
Living organisms evolve through natural selection, in which allele frequencies change in the population through differential reproduction rates. Studying the mechanisms behind natural selection can help us better understand how individual differences in complex traits and disease risk arise (Benton et al. 2021). Recent work confirms that natural selection is taking place in modern human populations, using genome-wide analysis (Barban et al. 2016; Beauchamp 2016; Conley et al. 2016; Kong et al. 2017; Sanjak et al. 2018; Fieder and Huber 2022). In particular, genetic variants associated with higher educational attainment are being selected against, although effect sizes appear small.

As yet we know little about the social mechanisms behind natural selection. The economic theory of fertility (Becker 1960) offers a potential explanation. Higher potential earnings have two opposite effects on fertility: a fertility-increasing income effect (higher income makes children more affordable), and a fertility-lowering substitution effect (time spent on childrearing has a higher cost in foregone earnings). Thus, an individual’s human capital – skills and personality traits which are valuable in labour markets – can increase or decrease their fertility. Genetic variants which are linked to human capital will then be selected for or against. Also, the economic theory predicts that the relative strength of income and substitution effects will vary systematically across different social groups.

This study uses data from UK Biobank (Bycroft et al. 2018) to learn more about contemporary natural selection. We test for natural selection on 33 different polygenic scores by estimating their correlation with fertility. We extend the analysis over two generations, using data on respondents’ number of siblings as well as their number of children. This is interesting because consistent natural selection over multiple generations could lead to substantive effects in the long run. Next, we examine correlations with fertility in different subgroups. Across the board, selection effects are stronger in groups with lower income and less education, among younger parents, people not living with a partner, and people with more lifetime sexual partners. Outside these groups, effects are weaker and often statistically insignificant. In some subgroups, the direction of selection is even reversed.

We then show that a simple model of human capital, education and fertility choices can give rise to these empirical results. At higher incomes, the income and substitution effects are balanced, while among lower-income people, or single parents who face a bigger time burden from childcare, the substitution effect dominates. The theory predicts that polygenic scores’ correlation with fertility is associated with their correlation with education and earnings, and we confirm this. We then run a mediation analysis, which shows that part of the correlation with fertility is indeed mediated by educational attainment. Thus, contemporary natural selection on polygenic scores can be explained by scores’ correlation with earnings-increasing human capital.

Lastly, we discuss the effects of natural selection. While our estimated effects on measured polygenic scores are small, natural selection substantially increases the correlation between polygenic scores and income, increasing genetic differences between different social groups, and thus making the “genetic lottery” (Harden 2021) more unfair.


We created polygenic scores for 33 traits in 409,629 individuals of European descent, corrected for ancestry using 100 genetic principal components (see Materials and Methods). Figure 1 plots mean polygenic scores in the sample by 5-year birth intervals. Several scores show consistent increases or declines over this 30-year period, of the order of 5% of a standard deviation. These changes could reflect natural selection within the UK population, but also emigration, or ascertainment bias in the sample (Fry et al. 2017).

Fig. 1
figure 1

Mean polygenic scores (PGS) by birth year in UK Biobank. Symbols show means for 5-year intervals. Bars are 95% confidence intervals. Triangles denote a significant linear increase or decrease over time (p < 0.05/33)

To test for natural selection more directly, we regress respondents’ relative lifetime reproductive success (RLRS) on each polygenic score (PGS):

$$\begin{aligned} \mathrm {RLRS}_i = \alpha + \beta \mathrm {PGS}_i + \varepsilon _i \end{aligned}$$

RLRS is defined as respondent i’s number of children, divided by the mean number of children of people born in the same year. The “selection effect”, \(\beta\), reflects the strength of natural selection within the sample. In fact, since polygenic scores are normalized, \(\beta\) is the expected polygenic score among children of the sample (Beauchamp 2016).Footnote 1 Note that equation (1) does not control for many environmental and genetic factors that could affect fertility, and as a result, \(\beta\) is not an estimate of the causal effect of a polygenic score on fertility. However, natural selection is a matter of correlation not causation: polygenic scores which correlate with high fertility are being selected for, whatever the underlying causal mechanism.

