192. Accounting for the Varieties of Volunteering
  193. Accounting in a Business Context
  194. Accounting in a Business Context
  195. Accounting in an Inflationary Environment
  196. Accounting in an Inflationary Environment
  197. Accounting und Unternehmensfinanzierung
  198. Accounting, Accountability and Society
  199. Accounting, Capitalism and the Revealed Religions
  200. Accounting, Cash Flow and Value Relevance