Beginning Lighting and Rendering with 3ds Max and V-Ray

Fine-tuning the V-Ray Override Material

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This segment focuses on fine-tuning the V-Ray override material.


  • V-Ray
  • override
  • material
  • Glass

About this video

Jamie Cardoso
First online
21 December 2018
Online ISBN
Copyright information
© Jamie Cardoso 2019

Video Transcript

[Audio starts]

In this segment, we’ll focus on fine-tuning the V-Ray override material. The first step is to tweak the V-Ray override material realistically and exclude the V-Ray material from affecting glass and other objects in the scene. So we’re going to do, we’re going to enable the override function there. Once that’s enabled, you’re just going to drag and drop it there. So we choose the instance. in here. We’re going to change this override from standard to your standard V-Ray, V-Ray material there. Currently, this white material is quite plain. To make it more realistic, we’re going to add a falloff procedural map. To do so, simply click on the diffuse toggle there. In the Material/Map Browser dialog and then you’re just going to choose a falloff type there. Keep the falloff parameters as they currently are perpendicular/ parallel. So, the - the white most material part is going to be just a bit off-white; not totally white - white there. The darker area you have to copy that and you’re going to make it slightly darker. So now you see the difference between the brighter and a darker area there. So there’s bit of a falloff there. You’ll make it a bit more realistic as well. Next, we’re going to exclude transfer materials like glass, windows and so on and also the windows outside. These here. It’s called Building outside, so we’re going to go into Exclude. We’re going to exclude this from the override material. Let’s type in building, Building outside. So there’s quite a few of them. Hold on the shift key. That’s the first one and that one there. You got the whole set selected, click on the arrow in, so they’re now being excluded from the override material. Click OK. Next, we’re going to exclude the light fitting, which is self-illuminated. So let’s isolate the optical particular object there. Click on the isolation toggle there. Pick the - the material there; less than 2. That material is a self-illuminating material, just your normal V-Ray material and then we copy that to the self-illumination toggle there and then we set to multiply it to 30. So this is the material that’s been used there. Next what we’re going to be doing is to isolate again. So you’re going back to the include/exclude and we’re going to type in light - light fitting. As done before, we click the first object there, hold on the shift key, scroll down and click the last one there. So we got whole self-illuminated objects selected. So we click on that arrow. So all that’s been excluded from the override material. Let’s save this. You can save incrementally by clicking on the plus button there. This segment is nowt concluded. While it’s common practice to use a simple override material for quick test renders, it’s also important to make it appear as realistic and more appealing with exclusion of key objects from its override affect.

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