Correction to: Mol Cancer (2019) 18:43

Fig. 1
figure 1

a. Migration and invasion ability of parental and resistant CRC cells were assessed by Transwell assay (replace Fig. 1e). b. The immunofluorescence analysis of nuclear foci for γ-H2AX expression induced by oxaliplatin in parental and resistant cells after 24 h oxaliplatin exposure. Scale bars, 10 μm (replace Fig. 1j). c. Migration and invasion ability of HCT116OxR cells transfected with Lv-128 and Ctrl were assessed by Transwell assay (replace Fig. 2f). d. Migration and invasion ability of HCT116OxR cells after incubated with indicated factors for 48 h were assessed by Transwell assays (replace Fig. 5d). e. Migration and invasion ability of Lv-128 transfected HCT116OxR cells in different conditions were assessed by Transwell assays (replace Fig. 6g). f. Migration and invasion ability of HT29OxR cells after incubated with indicated factors for 48 h were assessed by Transwell assays (replace Fig. S4D)

Following the publication of the original article [1], the authors noticed some incorrect information are shown. Inverted-microscope pictures of transwell assay were placed in the mistaken figure inadvertently and the fluorescence-microscope picture was mistakenly switched. The correct version of figure is given in Fig. 1. The authors apologize for any inconvenience caused, and these corrections do not affect the findings or conclusions of this research.