Correction to: Journal of Molecular Neuroscience (2022) 72:1706-1714

The authors would like to add some more detail for the “Fly Stocks” information for the published article: Zhang et al., 2022, J. Mol. Neurosci. 72(8): 1706—1714.

In section “Methods and Materials”, details of subsection “Fly Stocks” in second paragraph should be modified to “The flies were fed standard cornmeal and maintained in the incubator at 25 °C and 60–70% humidity on a 12:12-h light/dark cycle. UAS-Lrp1-RNAi (THU3999/FBgn0053087), UAS-Scn1a-RNAi (para-RNAi, positive control, THU1258/FBgn0264255), and UAS-Eaat1-RNAi (THU5473/FBgn0026439) flies were donated by Tsing Hua Fly Center (Tsinghua University, Beijing, China). The double balancer line and UAS-Eaat1 (8202) were purchased from Bloomington Fly Stock Center (Bloomington, IN, USA). The Gal4 driver line tub-Gal4, elav-Gal4, and repo-Gal4 were a gift from Prof. LIU JiYong (Guangzhou Medical University, Guangzhou, China), and the UAS-mCD8::GFP line was a gift from Prof. KE Ya (The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong). Canton-S was used as the WT line in this study.”

Original article has been corrected.