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Historical Shipwrecks, Archaeometry of

State of Knowledge and Current Debates


Archaeometry can be broadly defined as the field where knowledge and analytical methods and techniques from natural and applied sciences enhance research carried out in archaeology and related disciplines, such as art history. In this context, an interdisciplinary approach is of crucial relevance for the entire research process. Close interaction between different specialists allows for systematic means of collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data to be applied and to shed light on archaeological questions about the life of past societies. Until the 1990s, most studies were focused on answering inquiries related to dating, exploration, artifact function and use, material sources, and manufacture methods. From then on, research topics, scale of analysis, and materials considered have expanded. Likewise, some analytical means became more complex, while new ones were incorporated. Thus, it was possible to achieve a more comprehensive...

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Further Readings

  • Adams, J. 2001. Ships and boats as archaeological source material. World Archaeology 32 (3): 292–310.

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  • Bass, G.F. 2011. The development of maritime archaeology. In The oxford handbook of maritime archaeology, ed. A. Catsambis, B. Ford, and D.L. Hamilton, 3–22. New York: Oxford University Press.

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  • Ciarlo, N.C., H. De Rosa, H. Lorusso, C. Vázquez, D. Elkin, and G. Custo. 2015. Veritas Temporis Filia: Non-destructive analysis of counterfeit and regal copper coins from the sloop-of-war HMS Swift (1770), by means of SEM-EDAX and WDXRF. Numismatic Chronicle 175: 227–242.

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  • Cohen, M., D. Ashkenazi, Y. Kahanov, A. Stern, S. Klein, and D. Cvikel. 2015. The brass nails of the Akko Tower wreck (Israel): Archaeometallurgical analyses. Metallography, Microstructure, and Analysis 4: 188–206.

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  • Dillmann, P., G. Béranger, P. Piccardo, and H. Matthiesen, eds. 2007. Corrosion of metallic heritage artefacts. Investigation, conservation and prediction for long-term behaviour, European Federation of Corrosion Publications 48. Cambridge: Woodhead Publishing Ltd./Maney Publishing Ltd.

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  • Gould, R.A. 2011. Archaeology and the social history of ships. New York: Cambridge University Press.

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  • Hocker, E., G. Almkvist, and M. Sahlstedt. 2012. The Vasa experience with polyethylene glycol: A conservator’s perspective. Journal of Cultural Heritage 13 (Supplement 3): S175–S182.

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  • Labbe, M. 2010. A Preliminary Reconstruction of the Yassiada Sixteenth-Century Ottoman Wreck. Unpublished Master dissertation, Texas A&M University. Available at: Accessed 5 Sept 2017. Accessed 5 May 2017.

  • Macleod, I. 1989. The application of corrosion science to the management of maritime archaeological sites. The Bulletin of the Australian Institute for Maritime Archaeology 13 (2): 7–16.

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  • Mertes, J., T. Thomsen, and J. Gulley. 2014. Evaluation of structure from motion software to create 3d models of late nineteenth century great lakes shipwrecks using archived diver-acquired video surveys. Journal of Maritime Archaeology 9: 173–189.

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  • Moore, J.D. 2015. Long-term corrosion processes of iron and steel shipwrecks in the marine environment: A review of current knowledge. Journal of Maritime Archaeology 10 (3): 191–204.

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  • Näsänen, L.M.E., N.G. González-Pereyra, S.A. Cretté, and P. Deviviés. 2013. The applicability of subcritical fluids to the conservation of actively corroding iron artifacts of cultural significance. The Journal of Supercritical Fluids 79: 289–298.

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Ciarlo, N.C. (2019). Historical Shipwrecks, Archaeometry of. In: Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology. Springer, Cham.

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    Historical Shipwrecks, Archaeometry of
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