
Following publication of the original article [1] it was brought to our attention that there had been some confusion surrounding the presentation of the author names in the author list, leading to the first name and family name of each author being misplaced. Please see below for the correct presentation of the author names as they should appear in the author list:

Lorenzo Cobianchi1,2,7*, Andrea Peloso1,2, Barbara Vischioni3, Denis Panizza3, Maria Rosaria Fiore3, Piero Fossati4, Viviana Vitolo3, Alberto Iannalfi3, Mario Ciocca3, Silvia Brugnatelli5, Tommaso Dominioni1,2, Dario Bugada6, Marcello Maestri1,2, Mario Alessiani1,2, Francesca Valvo3, Roberto Orecchia3,4 and Paolo Dionigi1,2

This has now been updated on the BioMed Central website.