
It has been demonstrated that operant behavior can be controlled by spatial stimuli. In one of our experiment, rats were conditioned to press a lever for reward when a moving object was passing through a particular region of the experimental room (unpublished data). Although the stimulus was changing smoothly, the transitions between rewarded and non-rewarded condition were sudden. Consequently the animals anticipated the arrival to the rewarded zone by responding in its vicinity.

We developed a reinforcement learning model to simulate this anticipatory behavior and to study its spatial and temporal components. An output neuron integrated inputs from four classes of sensory neurons: (1) neurons detecting the position of the object, (2) neurons indicating the time elapsed since the last reward and (3) since the last operant response, and (4) a neuron signaling the presence/absence of the reward. While the output neuron was a leaky-integrator with a binary activation function, a manner for sending a motor signal to press the lever, the sensory neurons were simple nodes lacking the time dynamic component that signaled the presence of a stimulus in their receptive field in a rate-coded manner. The synapses between the sensory neurons and the output neuron were modified according to a rule based on the Rescorla-Wagner rule [1]. The overall model resembles the spectral-timing model of Grossberg and Schmajuk [2] extended to the spatial domain.

Depending on the set up of learning parameters related to the different classes of sensory neurons, the network can learn the spatial and/or temporal features of the task resulting in spatial and/or temporal anticipation of the reward. The network well approximates data observed in real animals.