Figure 2 plots selection effects in the whole sample.Footnote 2 To correct for ascertainment bias, we use participant weights from Alten et al. (2022), which match the UK Biobank eligible population on sex, birth year, location, education, employment, health, household size and tenure, number of cars and age at death. Weighting makes a large difference: effect sizes go up by a mean of 48%.Footnote 3 23 out of 33 weighted selection effects are significant at p < 0.05/33.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Selection effects: weighted and unweighted regressions. Each point represents a single bivariate regression of RLRS on a polygenic score. P value threshold is 0.05, Bonferroni-corrected for multiple comparisons. Confidence intervals are uncorrected

We now show the empirical puzzles which motivate our economic model. Each concerns differences in the strength of natural selection across different subgroups in the sample. We re-estimate (1) splitting the sample by demographic and social variables, including income and education, and family structure variables including age at first live birth, presence of a partner, and lifetime number of sexual partners.

Figure 3 plots selection effects for each polygenic score, grouping respondents by age of completing full-time education, and by household income. Effects are larger and more significant for the lowest education category, and for the lowest income category. The median percentage difference between the lowest and highest education categories, among scores which are significant for the lowest category and have the same sign across categories, is 249%. Between the lowest and highest income categories, it is 595%. These results are robust to controlling for respondents’ age (Appendix sect. 8.4). Turning to family structure, we split respondents by lifetime number of sexual partners, at the median value of 3 (Fig. 4a). Now, selection effects are larger and more significant among those with more than 3 lifetime partners, with a median percentage difference of 191%. Next we split respondents by whether they were living with a spouse or partner at the time of interview (Figure 4b). Effects are larger among those not living with a spouse or partner. The median percentage difference is 281%.Footnote 4

Fig. 3
figure 3

Selection effects by education and income

Fig. 4
figure 4

Selection effects by number of sexual partners and presence of a partner

Lastly, we split female respondents by age at first live birth (AFLB).Footnote 5 There is evidence for genetic effects on AFLB (Barban et al. 2016), and there is a close link between this variable and number of children born. Figure 5 shows effect sizes estimated separately for each tercile of AFLB. Effects are strikingly different across terciles. Educational attainment, ADHD and MDD are selected for amongst the youngest third of mothers, but selected against among the oldest two-thirds. Similarly, several polygenic scores for body measurements are selected against only among older mothers. The correlation between effect sizes for the youngest and oldest terciles is –0.83. To investigate this further, we estimate equation (1) among females, controlling for AFLB. In 18 out of 33 cases, effects change sign when controls are added. The correlation between effect sizes controlling for AFLB, and raw effect sizes, is –0.58. Thus, selection effects seem to come through two opposing channels: a correlation with AFLB, and an opposite-signed correlation with number of children after AFLB is controlled for.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Selection effects by age at first live birth terciles (women only)

We emphasize that these categories are not exogenous to polygenic scores. For example – both in the data (Appendix Fig. 17) and in our theoretical model – education and age at first live birth are choice variables, which are endogenous to a person’s human capital and to relevant polygenic scores. Nevertheless, differences in selection effects across subgroups constrain the set of possible explanations. A good theory of contemporary natural selection needs to show how these differences come about. As we describe below, a model based on the economic theory of fertility can do just that.

We also examine selection effects among respondents’ parents, using information on respondents’ number of siblings to calculate parents’ RLRS. Effect sizes of polygenic scores are highly correlated across the two generations (Appendix Fig. 12). Median-splitting respondents by year of birth, we find little evidence of change in effect sizes among the parents’ generation. There is some evidence that selection effect sizes are increasing in the respondents’ generation, with 8 polygenic scores showing a significant increase. We also check whether selection effects vary by AFLB and socio-economic status in the parents’ generation, using the 1971 Townsend deprivation score of respondents’ birthplace as a proxy for income (Townsend 1987). Results show the same pattern as for the respondents’ generation. Effect sizes are larger and more often significant in the most deprived areas (Appendix Fig. 13). Effects are larger among younger fathers and mothers, and change sign when controlling for AFLB (Appendix Figs 15, 16). Lastly, we check for a “quantity-quality tradeoff” between parents’ number of children and number of grandchildren. We don’t find any: in fact, the correlation between respondents’ and parents’ RLRS is positive (\(\rho\) = 0.1, \(p < 2 \times 10^{-16}\)).

