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Table 1 Accelerated and blast phase in CML and PV

From: Chronic Myeloid Leukemia and Polycythemia Vera Progression


Accelerate phasea

Blast phase


Persistent or increasing white blood cell count (>10 3 × 109/L)

Persistent or increasing splenomegaly

Persistent thrombocytosis (>1000 × 109/L)

Persistent thrombocytopenia (<100 × 109/L) unrelated to therapy

20% or more blood basophils

10%–19% blasts in the blood or bone marrow

Additional clonal chromosomal abnormalities (second Ph, trisomy 8, isochromosome 17q, trisomy 19, complex karyotype, or abnormalities of 3q26.2)

Any new clonal chromosomal abnormality in Ph1 cells that occurs during therapy

Tyrosine kinase inhibitor resistanceb

≥20% blasts in the bone marrow and/or peripheral blood

Extramedullary blast proliferation


Spent phase, post-polycythemic myelofibrosis

Leucoerythroblastic blood smear

Bone marrow fibrosis

Decreasing blood cell counts and increasing splenomegaly

Leukocytosis like in atypical CML or chronic myelomonocytic leukemia

10%–19% blasts in the blood or bone marrow

≥20% blasts in the bone marrow and/or peripheral blood

Extramedullary blast proliferation

  1. aIn PV, acceleration is not an established term. In general use are designations as spent phase and post-polycythemic myelofibrosis
  2. bSee text