This book has been published under the editorship of Kohei Uosaki, and it is a celebration of the life achievements of J. O’M. Bockris in electrochemistry. It is a noble gesture that 16 most distinguished electrochemists have contributed to this volume: Katsunarous and Koper on electrocatalysis for the hydrogen economy, Watanabe and Tryk on PEM fuel cells, Schmickler on the theory of electrocatalysis, Herero and Feliu on the kinetics at single crystal electrodes, Matsuda and Uosaki on novel in situ techniques, Kanamura on large-scale batteries, Hagiwara on sodium-ion batteries with ionic liquids, Revie on the passivity of iron, and Badwal, Kulkarni, Ju and Giddey on solar fuels. Everybody who knows Bockris’ work sees that all the topics are closely related to his research. Certainly, this would not have been enough, if these authors would not have achieved the goal to give up-to-date reviews of these topics. Clearly, this goal has been reached. Thus, this book can be recommended, especially to PhD students, who want to get an introduction to the role which electrochemistry can, must, and will play for a sustainable society. Each chapter provides very valuable information. The first chapter of the book is an edited reprint of the scientific autobiography of Bockris, which he has published in 2011 [1]. The idea to republish this paper is very good, but unfortunately, the editing has obscured some parts of it. Interested readers should better consult the original publication. It is also regrettable, that the book does not contain the obituary, which Steve Fletcher has published in 2014 [2]. This obituary is a real masterpiece with respect to science and humanness in judging John O’M. Bockris.