Human Capital and Natural Selection

These results show that selection effects are weaker, absent, or even reversed among some subgroups of the population. A possible explanation for this comes from the economic theory of fertility (Becker 1960; Willis 1973; Becker and Tomes 1976). According to this theory, increases in a person’s wage affect their fertility via two opposing channels. There is an income effect by which children become more affordable, like any other good. There is also a substitution effect: since childrearing has a cost in time, the opportunity cost of childrearing increases if one’s market wage is higher. The income effect leads higher earners to have more children. The substitution effect leads them to have fewer.

Suppose that certain genetic variants correlate with human capital: skills or other characteristics that affect an individual’s earnings in the labour market (Mincer 1958; Becker 1964). These variants may then be associated with opposing effects on fertility. The income effect will lead to natural selection in favour of earnings-increasing variants (or variants that are merely associated with higher earnings). The substitution effect will do the reverse.

To show this, consider a simple model of fertility choices. h is an individual’s level of human capital. For now, we simply identify this with his or her wage W. Raising a child takes time b. People maximize utility U from the number of children N and from income \(Y\equiv (1-bN)W\):

$$\begin{aligned} U = u(Y)+aN. \end{aligned}$$

Here a captures the strength of preference for children. \(u(\cdot )\) captures the taste for income, and is increasing and concave. We treat N as continuous, in line with the literature: this can be thought of as the expected number of children among people with a given a, b and W. The marginal benefit of an extra child is \(\frac{dU}{dN} = -bWu'(Y)+a\). The effect of an increase in human capital on this marginal benefit is

$$\begin{aligned} \frac{d^{2}U}{dNdW}=\underbrace{-bu'(Y)}_{\text {Substitution effect}}\underbrace{-bYu''(Y)}_{\text {Income effect}}. \end{aligned}$$

The substitution effect is negative and reflects that when wages increase, time devoted to childcare costs more in foregone income. The positive income effect depends on the curvature of the utility function, and reflects that when income is higher, the marginal loss of income from children is less painful.

To examine education and fertility timing, we extend the model to two periods. For convenience we ignore time discounting, and assume that credit markets are imperfect so that agents cannot borrow. Write

$$\begin{aligned} U(N_{1},N_{2}) = u(Y_{1}) + u(Y_{2}) + aN_{1} + aN_{2} \end{aligned}$$

Instead of identifying human capital with wages, we now allow individuals to spend time \(s \in [0,1]\) on education in period 1. Education is complementary to human capital \(h > 0\), and increases period 2 wages, which take the simple functional form \(w(s,h) = sh\). We normalize period 1 wages to 1, and let \(u(\cdot )\) take the constant relative risk aversion form \(u(y)=\frac{y^{1 - \sigma } - 1}{1 - \sigma }\). \(\sigma > 0\) measures the curvature of the utility function, i.e. the decline in marginal utility of income as income increases. We examine total fertility \(N^{*} = N_{1}^{*} + N_{2}^{*}\) and the fertility-human capital relationship, \(\frac{dN^{*}}{dh}\). For \(\sigma < 1\) and close enough to 1, Table 1 shows five theoretical predictions, along with our corresponding empirical results for the correlation between polygenic scores and RLRS.Footnote 6 The key insight of the model is that for middling levels of \(\sigma\), the substitution effect dominates at low income levels, but as income increases, the income and substitution effect balance out.

Table 1 Predictions from the theoretical model and corresponding empirical results

Thus, a simple economic model can explain many of our results. Other empirical work in economics also supports the link from human capital to fertility. Caucutt et al. (2002) and Monstad et al. (2008) show that education and skills affect age at first birth and fertility. Income decreases fertility at low income levels, but increases it at higher income levels (Cohen et al. 2013). US fertility decreases faster with education among single mothers than married mothers (Baudin et al. 2015), in line with our prediction 3 and as predicted by Becker (1981). A related literature shows negative correlations between IQ and fertility (e.g. Lynn and Van Court 2004; Reeve et al. 2018).

Fig. 6
figure 6

Selection effects by correlations with earnings and educational attainment. Each point represents one polygenic score. Selected scores are annotated

Testing the Theory

We test the economic theory in two ways. First, it predicts that genetic variants will be selected for (or against) in proportion to their correlation with human capital. Figure 6 plots selection effects on each polygenic score against that score’s correlation with two measures of human capital: earnings in a respondent’s first job, and educational attainment. The relationships are strongly negative. Thus, human capital appears to be relevant to natural selection. The negative relationship suggests that substitution effects dominate income effects, which fits the known negative association between income and fertility (Becker 1960; Jones and Tertilt 2006). The correlations reverse when we control for age at first live birth, suggesting that within AFLB categories, the income effect dominates.

