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Unpacking the boxes of Adão Ventura’s archive: reflections on the black poet in the literary archive

Desempaquetando las cajas del archivo de Adão Ventura: reflexiones sobre el poeta negro en el archivo literario

Desempacotando as caixas do arquivo de Adão Ventura: reflexões sobre o poeta negro no arquivo literário

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Archival Science Aims and scope Submit manuscript


Unpacking the boxes of the poet Adão Ventura demanded reflection on the files, to interpret the displacement of the poet’s archive. It focuses specifically on how minorities are placed within “totalizing” narratives (that archives generally represent or reinforce), and the need to challenge and dismantle such narratives. The Foucauldian and Derridian notions of archive allowed us to discuss the uses of archives by modernity; transit through forms of archiving of minorities; and, finally, to interpret, surpassing what the archives conserve, going toward what they do not record.


Desempaquetando las cajas de Adão Ventura demandó la reflexión sobre los archivos, para interpretar el desplazamiento efectuado por el archivo del poeta. El enfoque se centra específicamente en cómo las minorías se colocan dentro de narraciones totalizadoras (que los archivos generalmente representan o refuerzan), y la necesidad de desafiar y desmantelar tales narrativas. Las nociones foucaultiana y derridiana nos permitieron: discutir los usos de archivos por la modernidad; transitar por formas de archivo; y, por fin, interpretar, mas allá de lo que los archivos conservan, yendo hacia lo que no guardan.


Desempacotar as caixas do poeta Adão Ventura demandou a reflexão sobre os arquivos, para interpretar o deslocamento efetuado pelo arquivo do poeta. O foco centra-se especificamente em como as minorias são colocadas dentro de narrativas totalizantes (que os arquivos geralmente representam ou reforçam), e a necessidade de desafiar e desmantelar tais narrativas. As noções foucaultiana e derridiana de arquivo nos permitiram: discutir os usos dos arquivos pela modernidade; transitar por formas de arquivamento; e, por fim, interpretar, extrapolando aquilo que os arquivos conservam, indo em direção ao que não guardam.

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  1. Fundo de Garantia do Tempo e Serviço, a mandatory deposit of 8% of a worker's salary made by the employer and collected by the federal government for the employee to withdraw afterward in special circumstances.

  2. Many writers, including both prose writers and poets, were part of the "Generation Supplement", either working on the editorial staff or through having been published in the Literary Supplement of Minas Gerais, which is an important Brazilian literary magazine.

  3. Oliveira Silveira uses the Portuguese word “lanhos”, which means “wounds” or “marks” but may refer here to whip marks specifically, in a reference to slavery.

  4. Encontrei minhas origens/em velhos arquivos/livros […] encontrei minhas origens/na cor da minha pele/nos lanhos de minha alma (Silveira 1981).

  5. This is a reference to Regina Dalcastagnè’s book Contemporary Brazilian Literature: A Disputed Territory (2012), in which she examines the contemporary literary field as a territory of disputes, analyzing 15 years of contemporary narratives published by the major publishing houses in Brazil in order to observe issues of representation and representativeness.

  6. This refers to the ‘Quarrel of the Ancients and the Moderns’, long recurring through generation clashes and their modes of conceiving the arts.

  7. Inaugure-se no corpo/a seiva dos sonhos/forjados no mito.//Instaure-se no sangue/a força da fala/gerada no termo.//Imprima na pele/o silêncio da posse/haurida na forma.//Inscreva nos gestos/a forma do rito/usual do anônimo. (Adão Ventura 2006).

  8. Quilombola is a common denomination for slaves who have been refugees in Quilombos (small villages), or descendants of black slaves whose ancestors during the period of slavery fled from sugarcane mills, farms, and small estates where they performed various manual labor to form Quilombos. These localities are spaces of resistance/existence.

  9. A microfilmed collection of the notebooks that belonged to Afro-Brazilian writer Carolina Maria de Jesus was given to the AEM in 2014 by Professor José Carlos Sebe Bom Meihy, from the Department of History at the University of Sao Paulo. The donation was mediated by Professor Eduardo de Assis Duarte from the Faculty of Letters at UFMG. Besides the UFMG-based copies, there are only two others—none at a university: one at the Library of Congress of the United States and another at the National Library in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

  10. In defining his dispositif, Foucault speaks of a “thoroughly heterogeneous ensemble consisting of discourses, institutions, architectural forms, regulatory decisions, laws, administrative measures, scientific statements, philosophical, moral and philanthropic propositions.” In the relationship between elements of this set, the apparatus “can figure at one time as the programme of an institution, and at another it can function as a means of justifying or masking a practice which itself remains silent, or as a secondary re-interpretation of this practice, opening out for it a new field of rationality. In short, between these elements, whether discursive or non-discursive, there is a sort of interplay of shifts of position and modifications of function which can also vary very widely” (Foucault 1980, pp. 194–195).


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Tanus, G. Unpacking the boxes of Adão Ventura’s archive: reflections on the black poet in the literary archive. Arch Sci 19, 51–70 (2019).

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