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Cultural Sociology in Poland

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Handbuch Kultursoziologie

Part of the book series: Springer Reference Sozialwissenschaften ((SRS))


The following outline of the history and achievements of Polish cultural sociology is merely a sketch of the developmental path of sociology in Poland, rather than a comprehensive picture. It shows that culturally oriented sociological research has a long tradition in Poland, upheld despite unfavorable factors that disrupted its continuity during World War II and the post-war period of communist rule, which ended in 1989. The article discusses the presence of the cultural approach in Polish sociology as a whole and the reasons for treating sociology of culture as a distinct subdiscipline from the 1960s onwards, as well as the complementary character and mutual influence of these two approaches.

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Hałas, E. (2016). Cultural Sociology in Poland. In: Moebius, S., Nungesser, F., Scherke, K. (eds) Handbuch Kultursoziologie. Springer Reference Sozialwissenschaften. Springer VS, Wiesbaden.

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  • Publisher Name: Springer VS, Wiesbaden

  • Online ISBN: 978-3-658-08000-6

  • eBook Packages: Springer Referenz Sozialwissenschaften und Recht

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