Second, we run a mediation analysis to directly test whether the correlation between each polygenic score and fertility is mediated by educational attainment (Appendix Table 4). We use the 23 scores where the selection effect is significant at p < 0.05/33. Figure 7 shows estimated proportions explained by educational attainment, along with bootstrap 95% confidence intervals (uncorrected; 100 bootstraps). For 22 scores, the indirect effect of the score on fertility via educational attainment takes the same sign as the overall effect, and is significantly different from zero (p < 0.05/23). Among these scores, the median proportion of the total effect explained by the indirect effect is 25%. The educational attainment variable is a relatively crude measure of human capital: more accurate measures would likely explain more of the total effect.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Proportion of selection effect mediated by educational attainment, among polygenic scores with significant selection effects. Bootstrap confidence intervals for the proportion are shown only where the interval is bounded (Franz 2007)

We consider three alternative theories that might explain our results. First, welfare benefits which incentivize child-bearing might be taken up more among low-income people. However, the majority of effect sizes appear unchanged over a large span of twentieth-century history (Appendix Table 3), during which government spending on child-related benefits varied considerably (Social Security Committee 1999). In general, there is only weak evidence that welfare benefits affect fertility (Gauthier 2007; see also Bergsvik et al. 2021). Future work could test this theory more explicitly. A second alternative theory is that polygenic scores correlate with the motivation to have children, i.e. parameter a in the model (cf. Jones et al. 2008). This theory would not explain why selection effects are smaller at higher incomes and education levels. In fact, in the model, a’s effect on fertility gets stronger at higher levels of human capital. A third alternative is that traits under selection are linked to externalizing behaviour and risk-seeking. This might be partially captured by our parameter \(\sigma\), which can be interpreted as a measure of risk aversion over income; a more direct channel is risky sexual behaviour (Mills et al. 2021). The data here provide some support for this story: scores which might plausibly be linked to externalizing behaviour, like ADHD and younger age at smoking initiation, are selected for. However, risk-seeking seems unlikely to explain variation in fertility across the full range of scores under selection, including physical measures like waist-hip ratio and BMI. We test this theory directly by re-estimating equation (1) controlling for a measure of risk attitude (UK Biobank field 2040). The median ratio of effect sizes between regressions with and without controls is 0.98; all scores which are significant at \(p < 0.05/33\) in uncontrolled regressions remain so when controlling for risk attitude. This non-result could simply reflect the imprecision of the risk attitude measure, which is a single yes/no question. But this measure does predict the overall number of children, highly significantly (\(p < 2 \times 10^{-16}\) in 33 out of 33 regressions). Given that, and the statistical power we get from our sample size, we believe that the non-result is real: while risk attitude does predict fertility in the sample, it is not an important channel for natural selection.


Previous work has documented natural selection in modern populations on variants underlying polygenic traits (Beauchamp 2016; Kong et al. 2017; Sanjak et al. 2018). We show that correlations between polygenic scores and fertility are highly concentrated among specific subgroups of the population, including people with lower income, lower education, younger first parenthood, and more lifetime sexual partners. Among mothers aged 22+, selection effects are reversed. Furthermore, the size of selection effects on a polygenic score correlates with that score’s association with labour market earnings. Strikingly, some of these results were predicted by Fisher (1930), pp. 253-254. The economic theory of fertility gives a parsimonious explanation for these findings. Because of the substitution effect of earnings on fertility, scores are selected for when they correlate with low human capital, and this effect is stronger at lower levels of income and education.

Polygenic scores which correlate with lower earnings and less education are being selected for. In addition, many of the phenotypes under positive selection are linked to disease risk. Many people would probably prefer to have high educational attainment, a low risk of ADHD and major depressive disorder, and a low risk of coronary artery disease, but natural selection is pushing against genes associated with these traits. Potentially, this could increase the health burden on modern populations, but that depends on effect sizes. Our results show that naïve estimates can be affected by sample ascertainment bias. There may be remaining sources of ascertainment bias after our weighting; if so, we expect that, like the sources of ascertainment we have controlled for, they probably bias our results towards zero. Researchers should be aware of the risks of ascertainment when studying modern natural selection.

