Stainless Steel Crowns in Pediatric Dentistry

Final Crown Evaluation before Cementation

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This segment outlines the final checklist to be noted before cementing the stainless steel crown.


  • Try In
  • Stainless Steel Crowns
  • Post Operative Evaluation
  • Preformed Metal Crowns

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The authors declare no conflict of interest

About this video

Ashwin Rao
Shweta Tiwari
First online
04 March 2020
Online ISBN
Springer, Cham
Copyright information
© The Author(s) 2020

Video Transcript

In the final crown evaluation, the crown should resist removal, displaying adequate retention. The marginal ridge of the crown should match that of the adjacent tooth. The occlusion and the midline should match preoperative values. The crown margins should be felt a millimeter into the gingival sulcus, both buccally and lingually. Also, check for lack of rotation of the crown.