27184 publications

  1. Absence and Memory in Colonial American Theatre
  2. Absence in Science, Security and Policy
  3. Absence of Arbitrage Valuation
  4. Absent Management in Banking
  5. Absent Narratives, Manuscript Textuality, and Literary Structure in Late Medieval England
  6. Absicherung von Katastrophen-Risiko über Kapitalmärkte
  7. Absicht und Wirklichkeit integrativer Bildung
  8. Absicht zur Arbeit im Ausland
  9. Absolute Addiction Psychiatry Review
  10. Absolute Age Determination
  11. Absolute Allergy and Immunology Board Review
  12. Absolute Analysis
  13. Absolute Analysis
  14. Absolute Beginners Guide to Computing
  15. Absolute Breast Imaging Review
  16. Absolute Case-Based Neurology Review
  17. Absolute Clauses in English from the Systemic Functional Perspective
  18. Absolute Clinical Radiation Oncology Review
  19. Absolute Dermatology Review
  20. Absolute Epilepsy and EEG Rotation Review
  21. Absolute Geriatric Psychiatry Review
  22. Absolute Hospital Medicine Review
  23. Absolute Nephrology Review
  24. Absolute Nephrology Review
  25. Absolute Neurocritical Care Review
  26. Absolute Neurocritical Care Review
  27. Absolute Obstetric Anesthesia Review
  28. Absolute Pediatric Neurology
  29. Absolute Reality in the Qur'an
  30. Absolute Rheumatology Review
  31. Absolute Stability of Nonlinear Control Systems
  32. Absolute Stability of Nonlinear Control Systems
  33. Absolute Summability of Fourier Series and Orthogonal Series
  34. Absolute Therapeutic Medical Physics Review
  35. Absolutes und vergleichendes Urteil
  36. Absolutism in Seventeenth-Century Europe
  37. Absolutstetigkeit und Ordnungsabsolutstetigkeit von Operatoren
  38. Absolventen von Waldorfschulen
  39. Absolventen von Waldorfschulen
  40. Absorption
  41. Absorption Heating Technologies
  42. Absorption Spectra of Minor Bases
  43. Absorption of Orally Administered Enzymes
  44. Absorptionsspektroskopie im Ultravioletten und sichtbaren Spektralbereich
  45. Abstammungslehre und Darwinismus
  46. Absteckungstafeln für Eisenbahn- und Strassenbau
  47. Abstimmung am Kiosk
  48. Abstimmungskampagnen
  49. Abstimmungsverbot und strategisches Parallelverhalten im Wettbewerbsrecht
  50. Abstract Algebra
  51. Abstract Algebra
  52. Abstract Algebra
  53. Abstract Algebra and Famous Impossibilities
  54. Abstract Algebra and Famous Impossibilities
  55. Abstract Analytic Function Theory and Hardy Algebras
  56. Abstract Compositional Analysis of Iterated Relations
  57. Abstract Computing Machines
  58. Abstract Convexity and Global Optimization
  59. Abstract Data Types and Algorithms
  60. Abstract Entities
  61. Abstract Entity Anaphora in Argumentative Texts
  62. Abstract Fractional Monotone Approximation, Theory and Applications
  63. Abstract Harmonic Analysis
  64. Abstract Harmonic Analysis
  65. Abstract Harmonic Analysis
  66. Abstract Harmonic Analysis
  67. Abstract Harmonic Analysis of Continuous Wavelet Transforms
  68. Abstract Labour: A Critique
  69. Abstract Linear Algebra
  70. Abstract Market Theory
  71. Abstract Non Linear Wave Equations
  72. Abstract Objects
  73. Abstract Objects
  74. Abstract Parabolic Evolution Equations and their Applications
  75. Abstract Parabolic Evolution Equations and Łojasiewicz–Simon Inequality I
  76. Abstract Parabolic Evolution Equations and Łojasiewicz–Simon Inequality II
  77. Abstract Pattern Illustrations for Textile Printing
  78. Abstract Root Subgroups and Simple Groups of Lie-Type
  79. Abstract Software Specifications
  80. Abstract Spaces and Approximation / Abstrakte Räume und Approximation
  81. Abstract State Machines
  82. Abstract State Machines - Theory and Applications
  83. Abstract State Machines 2003
  84. Abstract State Machines 2004. Advances in Theory and Practice
  85. Abstract State Machines, Alloy, B and Z
  86. Abstract State Machines, Alloy, B, TLA, VDM, and Z
  87. Abstract State Machines, Alloy, B, TLA, VDM, and Z
  88. Abstract State Machines, Alloy, B, TLA, VDM, and Z
  89. Abstract State Machines, Alloy, B, VDM, and Z
  90. Abstract State Machines, B and Z
  91. Abstract Systems Theory
  92. Abstracting Geographic Information in a Data Rich World
  93. Abstraction Refinement for Large Scale Model Checking
  94. Abstraction and Aging
  95. Abstraction and Representation
  96. Abstraction in Artificial Intelligence and Complex Systems
  97. Abstraction, Refinement and Proof for Probabilistic Systems
  98. Abstraction, Reformulation and Approximation
  99. Abstraction, Reformulation, and Approximation
  100. Abstraction, Reformulation, and Approximation
