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Diversity of Human CpG Islands

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Handbook of Nutrition, Diet, and Epigenetics


CpG islands (CGIs) are the most extensively studied regulatory features in mammalian genomes. Identified first in the early 1980s using methylation-sensitive restriction enzymes, CpG islands were defined as clusters of unmethylated CpG dinucleotides. Compared to the highly methylated nature of the bulk human genome, CGIs constitute as much as 1% of the DNA of all types of tissues including embryonic, somatic, and germ lines. Earlier analyses revealed strong associations between CGIs and transcription start sites, rendering researchers to use CGIs as markers for genes. Utilizing the particular sequence-nature of CGIs, many methods to identify CGIs from genome sequences have been developed throughout the years. These methods were highly useful to guide researchers to focus on specific regions of the genome. With the recent advent of efficient experimental tools to analyze DNA methylation, CpG island research has entered a new era. Newly accumulating data on genome-wide DNA methylation allowed researchers to identify clusters of unmethylated CpGs, regardless of their sequence characteristics. Efforts on this end have produced comprehensive, experimentally verified catalogues of “epigenetic” CpG islands from the human genome. Notably, many epigenetic CpG islands that were previously not detected by sequence-based methods are now known. Epigenetically determined CpG islands reveal tremendous insights into the molecular, functional, and evolutionary diversity of these elements as well as how they affect key regulatory processes of the human genome.

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CXXC affinity purification


CpG island

CpG O/E:

Observed/expected CpG ratio






Methylated DNA immunoprecipitation chip


Methylated DNA immunoprecipitation sequencing


Polymerase chain reaction


Reduced representation bisulfite sequencing


Single-molecule real-time sequencing


Transcription start site


University of California, Santa Cruz


Whole-genome bisulfite sequencing


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Mendizabal, I., Yi, S. (2017). Diversity of Human CpG Islands. In: Patel, V., Preedy, V. (eds) Handbook of Nutrition, Diet, and Epigenetics. Springer, Cham.

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