Power BI Data Visualization with Purpose Communicating through Color, Shape, and Layout

  • Meagan Longoria

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This video explains how to create Power BI visuals that provide a good user experience. The video begins by explaining how the common mindset around data visualization is often wrong, and then it suggests a better approach. Report developers are often tempted to make visualizations all about them to show off the data gathered or their report design skills, but reports should be focused on communicating and interacting with the intended audience. This video provides you with practices and guidance toward communicating the right message to your audience without clutter and distraction.

Once mindset and goals have been properly aligned, the video discusses the visual tools you have at your disposal when formatting a Power BI visual. These tools include color, shape, and layout. Misapplying these tools can make a visual distracting, ugly, or even misleading. Applying them correctly can make a visual pop and help to communicate the right message, which is the message you are working so hard to get across. Accessibility in report design is also discussed. Demos show how changing seemingly simple attributes on visuals can greatly improve accessibility. Common visualization mistakes are shown, along with examples of how to fix them. In addition to formatting individual visuals, the video discusses how to put them together on a report page to form a coherent analysis.

After making an initial draft, it’s time to do a quality check on the report. This video covers what attributes to check and discusses tools to help with your quality checks. Tips are provided on helpful features in Power BI that make good design easier, such as use of report themes and templates, and setting the default visual interaction style. The video will show how to iterate on a report design to improve it based upon findings in the quality checks. The video ends by reviewing the starting point of a report that needed optimization and comparing that to the result after some improvements to see the effect on the user experience.

What You Will Learn

  • Take a goals-oriented approach to creating charts and graphs in Power BI

  • Combine color, shape, and layout to create a desired user experience

  • Create reports that effectively communicate the specific message you are working to convey

  • Make Power BI reports accessible for those with visual, motor, and cognitive disabilities

  • Evaluate charts, graphs, and other visuals using a repeatable checklist for optimal display of information

  • Recognize and avoid common design mistakes, and know how to fix them when you see them

Who This Book Is For

For developers and analysts who need to build Power BI reports, who need guidance on how to make effective reports that provide a good user experience. Viewers should have basic familiarity with Power BI Desktop, including being able to add a visual to the page and populate it with data fields.

About The Author

Meagan Longoria

Meagan Longoria is a Microsoft Data Platform MVP living in Denver, Colorado. She is an experienced consultant currently working for Denny Cherry and Associates who has worked in business intelligence, data warehousing, and database development for over a decade. She enjoys creating solutions in Azure, Power BI, and SQL Server that make data useful for decision makers. Her areas of expertise include data visualization, dimensional modeling, and data integration design patterns. Meagan enjoys sharing her knowledge with the technical community by speaking at conferences, blogging at DataSavvy.me, and sharing tips and helpful links on Twitter at @mmarie.


About this video

Meagan Longoria
Online ISBN
Total duration
48 min
Copyright information
© Meagan Longoria 2019

Video Transcript


Welcome to Power BI Visuals that Impact and Persuade. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Meagan Longoria. I’m a business intelligence consultant and Microsoft Data Platform MVP. And I’m also a blogger, author, editor, and a frequent speaker at conferences and user groups. You can contact me or find out more about my views on data visualization on Twitter or on my blog.

Let’s get started. You may have found that Power BI makes it easy to create visuals with its drag and drop interface and instant interactivity. But that doesn’t mean our users like the visuals we create. Sometimes, it can feel like your reports are just missing something.

How often have you thought your Power BI reports were lackluster? Or maybe you’re fine with your design. But no one is using your reports. The solution may not be something deeply technical. You can improve your Power BI report design by changing your mindset to reset your goals and consider the human element of information delivery.

In this video, we’ll cover a productive approach to data visualization, important attributes in data visualization design, common visualization mistakes in Power BI, accessibility in Power BI report design, evaluating your reports, and an iterative data visualization process. Let’s begin on our way to clear and engaging Power BI reports.