Author Correction: Journal of Chemical Ecology (2018) 44:875–885

The original version of this article unfortunately contained some mistakes. Firstly, Fig. 4 listed a contaminant. The correct version of Fig. 4 can be found here. Second, an incorrect version of Supplementary Table S1 was mistakenly included. A corrected and updated version of Supplementary Table S1 can be found here as well, pertaining specifically to the important compounds highlighted in Fig. 4 and with additional chemical information included.

Fig. 4
figure 1

The importance of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) for distinguishing the age of dung when a intact and b dispersed. Importance was based on mean decrease in accuracy (MDA). Only the top ten compounds are presented in the figure

Table S1 Chemical information pertaining to the tentative identification of compounds listed in Fig. 4 (the importance of volatile organic compounds for distinguishing the age of dung)

The authors apologize for this oversight and for any confusion it may have caused.