We also do not know how estimated effect sizes of natural selection will change as more accurate polygenic scores are produced, or whether genetic variants underlying other phenotypes will show a similar pattern to those studied here. Also, effects of polygenic scores may be inflated in population-based samples, because of indirect genetic effects, gene-environment correlations, and/or assortative mating (Lee et al. 2018; Selzam et al. 2019; Kong et al. 2018; Howe et al. 2021), although we do not expect that this should change their association with number of offspring, or the resulting changes in allele frequencies. Although effects on our measured polygenic scores are small even after weighting, individually small disadvantages can cumulate to create larger effects. Lastly, note that our data comes from people born before 1970. Recent evidence suggests that fertility patterns may be changing (Doepke et al. 2022). Overall, it is probably too early to tell whether modern natural selection has a substantively important effect on population averages of phenotypes under selection.

Because selection effects are concentrated in lower-income groups, they may also increase inequality with respect to polygenic scores. For example, Figure 8 plots mean polygenic scores for educational attainment (EA3) among children from households of different income groups. The blue bars show the actual means, i.e. parents’ mean polygenic score weighted by number of children. The grey bars show the hypothetical means if all households had equal numbers of children. Natural selection against genes associated with educational attainment is stronger at the bottom of the income distribution, and this increases the differences between groups. Overall, natural selection increases the correlation of polygenic scores with income for 28 out of 33 polygenic scores, with a median percentage increase of 16.43% in the respondents’ generation (Appendix Table 5). If inequalities in polygenic scores are important for understanding social structure and mobility (Belsky et al. 2018; Rimfeld et al. 2018; Harden 2021), then these increases are substantive. Similarly, since many polygenic scores are predictive of disease risk, they could potentially increase health inequalities. In general, the evolutionary history of anatomically modern humans is related to disease risk (Benton et al. 2021); understanding the role of contemporary natural selection may help researchers to map the genetic architecture of health disparities.

Fig. 8
figure 8

Mean polygenic score for educational attainment (EA3) of children by household income group. Blue is actual. Grey is hypothetical in the absence of selection effects (Color figure online)

Existing evidence on human natural selection has led some to “biocosmic pessimism” (Sarraf and Feltham 2019). Others are more sanguine, and argue that natural selection’s effects are outweighed by environmental improvements, like those underlying the Flynn effect (Flynn 1987). The evidence here may add some nuance to this debate. Patterns of natural selection have been relatively consistent across the past two generations, but they are not the outcome of a single, society-wide phenomenon. Instead they result from opposing forces, operating in different parts of society and pulling in different directions.

Any model of fertility is implicitly a model of natural selection, but so far, the economic and human genetics literatures have developed in parallel. Integrating the two could deepen our understanding of natural selection in modern societies. Economics possesses a range of theoretical models on the effects of skills, education and income (see Hotz et al. 1997; Lundberg and Pollak 2007). One perennial problem is how to test these theories in a world where education, labour and marriage markets all interact. Genetic data, such as polygenic scores, could help to pin down the direction of causality, for example via Mendelian randomization (Smith and Shah 2003). Conversely, economic theories and empirical results can shine a light on the mechanisms behind natural selection, and thereby on the nature of individual differences in complex traits and disease risk.

Materials and Methods

We use participant data from UK Biobank (Bycroft et al. 2018), which has received ethical approval from the National Health Service North West Centre for Research Ethics Committee (reference: 11/NW/0382). We limit the sample to white British participants of European descent, as defined by genetic estimated ancestry and self-identified ethnic group, giving a sample size of 409,629. For regressions on number of children we use participants over 50 (males)/45 (females), since most fertility is completed by this age. This gives a sample size of 348,595.

Polygenic scores were chosen so as to cover a reasonably broad range of traits, and based on the availability of a large and powerful GWAS which did not include UK Biobank. Scores were computed by summing the alleles across ~1.3 million genetic variants weighted by their effect sizes as estimated in 33 genome-wide association studies (GWASs) that excluded UK Biobank. To control for population stratification, we corrected the polygenic scores for 100 principal components (PCs). To compute polygenic scores and PCs, the same procedures were followed as described in Abdellaoui et al. (2019).

Earnings in first job are estimated from mean earnings in the 2007 Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings, using the SOC 2000 job code (Biobank field 22617).

Weighting data was kindly provided by Alten et al. (2022).