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Green Roofs: Ecological Functions of the Fifth Facade

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The Landscape Research and Development Society (FLL) is a nonprofit organization that was founded in 1975. Its mission is to research, produce, and disseminate all the various landscape development principles, guidelines, and specifications for the assurance of environmental quality [1].


The Greening Building Association (BUGG) is a specialized group that was founded by some members of FLL to focus more specifically on green building. The FBB is the German counterpart to the American industry association Green Roofs for Healthy Cities (GRHC) and one of the founding members of the World Green Infrastructure Network (WGIN). The German word “Bauwerksbegrünung” has no translation in English – green infrastructure in the sense of BUGG is focused on all forms of urban green.

Extensive green roofs (EGR):

also called natural green roofs, or eco-roofs, are vegetated roof constructions that require low maintenance. Drought-adapted plant species are used to create a...

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Additional Books and Reviews

  • Dunnet N, Kingsbury N (2008) Planting green roofs and living walls, 2nd edn. Timber, Portland

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  • Ernst W (2005) Dachabdichtung Dachbegrünung. IRB-Fraunhofer Gesellschaft Stuttgart

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  • Köhler M, Ansel W, Appl R, Betzler F, Mann G, Ottelé M, Wünschmann S (2012) Handbuch Bauwerksbegrünung. R. Müller Verlag, Köln, 250p

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  • Briz J, Koehler M, de Felipe, I, (2018) Green Cities in the World. Ed. Agricola Espaniola, Madrid. 2nd. Ed. Publication of the World Green infrastructure network

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Köhler, M., Clements, A.M. (2020). Green Roofs: Ecological Functions of the Fifth Facade. In: Meyers, R. (eds) Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology. Springer, New York, NY.

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  • Publisher Name: Springer, New York, NY

  • Print ISBN: 978-1-4939-2493-6

  • Online ISBN: 978-1-4939-2493-6

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