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In Search of the Traces of the History of Management in Latin America, 1870–2020

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The Palgrave Handbook of Management History


Little is known about the history of management in Latin America and other emerging markets. Nor notice of interest on its existence is to be found in recent debates on the need of a “new,” or “radical,” or “critical” history of management. This chapter explores the possibility of doing research on this field and proposes a research agenda for “a” history of management in Latin America. For that purpose, it examines the impact of three management approaches in the region, during the period of 1870–2020. The approaches considered are management as part of the development ideology, as a practice, and as knowledge diffused through management education. The core is the traces left by the ideas and practices (strategies and techniques) by which economic actors in specific settings responded to dynamic, historical contextual realities in some of the countries in the region. The findings and lessons, both theoretical and methodological, that have emerged from the flourishing Latin American business historiography – an illustration of the alternative business history (ABH) – are used to identify some of the traces of management and to assess their research potential. A research agenda for further discussion in proposed.

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Dávila, C. (2020). In Search of the Traces of the History of Management in Latin America, 1870–2020. In: Muldoon, J., Gould, A., McMurray, A. (eds) The Palgrave Handbook of Management History. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

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