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Transformative Leadership

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Handbook of Personal and Organizational Transformation


The basic premise of transformative leadership is that everyone can lead, and that particularly in this transformative moment, everybody contributes to, and in fact cocreates, the world we live in, whether conscious of their agency or not. Every choice, every action, every discussion, every interaction is a reflection of how we are leading our own lives. Transformative leadership invites everybody to ask what kind of a world they are creating through their thoughts, beliefs, actions, and interactions. Transformative leadership is, at its heart, a participatory process of creative collaboration and transformation for mutual benefit. At the core of transformative leadership are four orienting concepts, being, relating, knowing, and doing that assist in the framing and development of our understanding of the world, and our own approach to living and leaving.

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Montuori, A., Donnelly, G. (2018). Transformative Leadership. In: Neal, J. (eds) Handbook of Personal and Organizational Transformation. Springer, Cham.

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