Intermediate to Advanced SQL Move Beyond the Basics to Master Complex Concepts

  • Allen Taylor

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Learn the basics of creating, maintaining, protecting, and querying relational databases using SQL, the standard language used to communicate with all relational databases. Building on the author’s previous course, Beginning SQL, SQL expert Allen Taylor provides five more lessons to continue your journey to mastery of one of the most important topics in IT. This video course guides you step-by-step in the design, creation, and operation of databases, using graphics, animation, and audio commentary to reinforce concepts and enhance learning.

Intermediate to Advanced SQL covers complex data models, making highly selective retrievals, and grouping and ordering results. You’ll also learn how to use multi-table queries, and to protect your data from mistakes or hacking attempts. After watching the course, along with the previous course, you will have a solid foundation in SQL and be able to apply it to any relational database.

What You Will Learn

  • Design and manage complex, real-world data sets

  • Group and order data with advanced SQL statements

  • Craft queries to pull data from multiple tables

  • Implement security to restrict access to data

Who This Video Is For

Programmers who are new to databases, as well as non-programmers who must retrieve information from databases.

About the Author

Allen Taylor

Allen Taylor, a 30-year veteran of the computer industry, is an internationally best-selling author, educator, consultant, and speaker on technology and society. Widely regarded as an expert on database technology, he has written 20 books, including SQL for Dummies, Database Development for Dummies, SQL Weekend Crash Course, and Crystal Reports 9 for Dummies. He teaches an e-course on database development through a network of over 1,000 community colleges and adult education institutions, as well as teaching digital circuits at Portland State University.


About this video

Allen Taylor
Online ISBN
Total duration
1 hr 34 min
Copyright information
© Allen G Taylor 2019

Video Transcript

[Audio Starts at 00:00:00]

Taylor: In the earlier videos we introduced a structure of relational databases and described how to install and use SQLite to create and operate on such databases. In the next video we’ll study a more complexed and thus much more realistic data model. We’ll follow that with a detailed explanation of the SQL statements that enable you to retrieve the information you want from a database that may contain thousands or even millions of records. We’ll also cover the tools that SQL provides to enable you to protect databases by controlling who has access to the functions performed by SQL statements. In earlier videos we covered the creation of database tables and the addition of a little sample data into them so that we could execute simple queries using select statements. Now it’s time to take what we’ve learned to the next level. Let’s begin.