  101. Abstraction, Reformulation, and Approximation
  102. Abstracts of the 65th congress of the German Society of Neurology
  103. Abstrakte Galois-Theorie
  104. Abstrakte Modellierung digitaler Schaltungen
  105. Abstrakte virtuelle Illusionen für die Schlaganfalltherapie
  106. Abstreckgleitziehen von nichtrostenden austenitischen Stählen
  107. Absurde Angst - Narrationen der Sicherheitsgesellschaft
  108. Abtastregelung
  109. Abtastregelung
  110. Abtastregelung
  111. Abtastregelung
  112. Abtreibungspolitik in Deutschland
  113. Abulecentrism
  114. Abuse and Neglect of the Elderly in India
  115. Abuse of Dominant Position and Globalization & Protection and Disclosure of Trade Secrets and Know-How
  116. Abuse of Dominant Position: New Interpretation, New Enforcement Mechanisms?
  117. Abusive Supervision
  118. Abwanderung und Migration in Mecklenburg und Vorpommern
  119. Abwanderung, Geburtenrückgang und regionale Entwicklung
  120. Abwanderungsverhalten von Spendern
  121. Abwasserbeseitigung bei Gartenstädten, bei ländlichen und bei städtischen Siedelungen
  122. Abwasserhydraulik
  123. Abwasserkonzepte
  124. Abwasserrecycling und Regenwassernutzung
  125. Abwasserrecycling: Technologien und Prozesswassermanagement
  126. Abwasserreinigung durch Adsorptionskoks aus Braunkohle
  127. Abwasserreinigungsanlagen
  128. Abwassertechnik
  129. Abwassertechnik
  130. Abwassertechnik
  131. Abwassertechnologie
  132. Abwassertechnologie
  133. Abwasserwirtschaft in Österreich. Die Abwasserwirtschaft in Kärnten
  134. Abwechslungsbedürfnis und Werbewirkung
  135. Abwechslungsweise miteinander
  136. Abwehr und Anerkennung in der Klimakrise
  137. Abwehrfermente
  138. Abwehrfermente des tierischen Organismus
  139. Abwehrfermente des tierischen Organismus
  140. Abweichungsmanagement in der pharmazeutischen Industrie
  141. Abwickelbare Flächen
  142. Abwicklung nicht-systemrelevanter Banken
  143. Abwicklung von Blechkörpern
  144. Abwicklungen und Durchdringungen von Blech- und Massivteilen
  145. Abwicklungen und Durchdringungen von Blech- und Massivteilen
  146. Abwicklungen und Durchdringungen von Metall- und Kunststoffteilen
  147. Abwicklungsmanagement horizontaler Entwicklungskooperationen
  148. Abyssal Channels in the Atlantic Ocean
  149. Abzähltheorie nach Pólya
  150. Abänderungen der Eisenbahn-Bau- und Betriebsordnung vom 4. November 1904
  151. Ac - Na
  152. Ac-Ag ... Au-Zr
  153. Ac-Au
  154. Ac-Au – Au-Zr
  155. Acacia Wood Bio-composites
  156. Academia and Higher Learning in Popular Culture
  157. Academia and the World Beyond
  158. Academia and the World Beyond, Volume 2
  159. Academia from the Inside
  160. Academia in Conflict
  161. Academia-Business Links
  162. Academic & Scientific Poster Presentation
  163. Academic Achievement Assessment
  164. Academic Activism in Higher Education
  165. Academic Autoethnographies
  166. Academic Barbarism, Universities and Inequality
  167. Academic Citizenship, Identity, Knowledge, and Vulnerability
  168. Academic Collaborations in the Global Marketplace
  169. Academic Conference Presentations
  170. Academic Conferences as Neoliberal Commodities
  171. Academic Entrepreneurship
  172. Academic Entrepreneurship
  173. Academic Evaluation
  174. Academic Flying and the Means of Communication
  175. Academic Freedom Under Pressure?
  176. Academic Freedom Under Siege
  177. Academic Freedom and the Telos of the Catholic University
  178. Academic Freedom in an Age of Conformity
  179. Academic Freedom in the European Context
  180. Academic Freedom in the Post-9/11 Era
  181. Academic Global Surgery
  182. Academic Governance in the Contemporary University
  183. Academic Identity and the Place of Stories
  184. Academic Inbreeding and Mobility in Higher Education
  185. Academic Integrity in Canada
  186. Academic Integrity in the Social Sciences
  187. Academic Integrity: Broadening Practices, Technologies, and the Role of Students
  188. Academic Knowledge Production and the Global South
  189. Academic Labour, Unemployment and Global Higher Education
  190. Academic Literacies Provision for International Students
  191. Academic Literacy Development
  192. Academic Medicine: A Guide for Clinicians
  193. Academic Migration, Discipline Knowledge and Pedagogical Practice
  194. Academic Mothers Building Online Communities
  195. Academic Pain Medicine
  196. Academic Promotion for Clinicians
  197. Academic Publishing
  198. Academic Research in Business and the Social Sciences
  199. Academic Scepticism in the Development of Early Modern Philosophy
  200. Academic Scientists at Work