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What do Amazonian Shellmounds Tell Us About the Long-Term Indigenous History of South America?

Entre les temps différents de l’histoire, la longue durée se présente ainsi comme un personnage encombrant, compliqué, souvent inédit. L’admettre au coeur de notre métier ne sera pas un simple jeu, l’habituel élargissement d’études et de curiosités. Il ne s’agira pas, non plus, d’un choix dont il serait le seul bénéficiaire. Pour l’historien, l’accepter c’est se prêter à un changement de style, d’attitude, à un renversement de pensée, à une nouvelle conception du social.

Braudel (1958)


Shellmounds (also known in Brazilian archaeology as sambaquis), understood as archaeological sites whose stratigraphic matrices are composed predominantly by shells, are found in fluvial and coastal contexts throughout the planet. They can be understood as meaningful places (Zedeño and Bowser 2009) where human occupation has persisted for millennia (Schlanger 1992). The convergence of factors which led to the emergence and countless waves of reoccupation of these sites has been studied...

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We would like to thank all the people that helped in the development of the archaeological research in the middle Guaporé River basin, especially the amazing team of the Laboratory for Tropical Archaeology from the Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology of São Paulo University and the people from government agencies (Funai, ICMBio, Idaron) who gave us crucial assistance to carry out the fieldworks. The Laboratory for Geochronology of Brasilia University hosted the analysis of early ceramic materials from Monte Castelo and we have a special thanks for the support of Dr. Roberto Ventura Santos. The pictures from Dr. Elisangela Oliveira of Taperinha ceramics brought new colors to the discussion, so we want to thank her and Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi’s crew for giving us the rights to use the images. Diogo Lima Saraiva from Brasilia University was responsible for the translation from Portuguese to English. Postdoctoral fellowship 152582/2018-5 from CNPq - Brazil (FAP), PhD fellowships from Capes (FAP) and CNPq - Brazil (CAZN), and other grants from NGS and CNPq - Brazil (EGN) funded this research. Communities from the municipality of Costa Marques to the Rio Branco IL have kindly hosted us in their lands and helped us in so many ways, and this chapter is dedicated to them.

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Pugliese, F.A., Augusto Zimpel Neto, C., Neves, E.G. (2019). What do Amazonian Shellmounds Tell Us About the Long-Term Indigenous History of South America?. In: Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology. Springer, Cham.

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  • Publisher Name: Springer, Cham

  • Print ISBN: 978-3-319-51726-1

  • Online ISBN: 978-3-319-51726-1

  • eBook Packages: Springer Reference HistoryReference Module Humanities and Social SciencesReference Module Humanities

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    What do Amazonian Shellmounds Tell Us About the Long-Term Indigenous History of South America?
    30 May 2019


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    What do Amazonian Shellmounds Tell Us About the Long-Term Indigenous History of South America?
    22 August 2018
