Correction to: Japanese Journal of Radiology

In Results of Abstract, the first sentence should read as: The radiologist potential workload in Japan was 2.78–4.17 times higher than those in other countries.

In the original publication, in Figure 2, parts C and D are mistakenly labeled as A and B. The corrected figure is given in this Correction. The original article was corrected.

Fig. 2
figure afigure a

Scatter plot of the number of radiologists versus the number of examinations performed. a Number of CT examinations performed in each prefecture of Japan. b Number of MRI examinations performed in each prefecture of Japan. c Number of CT and MRI examinations performed in each prefecture of Japan. d Number of CT and MRI examinations performed in each prefecture of Japan and in each country. In each figure, the line represents a linear regression with zero intercept and the shaded area indicates the 95% confidence intervals